Thursday, April 14, 2011

Seeing God In Your Day

Do you ever have one of those days where you look back on the last few days and really see God's hand in your life?

I, for one, have lately. In recent days, I have had emails and book requests that have all culminated in regards to the same subject matter, drawing near to God.

I've read books dealing with the quality of a man's heart and soul in a Christian suspense thriller called Rooms. One of the very first books, I had uploaded to my Kindle. In addition, I've read a book called The Heavenly Host: The Testings of Devotion, that relates the story of the falling away of the angels and what heavens purpose is in dealing with them, Lucifer and the human race. And most recently, I had the pleasure to motivate in the right way in my personal life in the book, The Final Summit by Andy Andrews, one of my personal favorite authors.

Not only that, but in recent weeks, I believe I've read over 4 books dealing with end times prophecy, 2012, the unseen world, and God's purpose in all of it. The most eye-opening was Midnight Rising, a call for this generation to wake up!

The final straw for me, was having a conversation the other day with my oldest daughter who asked me if I believe that angels are around us, what happens to people who commit suicide as well as do I believe we are living in the last days.

Recently I feel like I have had a divine intervention with God in how I will respond to these questions and a renewal in my spiritual walk like I haven't had in awhile. Like a spiritual vitamin B12 shot almost.

I have a sense each morning that I am walking with God and releasing my life, not just parts of it, but all of it to Him and willing to accept the costs, good, bad or ugly. I have found peace and such quiet comfort in certain areas of my life. That's the best part. I'm not saying I don't get mad or frustrated, but I am asking to see things in the bigger picture through God's eyes, His control and His will and letting go of my own.

I am holding on to this time, because it doesn't always last as long as I would like. Perhaps like the vitamin B12 shots, it's not meant as a long term fix, but to provide the push and incentive I've been waiting for in my dry spell. Thank you for that God.

Dear God, as I spend the next few days reflecting on the last weeks of Jesus' life as we prepare for Easter, may my eyes be truly opened and my heart filled with the desires of Your life and Your will for me and my family. I ask that you show me compassion and love for people who need the hope I have and to provide them guidance to show them the way to Your home, an eternal life filled with the peace we all desire in our lives. Use me everyday, remind me before I wake that I can't begin my day without You and find time in my day to reflect on Your presence and talk with you throughout the day. I ask these things in Your mighty name, Amen!

“Blessed are the pure in heart, they will see God.” (Matthew 5:8)


  1. I love those times! I just finished reading Rooms too, and thought it was excellent!

  2. We all go through those "dry" times and it is so refreshing to feel His presence in our lives. Oh that our whole country may wake up and realize that without Him, there is no life.

  3. so much good things to think about in this post Kat! i have been thinking lately about how God has been in the details of so many things that we don't realize until sometimes years and years later! isn't He just so good??

  4. As we bless the Lord for the blessings he gives how important it is to know that in the dry periods His care is always neer.


My thoughts for the day are