Knowing that Thanksgiving is just literally around the corner, I am interested to know just what plans everyone has.
Do you stay home or travel to grandmothers house, over the river and through the woods?
Do you invite family and friends or just keep it close and personal?
Do you volunteer at local food kitchens or perhaps have to work?
Do you have any traditions that you keep every year or have new ones you're going to incorporate?
What do you usually serve?
For us, since family is pretty spread out, we just have our immediate family meaning Steve, and I along with our kids. Sometimes we even include friends of the kids or ours that don't have anywhere to go, that makes it extra special.
We usually watch the Thanksgiving day parade while making preparations early that morning getting the turkey in the oven, which Steve does because it comes out flawless and so juicy. Then we make appetizers to munch on throughout the day like bruschetta and bread along with some olive tapinade, shrimp cocktail and even chips and salsa before the big dinner later on.
We will watch Miracle on 34th Street the color and new version because it's such a classic and it too takes place on Thanksgiving into the Christmas season and gets us in the mood. We don't begin decorating our house until the next day. We are not Black Friday shoppers because Steve and I don't care for crowds and getting up early.
Our menu consists of turkey, mashed potatoes with gravy, homemade biscuits, spicy green beans with onions and bacon, stuffing, cranberry sauce, deviled eggs and of course, pumpkin and apple pie for desert. We serve Martinelli's sparkling apple cider in champagne glasses and of course decorate our table so it looks inviting and festive.
We are hoping for cooler temps to make it feel like fall after these last few days of near 80's. Praying for rainy weather and perhaps snow????
Looking forward to hearing all your wonderful details!!
I too want cooler weather for Thanksgiving..My husband and I are empty nesters and our children are scattered and involved in their lives. My husband loves to cook and I must say I favor pumpkin pie...Love it with a cup of coffee.Your meal sounds "yummy" and I too am not one to want to shop with all of the crowds and just want to chill. Sometime I would really like to help out at a food kitchen or a mission...May your day be full of special blessings.
ReplyDeleteWell, since we keep Thanksgiving every year but don't live in the States (at this time) we have to celebrate it normally on Saturday or Sunday! But we do so in the traditional way! While preparing the meal we have a tape of a previous Macy's thanksgiving Day Parade playing in the background as everyone joins in the preparation - friends and family members!That's half the fun! And the kitchen never gets too messy that way either - somebody is always cleaning up! After dinner we normally watch a DVD together then... it's time for leftovers! It's really a fun day for all and made extra special because we always invite someone who has never celebrated Thanksgiving day before so we get to see it through his or her eyes too!
ReplyDeleteHope you have a wonderful time and one full of God's blessings!
Due to my maternal G'ma Cora being a real domineering & demanding person ... & my MIL being the same ... making life miserable for all in-laws ... they were very selfish women who demanded everyone be in their homes for every holiday with no consideration given to the other side of the family, causing terrible feelings for everyone.
ReplyDeleteWe do not gather on holidays to spare my children these issues & feelings. We do Thanksgiving on the weekend after & for Christmas we celebrate family on Christmas Eve & Christmas is private, for each family, tho we often pop in to visit them.
Everyone is happy ...
Have a beautiful & blessed Thanksgiving ~
TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon
It's interesting...Our first year married, my husband and I went to Peru for Thanksgiving. Last year, my grandparents came to New Jersey to visit with us. This year, we're driving to Ohio to visit my husband's family.
ReplyDeleteMaybe MAYBE one day, we'll get back to tradition. All tradition went out the window when my family moved to Hong Kong!
I usually do Thanksgiving as traditional as possible but this year, with being here in Oregon, my oldest daughter will spend time with me and my youngest daughter. I'm not quite sure how traditional it will be as we're still getting settled here.
ReplyDeleteHi there, Girl I am sure we are related-my post today was on favorite dishes for Thanksgiving. I think I'd love to come to your house.
ReplyDeleteWe will spend the afternoon at our daughters where there will be 16 of us for dinner. Pretty much the same menu but Kat I'd love the recipe for your green beans...I need to take some this year but without the mushroom soup. Can you share?
We don't have a lot of time watching parades but do try to play games after dinner.
Hugs to you today sis!
Gorgeous photo!
ReplyDeleteWe'll be home for Thanksgiving. My girls are both coming home for a few days and I cannot wait. It will just be the four of us on the day and then my brother and his wife will be here the day after. Always nice to have someone to help eat up the leftovers!
We'll make all of our traditional favorites and then do a repeat for our Christmas Eve meal. I love Thanksgiving...hope yours is blessed.
When I was growing up we didn't have much of a tradition. Some years it was just my immediate family, and other years we had a huge get together with several other families.
ReplyDeleteNow that my brothers and I are grown and out of the house, things have changed. My mom lives out of state and my dad tends to travel on the holiday, so sometimes it's just the three of us. So normally I'll cook a small meal and we do a dinner together in the early afternoon. Then around 4 I'll head over to my church to help them serve a hot meal for the community.
This year my father's staying home and hosting a bigger family gathering with a lot of my extended family - which means I don't have to cook! I'll still be splitting the day and going to church in the evening to help out though.
The kids bring everyone including the monkey's uncle to Thanksgiving...so I cook and cook and cook some more! I am not ready...LOL!
We travel "over the river and through the woods" to my parents' house. My family, my sister's family, my brother, and some cousins will all be there. It will be wonderful to be together for something GOOD, after the health issues my brother has experienced.
ReplyDeleteWe all bring food and have the traditional turkey dinner with all the trimmings. Our favorite? Sweet potato casserole! :-)
My husband and I will be alone this Thanksgiving. It will be a first! We so miss our children since they had to move to Colorado, but are so thankful that they love it up there and thankful for so many other blessings. Hope your holiday is full of blessings!
ReplyDeleteI love sparkling apple cider! Ever since I moved away and got married, my Thanksgiving traditions have changed. I still like to start decorating for Christmas over the Thanksgiving weekend. This Thanksgiving we are going to my in-laws' and then I might do a free Burn the Bird jazzercise class the next morning! lol
ReplyDeleteSince it's just me and my family, we just have quiet celebrations at home. I love cooler weather, too and I pray we'll have it! Nothing like a bowl of soup or a cup of cocoa, sipping them in front of the fireplace or with tealights glowing around you. Have a Happy Thanksgiving sister! God bless.
ReplyDeleteI just wrote my BLOG about preparing for Thanksgiving too. It seems we are on the same page for some things. Sounds like it is going to be fun at your house too.