Friday, October 15, 2010

Friday Funnies - Cheerleader in A Cup

In keeping with our Friday tradition of finding something funny that we could all relate to, I found this cute video for those of us that need our coffee like we need air to breathe to get us through our day. Kim at Homesteader's Heart is our host of Friday Funnies if you'd love to join us, and today, this one is dedicated to her.

Have a blessed weekend ~ Love and Hugs ~ Kat >^..^<


  1. Thank you! I needed a funny moment before I lost my mind at work :)

  2. Oh I'm thinking I can totally relate to that! LOL! Too funny!!!

    Big Hugs to you my friend. I hope you have a fabulous Friday.

  3. Very funny. I'm a coffee drinker! Have a great weekend, Kat!

  4. Well I didn't think about Friday Funnies, but my post today is in line with that....thanks for the laugh...A cheerful heart does good like medicine.

  5. That was funny and I don't even like coffee!

  6. She is good... thanks for the laugh

    love to you
    I've Become My Mother

  7. Love it!!! Makes me miss my coffee drinking days, LOL.

    I was reading the above prayer requests for your BIL. Praying God will help him and give him another chance at life.

    Hang in there, Jackie


My thoughts for the day are