Monday, October 11, 2010

Snow Day - Giveaway and Review

Peter Boyd is your typical family man. He works hard to support his family of four living in a small Virginia town nestled against the backdrop of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Peter learns from a company wide memo that "Exciting Announcement!!!" is taking place tomorrow even though through the union grapevine there is speculation that is means lay offs. This just weeks before Christmas.

How does a man get through the day, wondering how he is going to provide for his family when in this economy, jobs are hard to come by. Especially a job that he's been at for some time and is making enough to support his family pretty well. In this day in age where jobs are a dime a dozen. Peter decides when he woke up that morning and found out that the weather man was wrong big time, that he too, could afford to take a "Snow Day", and just enjoy this one day while things in his life were still the way he left them last night.

Little did Peter realize how God would play out in a variety of roles through various people, Peter would encounter that day, to show him just what is really important in life and that worrying about them changes nothing. Peter's life on this day will never be the same but profoundly changed forever by an unexpected snow fall.

In his debut novel, Billy Coffey once more takes his readers on a magic journey into the various lives of the people we will meet through Peter Boyd and the need to venture out in search of "bread and milk" for his family and neighbors in "Snow Day"! At the conclusion of each chapter, Peter reflects what the purpose of his encounter means to him and this is where we catch our "Billyisms" or pieces of wonderful wisdom that embed themselves in your heart!

If you haven't heard of Billy Coffey, then you have been missing out of one of the finest writers that is guaranteed to not only touch your heart, but change your life forever by the words he uses to take us on the ride of our lives. I've known Billy Coffey for quite some time as a writer who was hoping one day to share his love of story-telling on his blog, "What I Learned Today" and have a book published. For all of us who have believed that Billy Coffey was a star just waiting to be discovered, this diamond is truly shining in his first book.

His down home charm and virtual porch allows the readers to share a piece of Billy's heart as he shares his personal story through the life of Peter Boyd. This is by far one of the best books I have read to date and once I had the opportunity to review it, I knew I had received a true gift.

I received Snow Day compliments of Hachette Book Group for my honest review and for me this one rates off the scale. It's worthy of 10 stars! For more information on this book, the amazing and talented Billy Coffey, and where to purchase a copy of this life changing book and read an excerpt, click on the title below:

You can also visit his website at and sign up to follow his blog and his writings every day. I also did an interview with Billy Coffey back in August 2009, click here to take you back in time and read what an incredible man he is!!!

The wonderful people at Hachette Book Groups is offering 3 copies of this book to lucky winners of this blog. Here are your guidelines to enter:

1. You must be a follower of this blog.

2. Stop by Billy's website and congratulate him today on his book debut.

3. Join Billy's blog, "What I Learned Today",because I know once you sign up, you'll be completely hooked and you won't want to miss out on his stories.

4. Must be a resident of the US or Canada and please No P.O. Boxes.

5. I need a way to contact you if you are one of the lucky winners, so please include an email address with your comment. You can use the words (at) and (dot) instead of the symbols. The giveaway ends on Oct 19th.

6. Leave me a comment and tell me why you'd love to win a copy of Billy's book on my book review blog, Reviews From The Heart.

Again, congratulations Billy Coffey, we just knew you'd do it!!! Bright Lites will never be the same again!!!


  1. This book looks so good. I joined Billys Blog and congratulated him on his book. Thank you for leading me to a new author. I know I am going to enjoy the stories and I feel like this is where the Lord wants me to be.

    Janet Cowan

  2. I congratulated Billy on her new book on facebook.

    cenya2 at hotmail dot com

  3. I joined his site by google reader.
    Thank you for introducing me to a new author.

    cenya2 at hotmail dot com

  4. I joined his site by google reader.
    Thank you for introducing me to a new author.

    cenya2 at hotmail dot com

  5. I left a comment on Reviews of the Heart.

    cenya2 at hotmail dot com

  6. Glad that his hard work finally materialized! He's an awesome writer. Thanks for the review. God bless.

  7. This is a great review Kat. The book sounds wonderful and I always trust your recommendations!

  8. Oh, this book sounds so good. It sounds like one that we all need to read. I want to be in His will and let Him lead me where He wants me to be each and every day.

  9. Hi my friend,

    Thanks for your warm words on my blog while I was on blog break. I pray that all is well with you and your family.

    Whenever I had a chance to visit Billy's blog I found his writings to be wonderful. I'm glad he is now seeing a book come to light. I pray God's blessings over him, his family and his book.

    Thanks for sharing with us Kath. Love you!

  10. Kat, This sounds like a great read, and my congratulations to Billy, I will go to his site. I am not familiar with his writings, but hope to be. Thank you for sharing.

  11. This is an awesome thing you are doing for Billy. May you be truly bless. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a sweet comment. May you find in church what I have already found in mine in the name of Jesus. Blessings to you my dear friend. :)


My thoughts for the day are