David Ponder is 74 and what many would consider a very successful man. He has built up his vast financial empire without borrowing any money to acquire his real estate holdings, which in itself could be considered by many to be the pinnacle of determining success.
However David Ponder isn't happy. What he wishes more than anything most days is to end his life and return to heaven where his wife has already gone before him. He misses her so much and even though its been eight months ago. She wasn't even sick when she passed, just went to bed after spending the night with his daughter Jenny and their grandkids and never woke up. Never even said good-bye.
David's success has been in part due to The Seven Decisions that have been endowed to him as a gift from the angel Gabriel. He has allowed David to journey back in time to meet with people to provide him with wisdom and knowledge to move his life forward in the present. He values these encounters more than anything. He keeps the memories with him in a small worn out navy blue tobacco pouch. This encourage and motivate him when things or life get too hard to manage. Tonight is one of those nights.
Only tonight the archangel, Gabriel, has another plan for David. Is he about to get his wish to see Ellen or will Gabriel have a bigger message to show David?
In the sequel to the book, The Traveler's Gift by Andy Andrew, The Final Summit continues our story once more with David Ponder. In this book the fate of all mankind may be in his own hands. How he will use his time and what decisions he will make will change things for everyone forever.
I received this book compliments of Thomas Nelson Publishers for my honest review. Since I hadn't read the first book, I was wondering if I would be missing out on anything. Yet being the master as weaving a heart-warming story once more, Andy takes us all on that journey and gives us a peek back into the gifts found in the first book as David revisits them one night.
Once in your life you come across prolific writers who in the creating of a story do more than just write a book, they change your life. Forever. This book does just that. It will change how you view every decision you will ever come across and face. It will challenge you to face your fears or be ruled by them forever, changing nothing. It gives us hope, provides wisdom, encourages courage, and teaches us self-discipline in the process. It restores what God had created in all of us. For that, I personally thank you Andy Andrews. This one, you won't want to miss. Hands down it inspires as never before with 5 amazing and talented stars. If you have never read a book penned by Mr. Andrews, start with this one, and then be prepared to capture his entire library of books. I know for one, I am.
Like The Noticer and The Heart Mender, The Final Summit will be joining them in my personal library and be read over and over again, sharing their life stories with friends and family.
This book is available in hardcover, CD, and eBook formats. For more information about this book, The Final Summit by Andy Andrews, more on the author including his website and where to pick up this copy, click on the link below:
How interesting - you've sold the book to me!
It sounds really good!
ReplyDeleteGreat review, it sounds like a very good story.