UPDATE: 10:33am - My husband called and found out that Ken isn't doing well at all since they brought him into the hospital. His kidneys are failing, one of his lungs isn't responding to the treatment and his heart is weak. They say that this is about as bad as it can get. They have him on the ventilator just to keep air flowing in him and that they will be doing exploratory surgery later to see what is going on with his lungs. ~ Please keep prayers going~ My hubby actually stopped by his room to see him even though he was sedated and he said, It was hard to see and a real awakening.
My husband just got a call last night from his mom that his oldest brother, Ken is in the hospital in the ICU unit. Apparently he had a cold that he went to follow up with a doctor on Tuesday that put him on antibiotics to rid him of the virus.
However late last night his wife told my husband that for the past two days, he couldn't not remember where he was or even who she was. Last night she called for the paramedics who came and took him to the hospital.
This morning we were updated on his progress that they have him sedated and on a ventilator to help him breathe and he has severe pneumonia. They are still running other tests to see what is going on. My husband is on his way to the hospital as I type this.
Both Steve and his brother have not spoken in well over 11 years, not based on anything Steve has done but his brother can't get over his feeling to isolate and punish my husband for not being able to house sit for him some 11+ years ago. Silly isn't it.
He isn't a Christian and thus we could use God's strong hand here. First, the heal Ken and bring him back to full health.
2. Restore the relationship between brothers once and for all.
3. Restore the relationship between Ken and God and allow him to be touched in ways that he won't doubt for one minute who holds the keys to life.
I will keep you all updated on his progress. Thanks again for your urgent prayers.
Of course I'll pray. I hope he recovers quickly and both body and relationships heal.
Yes, Yes, I will pray. My prayer is that God answers your prayers and I too hope that both body and releationships will be healed soon.
I have Ken and family in my prayers... Praying for a speedy recovery for him and for the relationship between him and Steve to be healed..
I'm praying, Kat, for sure. I look forward to hearing how God works in this.
Oh my! I hope that everything works out alright!
I am praying and believing God will move mountains.
G'day Kat ~ Prayers are lifting, period.
Have a beautiful weekend.
TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon
Hi sweetie, I tried to leave a comment on your earlier post but my 'puter deleted it. Thank you so much for letting me know about your bil. Will definitely keep him and the entire situation in prayer. My own sweet hubby has a similar situation that occurred this summer with a sister and she hasn't acknowledged any of his efforts to connect since...such a shame and so sad. I'll pray that the Lord places believers around him and that His truth will set your bil free.
Hugs today and again thank you for letting me know.
Love, Noreen
I know how hard that sibling resentment can be... my sister did that for a while too... now praying!!
I am praying for full recovery and hope that their relationship is healed.
I myself know how the hurt is with my relationship with my sister Joan. It is not my choice. 10 years ago after my 20 year old nephew was murdered she separated herself from the family and we have not spoke since than. I have tried everything and she will not have anything to do with me. I guess she wrote a letter telling my mom that she was going to live her life for God. I just don't understand. My tears are running down as I write this because I know the pain your husband feels. Sorry to be rambling.
even though I don't you God does so I am praying.. take care, Judith (Precious Moments)
Praying for you and your family.
Praying - Love to you
Prayers are going out for Ken and for Steve too. I know how difficult that must be for him to see him after so many years and not having a relationship.
Oh Kat, I am so sorry to hear this. Of course we will pray with you, not only for his health to be restored, but for their relationship to be mended. I cannot imagine a distance like that between my sister and myself. Know we are thinking of and praying for you guys.
Sister Kat, I immediately logged on as soon as I read the comment you had left on my site...Prior to coming, I didn't know how sick your BIL was. But I started praying for his healing, but most of all, that if he wasn't saved [since the Lord knows his heart], for the Lord to give him the healing and more time to be with his family and have his eyes and heart be opened to His gift of salvation.
That is tough...Between bro. Steve and your BIL. But may this trial bring them together and in Jesus' Name, I pray unity between them, for the Lord's bridge to be between them, instead of the wall that the enemy had placed.
Praying God's comfort, strength, provision and miraculous healing over your BIL and his family and same with yours. It is a privilege to join you sister and I'm in agreement with you as we approach the good Lord's throne of grace. Take care. Be strong in the Lord's mighty power! Blessings and love to you.
I'm so sorry to hear this. I'll be praying too.
Sister Kat, came back to let you know that if you didn't mind, i had added your prayer request to sister Angie's "Fearless Friday"...
I'm praying for Ken, and especially praying that he and Steve will have the opportunity to reconcile. Perhaps this will be used in a big way to bring him to Jesus. Kat, thank you for your kind comments on my blog posts. I have been so sporadic in blogging lately, but really appreciate you taking the time to read them.
RCUBE updated on my comment section to my Fearless Friday post, so I headed over here as soon as I received the message...I wanted to let you know that I am praying.
This must be a hard time for all of you....each experiencing it in different ways.
I certainly hope he recovers and will add my prayers
My husband and his brother are also estranged. How sad....what a waste of relationships.
over stupid things that if we humble ourselves, we can just forgive and move on
I am sorry to say but these things happen all the time between families. I regret Steve and his brother have not bonded in such a long time. Time may not allow that now. How terribly sad for all involved. May the good Lord touch each one and give them the strength to do what is the right thing.
oh, kat - praying for Ken now! i pray that God intervenes in his life, restores his health and then brings him to a saving knowledge of Him!
In much prayer sis, love you.
Thanks so much for the comments for Ken. I have heard that they are doing a CAT scan now and might do a bronchiotomy. They will send a small camera into his lungs to determine if the right lung is collapsed or damaged beyond repair. If it only has fluid in it or is collapsed, they are going to try a chest tube to re-inflate it and drain some of the fluid.
Will keep you updated on condition as I hear more.
Love you!
Keeping Ken in my prayers.
Prayers are filling heaven for your family. That is such a difficult thing to go through. But God is a great healer. Keep your heart close to Him. Hugs Anne
praying to heal both body and heart.
I'm so sorry to read this so late. I absolutely will pray for you my Sweet Friend and for your family. Family is so dear to me and I hate to see or read about any families in trouble or need. Things will get better in the name of Jesus. Just be patient and He will see you thru.
Father God, Divine Physician and Healer of the Sick, we turn to You in this time of illness.
I pray and ask of you to alleviate worry and illness with Your gentle love, and grant this family the grace and strength to get thru this burden.
Dear God, we place our sick under Your care and humbly ask that You restore Your servant to health again. Above all, grant us the grace to acknowledge Your holy will and know that whatsoever
You do, You do for the love of us. This prayer I pray in the Sweet name of Jesus,
Amen and Amen.
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