Wednesday, September 22, 2010

What My World Has Looked Like Lately!

What no picture, no clip art? Nope, because that is exactly how I've been seeing my world for the last two days.

Dark, cold and black. It's OK however it's not a bad thing like when it comes to the spiritual realm but this is for some odd reason, I woke up with a headache on Sunday, persistent but not overwhelming. Yet because we made plans for the kids to enjoy a day at Disneyland, I didn't want to disappoint. Got sunglasses? Check! Got pain reliever? Check! What could possibly go wrong?

However by the night's end, my head had gone from irritating to feel like I split my head wide open. I couldn't tolerate lights of any kind and any noise was just horrible. So trusting my hubby to get me home as fast as humanly possible, I went straight to bed. With my head in cased in ice packs, a cover over my eyes and double my prescription of Norco, which is safe but tells you the amount of pain I was in, and still the headache persisted.

Thankfully Steve was off on Monday so he did the usual school stuff with the kids, while alternating new ice packs for my head and keeping me as medicated as one could be. This mean ice cold temps in the house, darkened rooms, no noise and ice packs.

Finally I emerged from the fog this morning and aside from a slight soreness in my head, I am making some strides forward.

Here's is hoping that you are all having a great First official day of Fall, as we awoke to 59 degree temps and a windy day, but its not going to last, with temps predicted to reach well over 100 by Saturday. So hello fall! I am enjoying today!


  1. So sorry Kat, sounds awful. ((HUGS)) Glad your better now.
    My word verifcation is verse, how cool is that!

  2. Sorry you've been feel bad, glad you are better!!

    Love and Blessings

  3. Hi sweet friend, So sorry about your headache. Hey girl, this Sat. through next Wed. I hope so.Ca. will have nice weather cause our whole gang, 15 of us, are headed to Oceanside. I had forgotten how much I missed the ocean and can't wait to spend time on the beach. So keep warm weather going o.k., last time I was there I froze. Have a blessed day dear one.
    Hugs, Noreen

  4. Nice to hear from you, but sorry about how you are feeling. Praying you continue to improve.

  5. oh, Kat. i totally sympathize with you! We are in New Mexico where my husband is preaching a revival. We left the church Monday night and i thought my head would just split right open. only death could have been better than that! Praise God after a good nights rest, He made me good as new!

    Praying for you as always.

  6. Sad you had the headache. Glad it's going away. I've been in the office all day not able to enjoy the 80 degree weather yet. I'll be doing that tonight when I run. Hello Fall! Blessings, SusanD

  7. "His compassions fail not; they are new every morning".

    Trusting you recover soon.

  8. I rarely have headaches, but I know just how bad they can be, so I am very sorry that you had to endure all that pain. Hopefully the beautiful fall weather(or the promise of the fall weather), will lift your spirits.

  9. Sounds like a migraine to me. Was the pain on one side of your head? I get migraines a lot and they are no fun. I hope you get back to feeling more like yourself again soon!

  10. OH Kat! I am so sorry you felt that way...but thankful you are doing better. I get severe headaches often & it just about takes me down.
    Hope you have a blessed day!

  11. I'm sorry you've been feeling bad.I sure hope you get to feeling better very soon.((hugs)

  12. Kat that does not sound good. I would have gone to the doctor or emergency room with that kind of pain. Stress can cause this sort of thing.

  13. Kat, I'm sorry you've had such a terrible headache. It sounds horrible. Glad to know you're feeling better now!

  14. Those headaches are the worst! Glad that you are feeling better.

  15. Sorry Kat, that sounds terrible!!
    Praying that even the soreness goes away and quickly.

  16. Oh, Kat, how terrible you suffered so. Hope this is past you.
    Have a lovely eve ~
    TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon

  17. What a horrible migraine!! I'm glad you are feeling better, too. What a trooper you were to keep the plans for the kids at Disney and I'm sure they had a great time.


  18. Oh Kat Sweetie...
    I am SO sorry you have been dealing with this horrible headache. I know your pain sweet friend. I so know your pain. I have to take Maxaalt when my migraines come, and some times I have had to take the maximum to get some relief. Oh they are not fun. I get the flashing lights.

    I am so happy to hear you are a little better today sweet friend. I will be keeping you in my prayers for a little TLC, you still need to take it easy and not push to hard.

    Sending many hugs sweetie and SO much love, Sherry

    I am almost finished with the Devil in Pew #7. Oh how wonderful this book has been. I love it. It took turns that I never saw coming. Thank you for the share sweetie.
    Love ya...

  19. Aw, I do hate that you've felt so awful!!! Hope you continue to feel better and better and that the cooler temps stick around for a while. XO

  20. I can't even imagine that kind of pain. Praying you will continually feel better.

  21. So very sorry sis, may God continue to bless over you by improving your health. I love you.

  22. That sounds like a migraine? My daughter used to suffer from those something awful. She had to quit college and check into the Headache clinic in Chicago. For the first time she finally got some help, and is now headache free.

    I'm so sorry this had to happen at Disney, of all places! Glad to hear you're feeling better. Enjoy that hot weather! I miss it...

  23. So sorry about your headache but you know, God uses even it for a reason! It was because I had a gigantic headache for two months (after slamming my head on the refrigerator and suffering a concussion)that I started my history blog (It's about St. Nicholas - drop by for a visit!)! And blogging has become one of my favorite things! I love peeks into others lovely lives - there are so many really wonderful and talented and nice people "out there!"
    Hope you are all better now!
    God bless!

  24. Hey Sweetie,
    I'm so sorry that you are in pain. I know how that is. I too suffer from migraines. It isn't fun. You are blessed with a sweet hubby to take good care of you. Just keep the faith and know that you are loved.
    Sweet Blessings with Love,


My thoughts for the day are