Just wanted to let you know what's going on with Ken, it's actually great news and worthy of a praise party!!! Ken is off the ventilator and just on oxygen. He's up and talking to his family!!! He's a little disoriented because he's been sedated for almost 12 days he doesn't remember too much but his family is filling him in. He's remaining on antibiotics and will be moved out of ICU shortly to recover in a normal room.
I do require some additional prayer for family members:
Prayer Request Number 1:
Steve's dad, Bill was going in on November 4th for hip replacement surgery but now his doctors discovered some blockage around his heart stints and they want to remove that before he has this surgery. If its a simple surgery and they can remove it easily, he can have his hip replacement surgery a month later. If the blockage is worse than they had figured, he will need to wait an entire year to have the hip surgery and will need to get around with a motorized chair. His dad can hardly move now. Please pray that the surgery is mild and he can have the hip surgery in a month. I will keep you updated.
Prayer Request Number 2:
Also my nephew Josh found out that he has to have back surgery at 18 due to scoliosis. He is super afraid but is a believer. We are praying that all will go well and that he will have lots of encouragement along the way. You can send your prayer wishes to either of them here. I will keep you updated on Josh's progress. He has a MRI on November 13th to determine how aggressive his curve is and what type of surgery is involved. By the way, Josh got a seasonal job so we are super happy about that.
Prayer Request Number 3:
I am scheduled for my root canal on Thursday, Oct 28th so send great painfree thoughts my way at 8am. Hoping for some sailing and the ability to eat again.
Isn't our God amazing???!!!!
Wonderful news! I'll pray for the rest of the family as well as Ken's continued recovery.
Our God is BEYOND amazing!! He bopped me in the head today (but it was a GREAT thing, so I didn't mind) and reminded me how HERE He is. :)
Woo Hoo, God is so awesome sis. I love you, and will be praying over these requests.
Standing in agreement with you!
Good news, for sure! So glad to hear that Ken is improving! Prayers going out to all the family...you included. If it's a great dentist, you shouldn't feel a thing! Take care of yourself.
Hi, Kat~
PRAISE GOD that Ken is improving! You and your family are in my prayers!
It seems that when it rains, it pours. But we're believing that things will go well with all of you. That was great news about Ken. Prayers for all of you!
Wonderful news about Ken. I will keep all your family in my prayers!
Blessings & Hugs
My hubby just had hip replacement surgery the end of August....he is doing soooooo well.
Medical science is a miracle.
I will be thinking of these people you mentioned.
and putting in my prayers for them as well
GREAT news about Ken!! God is on the throne!!! Hope your root canal goes well and that your F-I-L's surgery will go well with his heart and that Josh will be calmed as he spends time in the Presence of our Heavenly Father.
Love you friend,
Praying always. My little niece loved the dvd The Shepherd I won for her. She watched it and her mom said She told her aferward ":}Watch it again mamma!" Thank you Kat.
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