Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Southwest Comes to Aid of Dying Child

Never do anything against conscience even if the state demands it. --Albert Einstein

Good News of the Day:
Time was running out, and Mark Dickinson wasn't sure whether he'd get to see his dying 2-year-old grandson one last time. A long line in security had kept him from getting to his gate on time. In a desperate last attempt, Dickinson's wife called the airline to ask them to hold the plane for him. That's when the pilot stepped up and held the flight at the gate until Dickinson arrived, running in socks, so rushed that he just grabbed his shoes at security and ran through the terminal. While most airlines punish any staff member who holds up a flight, this remarkable display of empathy and discernment had this one celebrating. [ more ]

Be The Change:
When faced with a challenging decision, take a step back from the protocols and listen to your conscience.


  1. Nice to hear of someone who took the risk of reprimand for the good of someone else. Good lesson!

  2. With all the stuff you hear on the news, it is nice to hear of someone going the extra mile on someone else's behalf. It is good to hear that the airline did not add to the grief of this family's already tragic situation.

  3. It is wonderful to hear "good" news for a change! And this is great news to hear of someone who would dare to go the extra mile! Thanks for sharing this today.

  4. A wonderful start to my day after reading this. Thanks, Kat.

  5. I love hearing stories like this!! Thanks for sharing it!!

  6. What a wonderful pilot, with a big heart.

  7. It's good to know that we still have a few caring people in this world that are willing to reach out to another in time of pain. Thanks for sharing:)

  8. So good to know that there are still people in this world that have love and compassion in their hearts!

  9. I think it is important to listen to your gut////your heart.
    Sometimes it is God's way of telling us ...showing us....a better way.

  10. awesome blog!!!
    You you are invited to follow my blog!

  11. Inspiring story. Thanks for sharing.

  12. This was a touching story. If only many years ago, I could have applied this to my life when my own daughter was growing up. I will remember it, and use it in my daily life of events.
    Thanks for sharing, and letting God use it to open up my eyes.



My thoughts for the day are