Sunday, October 17, 2010

Update on Urgent Prayer Request on Ken's Progress

Hello everyone and I thought I would update you all once I knew a little bit more than the same old thing and holding strong.

They are using a saline solution to put into Ken's lungs to help thin out the fluid in his lungs and suctioning it out as much as they can. When Steve left yesterday after X-rays, they saw a noticeable improvement in his left lung. When he arrived on Thursday evening he only had 25% of his left lung functioning and the rest was filled with fluid. Now it's at 75% and they are hoping to continue with this process to get it back to 100% if possible.

His right lung remains filled with fluid, with just a little capacity left in it. Praising God that doctors feel his lungs hasn't collapsed but merely when they inserted the ventilator tube it wasn't working as well because it wasn't inserted far enough. When they repositioned it yesterday he was breathing easier and not struggling so much with the ventilator.

The doctors are hoping to keep him on antibiotics and working to remove the fluid over the weekend and see where he is at on Monday. Their mom is going home later this afternoon since his vitals remain stable and there isn't much for anyone else to do but wait.

I just wanted to thank you for your prayers and we can definitely see God's healing hand working, however we are not out of the woods just yet. So please keep him and his family in your prayers today and I'll update you as I know anything more.


  1. Hi sweetie, Just wanted to let you know I'm continuing to lift him up as well as the relationship with your hubby-that all will be restored.
    Hugs today.

  2. Glad to hear this report! God is good!

  3. Glad to hear of improvement. Paryers are being offered and a paryer request will be posted on my site with a link back here.

  4. That is good news and I will continue to pray for his full recovery.

  5. That's great news! God is so good to us :) Been praying all morning for him!

  6. You and yours are in my prayers. I hope Ken continues to get better. :)

  7. I am glad to hear of Ken's improvement.

  8. Praying for Ken right now and lifting him up to the Father and your family as well.

    Blessings, Stephanie

  9. Thanking God for your BIL's continued improvement. Though may seem for you perhaps, but wow! What a big improvement and that's awesome! Will continue to lift all of you up and thank you for the updates. It makes a difference to know what to pray for [though the Lord already knows :)]. Take care sister Kat and God bless and protect you all.

  10. Sorry, I meant to write "though it may seem SLOW to you, perhaps..."

  11. Praying for continue improvement!!

  12. Kat I just read your previous posts on Ken, and will now pray for continued healing for him and his family. Praising God for the healing process that has taken place, I will also pray for healing with him and your husband Steve.

  13. This is real good news.. I will continue to keep Ken and his family in my thoughts and prayers..

    Thank you so much for the update..


  14. Just wanted to let you know that we are still praying for his full recovery and to let you know we love you.

  15. Thanks for updating us sis, prayers continue.

  16. You have been tagged at my blog.

  17. Waiting is always the hardest part! Glad to hear that what the doctors are doing is working!

  18. I am continuing to pray for his recovery and your husband and his realtionship.

    Thanks for the update


  19. Continuing to stand in prayer!

    I had shared a post Sat on my blog and asked others to join in to pray in case they didn't know about Ken.

    Blessings to you and your family Kat!
    Psalm 27:13-14

  20. Wow, I have been away awhile and missed all this!! We are praying for Ken and you all as well!!

    Love and Blessings

  21. Still praying for Ken. I pray that He reaches out to God and recognizes His Majesty and Power!

    Love to you kat!

  22. My husband and I were moved by your prayer.
    We are praying that the Lord will help you in your situation.
    When we find our self in hard times we use a service called…hope you find it helpful.
    God bless you.

  23. I stopped over specifically hoping for an update... Thank you for sharing one! ;) Hoping for continued healing... saying a prayer for them right now!! Blessings to you all during this time! hugs!

  24. I stopped over specifically hoping for an update... Thank you for sharing one! ;) Hoping for continued healing... saying a prayer for them right now!! Blessings to you all during this time! hugs!

  25. Prayers are coming Ken's way. Thanks for the update in your latest post. Anne


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