Thursday, June 16, 2011

Moments That Make Your Day

Do you ever wonder when you wake up if it will be a good day or a bad one? What kind of surprises will lurk in the dark corners waiting to completely knock you for a loop? Days that make you cringe wondering how will you get through it all, wondering if there is any hope for a bright moment?

I've been on Facebook lately and it saddens me as I gain more followers through book reviews or even through games I play when the nights get long, to see so many people out there searching for more than what this world will offer.

They want validation for their life. They want to know they matter somewhere. They want to know that today will not go by un-noticed by anyone. We all want great days, days that are memorable in great ways and ones that when you look back will make you smile.

For my oldest daughter, Caitlyn's graduation present from us, we created what I have called her book of Happy Moments. With the aid of all her friends and family I asked 4 questions and for their responses. The questions were:

1. What is your best/favorite memory of being with Caitlyn. Please be as specific and detailed as possible.

2. What are her best qualities that you see in her and why?

3. What is one thing that has impacted your life today by knowing or having Caitlyn in your life?

4. What advice or parting words of wisdom do you want her to remember?

I compiled all the response and had them printed and put in a journal that we began for her but she will work on and create an ending for. I know over time, we can be our own worst enemies and beat ourselves up more than most people can. There will be moments that we will wonder just what does it all mean and at the worst, allow those thoughts to dictate our moods.

This book is meant to counteract that, it's meant to be filled with things, pictures, quotes, or anything that will make her smile. We all know that cloudy, stormy days will come, but we need to remember that above all those clouds, the sun still shines.

Today I received a wonderful and heartwarming email that touched my heart from an author of a book I have recently reviewed. It had to be the best letter I have ever received on my ability not only to review his book beautifully but even addressed my writing. For me, this was my smile moment today and one that I am keeping in my own happy book.

As a believer, we still get discouraged, beat down and trampled, but we need to remember it's a choice whether we stay down, or reach out for God's hand and get back up again and move forward. I hope this post has blessed you in some way. I hope you share your thoughts!

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. ~ Jeremiah 29:11.

If you are in need of encouragement, substitute your name for the word you and be uplifted. He will not let you fall.


  1. The book for Caitlyn is such a good idea - I think she will treasure it!
    That verse is one of my favorites.

  2. When good people, such as you, have good thoughts, the find great ways to help others. You are one of a kind. That is truly a blessing that I am sure your daughter will appreciate more as she gets older. That is a lovely picture of you two.

  3. That's a book that will always be cherished. Congratulations on your baby girl graduating.

    I appreciated your words. There's lots of good but tons of stress in my life right now so holding on to the "good" is a big help. Thank you, Kat.

  4. I am glad to have found your blog; it is both encouraging and inspiring.....

    The book is a great idea. I am sure she will treasure it...

    Hugs and blessings,

  5. I love that idea..I wish I had thought to do something like that for my girls. That will be a treasure for her I know.

  6. My sister and I created scrapbooks for our kids when they graduated also like this with photos of them and sentiments as you described. What's neat is how they unite family years and years later! Congratulations to Caitlyn. Adorable photo!

  7. "Thy refuge is the God of old, And underneath are the eternal arms."

  8. Love this idea! Wow! Time flies. My daughter is now in highschool and it scares me to death. What do people do without faith?

  9. What a special enjoyed catching up with you tonight...Happy Sunday


My thoughts for the day are