Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Hearts Aglow

Deborah Vandermark has always dreamed of becoming a doctor in Texas, yet amid the constant stares and whispers around her, it seems as though the town isn't quite ready for a woman doctor. Christopher Clayton is the only doctor in these parts that is able to treat the people of Perkinsville. He sees hope in Deborah's eyes and such a passion and desire to care for the people of this town. So whenever possible he passes along his medical journals and magazines for Deborah to read as well as help out in his office whenever possible. He sees more in Deborah than just an interest in becoming a doctor. He just can't forget about his own past to move forward and court Deborah properly.

In the town of Perkinsville that isn't the only thing stirring in the night, as Sissy's husband and son are hanged in the middle of the night strictly due to the color of their skin. Sissy only survived because she managed to walk into town and fall into the hands of Deborah's mother and her brother G.W. With her having a degree of medical training, Deborah is the only hope Sissy has until they can locate Dr. Clayton.

Now it seems like Deborah isn't the only one to question why God allows such things to happen. Seems like a whole lot of people in town are going to start to wonder the very same thing.

In the sequel to Embers of Love by Tracie Peterson, we are once more reunited with Deborah Vandermark and her mentor/doctor Christopher Clayton. Set in the late 1800's in a town called Perkinsville, Texas, the town is about to come full circle when the past that Deborah and Clayton thought were behind them suddenly throws both into the faith of God. I couldn't wait to read this one as the love between Clayton and Deborah captivated me in the first novel as well as the strong character and ambition that Deborah displays in rising above the stereotypes of the town amid gossips and rumors of her personal character to become a woman most men would be willing to die for.

I received this book compliments of Christian Fiction Blog Alliance for my honest review and fell in love once more. Not only with the characters of Deborah and Clayton, but even the courage of Sissy to deal with the loss of her husband and son and once more find love and hope in holding onto to God. This one rates a 5 out of 5 stars! I can't wait with fingers crossed that once more Tracie will continue this story into a third book.

Here's even more great information about the book, the author and a first chapter glimpse that is guaranteed to have you wanting to read this amazing story.

This week, the
Christian Fiction Blog Alliance
is introducing
Hearts Aglow
Bethany House (March 1, 2011)
Tracie Peterson


Tracie Peterson is the bestselling, award-winning author of more than 85 novels.

She received her first book contract in November, 1992 and saw A Place To Belong published in February 1993 with Barbour Publishings' Heartsong Presents. She wrote exclusively with Heartsong for the next two years, receiving their readership's vote for Favorite Author of the Year for three years in a row.

In December, 1995 she signed a contract with Bethany House Publishers to co-write a series with author Judith Pella. Tracie now writes exclusively for Bethany House Publishers.

She teaches writing workshops at a variety of conferences on subjects such as inspirational romance and historical research.

Tracie was awarded the Romantic Times Career Achievement Award for 2007 Inspirational Fiction and her books have won numerous awards for favorite books in a variety of contests.

Making her home in Montana, this Kansas native enjoys spending time with family--especially her three grandchildren--Rainy, Fox and Max. She's active in her church as the Director of Women's Ministries, coordinates a yearly writer's retreat for published authors, and travels, as time permits, to research her books


The future should be bright for Deborah Vandermark, who is now pursuing her interest in medicine alongside Dr. Christopher Clayton, who is courting her. But the lumber town is resistant to the idea of a woman physician, and she feels thwarted at every turn.

A more devastating blow occurs, however, when Christopher breaks off their relationship to return home to his troubled family. Despite her own love life going awry, Deborah is still intent to be a matchmaker for both her widowed mother and her brother, who has caught the eye of the spit-fire daughter of the local pastor.

But what will Deborah do when faced with the truth about Christopher's family? Is there hope for the two of them...or will Jake Wyeth's attentions finally catch Deborah's eye instead?

If you would like to read the first chapter of Hearts Aglow, go HERE.


  1. I have read several of her books and dearly loved them all. I will have to check this one out. Trust all is well with you and family.

  2. Sounds like an excellent book. I've read several books by Tracie Peterson in the past but have never heard of this series until now. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Good review. And Tracie has written 85 books ... I can't imagine writing that many! She has to be both creative and very disciplined.



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