Sunday, April 17, 2011

Time To Cross The Border!

“Teach me your way, O Lord, and I will walk in your truth; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name.” (Psalm 86:11)

Ever have distractions that pop up and keep you from doing what God wants for you in your life? Perhaps it's food, Facebook, the computer, TV, volunteering, socializing, or even books.

I find we need to rethink our schedules and priorities each day and making sure we are balancing them with the important things, God, marriage, family, and our children before everything else. If we don't, those are the things we will place on a sacrificial alter of our own doing and reap whatever consequences befall us.

Especially with technology being more prevalent in our lives and in our families lives than ever before, we need boundaries. We need to know when enough is truly enough. For me, it means placing a limit on how many books I can review, what types I read, how much time I spend on the computer, and how much TV do I watch. For my husband, it's how many hours he's spending at work both traveling and at home.

I have to look at my personal life and see if I am wasting my time doing things that keep me from what's important. Do I have time to run errands and do things around the house for my family that need to be done regardless of the cost of my personal fun! I used to look back and see how much time was wasted and how many other things I could have accomplished because I settled for what I wanted instead of what was important. Priorities and boundaries!

Most of all, I need to begin and end my day with God in my thoughts, my heart and in my actions, thanking Him for everything that happens. A daily reminder that we wage a spiritual war and we must be prepared for battle on all fronts.

Unless this happen,s we will feel pressured, stressed and worn out, when God gives us the perfect amount of time to get everything done in 24 hours. How are you using yours today? If you are feeling worn out and tired, it may be time to re-evaluate your schedule and set new boundaries, keeping whats important at the top!


  1. Oh my, did you step on my toes today? I tend to go overboard on this computer at times. This weekend, I did do some of the things that I really needed to do, but did not get everything done that I needed to. In going back to work tomorrow, I realize that my time at home has ended until next weekend. Since I can't handle much else other than the job during week days, I use that time for the computer, but need weekends for other things. So, thanks for the reminder that we need to keep our priorities straight!

  2. It sometimes takes me to come down with a cold before I realize that I haven't been taking time for me or slowing down. Thanks for the reminder.

  3. Scripture reminds us "IN all things rejoice." Not FOR all things...

  4. Kat, see my blog posted 4-19-11. I have given you an award. You have been such an inspiration to me!


My thoughts for the day are