As June arrives tomorrow, graduation celebrations are in full swing. Kids are at the peak of summer and plans for them are already underway. But one thing remains forgotten in all of this celebration, that is the risks that loom on the horizon for our newest drivers.
Back in the day, Oh yeah, it's one of those moments again, when we grew up learning to drive our biggest distraction was the 8 track tape players or cassette players if we were fortunate to have one in our cars. We had a few close friends that we looked forward to heading to our favorite places with, along with no parents either.
Now today, our teens are more distracted than ever before. They have cell phones, laptops, Ipods, and GPS systems all intergrated into the car, along with their favorite school friends. This is where driving gets deadly. There are too many distractions for our kids to handle.
Here is my challenge to you and your families. What is the risk for you? Just how important is that phone call or latest text message? Can it wait? Until it's safe for you to receive it or check it?
What is your life worth for reading one message from your friend? I guarantee you, it's not worth the risk to lose it all over just one moment in time. So here's my challenge and even I am afraid, I too, have been guilty of this. Of taking a phone call, or reading a message or even responding to a text, although I usually wait for a red light first. If I don't set the example to my own kids, then who will.
As parents, before we send our kids out for summer vacations, take the challenge with me. Challenge your kids to take it too! In fact, the more people that can spread the word, the better our odds are.
I challenge you to take the pledge to Not Text while driving. In fact, I am taking it that much further and am not taking calls while I drive any longer. Studies show that 11 of our children are killed every single day by distracted driving. That means, texting while driving, talking while driving and just about everything else including just driving.
So what's it worth to you as a parent or even a teen reading this. Is your friends lives worth it? What about your families who will have to deal with the aftermath of knowing that your death or that of someone else could have been prevented by just waiting til you arrived at your destination to return that message? Trust me, nothing is that important. Your life means something. You were destined for greatness and not a text message.
Just this weekend, I happened to watch an episode of Extreme Home Make Over and saw the tragedy that struck the Brown family. Their daughter on the verge of graduating died one morning while she was texting and caused her pick up truck to overturn several times, ejecting her from the vehicle. Was her life worth it?
Now her family has vowed to spend their time sharing their story along with Alex's wrecked pick up to share just how real the dangers are for distracted driving for anyone. Us, parents, included.
So will you take the pledge and challenge everyone else you know to do the same???
I just cannot imagine losing one of my children. This has happened to so many with their children and all the distractions in driving. I hope those who have heard her story will remember, that includes adults too. Good reminder!
Excellent challenge material, Kat. But just tossing my $0.02 in when I remind you that, while riding a motorcycle, you can't hear your phone ring, and all txt messages go unnoticed until the rider stops for fuel. One of the biggest threats to motorcyclists is knuckleheads texting while driving. Don't text and drive, The life you save may be a motorcycle missionary with a wife and kids of his own.
My youngest sister was killed at age 17 in a senseless car crash. It was before the era of cell phones and was a result of bad choices by her friend. I continue to share with others every opportunity GOD gives me how important our choices bad choice can cost a life.
Father, I come to You, confessing my sin and asking for Your forgiveness. I thank you, Lord, for You have promised that if I will confess my sins, You will be faithful to forgive me and cleanse me from all unrighteousness. I want to turn from my sins and live in Your will. I ask that You give me the power through Your Holy Spirit to live the right way.
I thank You that Jesus Christ died on the cross, paying the price for my sins, and then rose from the dead. I accept Him now as my Savior, my Lord, and my Friend. Thank You for giving me new life in Christ. I surrender myself to You; make me what You want me to be. In Jesus' name. Amen!
This is my online ministry that God is using to bring about encouragement, hope and love to a hurting and dark world. I am hoping that all of you that find your way here will take something away that will add some meaning to your life! I personally feel it's a calling I have from God at this time in my life to reach out to people that are hurting and offer them hope in a dark world or at least give them a smile and laughter back! I am sold out, body, mind, spirit and soul to Jesus Christ! This blog is dedicated to God, The Great I AM, Alpha and Omega, Jesus Christ, my Savior!
I just cannot imagine losing one of my children. This has happened to so many with their children and all the distractions in driving. I hope those who have heard her story will remember, that includes adults too. Good reminder!
I watched that show too. I wish there was some way that texting didn't even work once you got behind the wheel. It is way to dangerous!
Tragic but a good reminder for sure. We did fine growing up without texting and cell phones...what a great challenge.
Thank you for sharing this story!
Excellent challenge material, Kat. But just tossing my $0.02 in when I remind you that, while riding a motorcycle, you can't hear your phone ring, and all txt messages go unnoticed until the rider stops for fuel. One of the biggest threats to motorcyclists is knuckleheads texting while driving. Don't text and drive, The life you save may be a motorcycle missionary with a wife and kids of his own.
My youngest sister was killed at age 17 in a senseless car crash. It was before the era of cell phones and was a result of bad choices by her friend. I continue to share with others every opportunity GOD gives me how important our choices bad choice can cost a life.
Great post and great challenge!
Hugs, andrea
Such a sad story. I agree, texting just isn't worth the risk.
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