Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Figuring Your Life Out

Too many times we live our life on the edge. Waiting for the inevitable to happen which may or may not come true.

Sometimes we look at all that goes wrong in our lives and wonder just what that other path would have lead to now that we stand at the dead end.

Yet in the midst of each new day, each precious, golden hour, every beautiful minute or breath-taking second, we have the choice. The choice is ours alone to make.

We may be influenced, or swayed but ultimately each decision we make is ours alone. So many people are without hope, which is such a tragedy despite all the things that are falling down around us. The disasters in Japan, the conflicts in Libya, the economic recovery of our own country and our own struggle to make it, can often take our breath away. We can fall short of seeing the fleeting, beautiful signs all around us of how magical and wonderful this life of ours can truly be.

Our choice is where we will look?

Will we chose to look at all the things going wrong, dealing with frustrations, worries and anxiety and stress?

Or will we chose instead to search for the treasure of good that lies within it all and find something good today. I challenge you to share your search for goodness today and change your focus. I leave you with a short video that touches on this very thing and hope you will share your special gifts with me today by leaving a comment. What was your gift today?

Mine? Hubby is already flying back home! I can't wait to tell him when I see him!

(If this loads too slow, double click on it to view it directly from YouTube!)

By the way you can go directly to Ann's website by clicking here.


  1. A very sweet little girl's smile! That was my treasure today, as was a very beautiful morning sunrise the other morning! Thanks for making us think about what many blessings we have instead of constantly dealing with the troubles of life.

  2. Outside my kitchen window are two very robust Maple trees. Both are threatening to blow up with blooms any minute. I'm simply captivated.

  3. Oh Kat Sweetie...
    Hugs, hugs, hugs. I love to come and read and was so happy to see you post on a site that gave me your link. I am still without a dashboard so unless someone posts, I don't have a link to come and visit. Darn it has been a frustrating thing, but the GOOD thing, I searched through and found you on another post, and here I am. YEAH....
    O love reading your writes, they are so elegant and heart touching. Thank you so much for the reminder.

    Each and every day, the highlight of my day is seeing Tony get off the bus and walk towards me. I love his gait, his character and his beautiful smile. I can always rely on that I love you at the end of the day. Isn't it beautiful?

    I hope you are well sweet friend. I think of you daily. Many hugs and much love, Sherry

  4. Excellent post! Mine was being able to pray with one of my sweet residents today. That sweet time together had me crying - good tears though.

  5. Thanks Kat! Appreciate your FB comment and this post. Have a good day!

  6. Thanks for taking time to drop by for a visit. I am always glad when you do. I often wonder why I am still here. Just what is my purpose in life really supposed to be. You would think after all these years, I would know. I try to live right and help others.

  7. What a great video. Thank you for the link.


My thoughts for the day are