Hello everyone,
I am sure that you are so busy since some of you have families and kids and that has meant a return to school obligations. I know for us, it has meant huge changes from our summer transition to now finding a balance and a new normal. So what does that mean for me?
Being a stay at home mom of two daughters, one in 6th grade who is homeschooled and the other in her final year at high school, makes for a super busy life on it's own. One has to be shuttled back and forth to her high school and the other on Wednesdays needs to be taken to a Community Day to encourage social and school sessions with teachers.
On top of that, managing three blogs, a house, balancing schedules with a hubby who is traveling and whose schedule never stays the same, and reviewing books is super hard. My biggest challenge was how to squeeze God into this picture and hope for His time management skills to take hold.
Here's what I discovered, God first and foremost. Nothing else really matters outside of setting time aside for Him and His will for my day and my schedule. After that everything else seems relatively simple. Too often I find that people, especially people pleasing moms try to fit it all in and most of the time, God couldn't even fit all of our needs into His busy day. We are over committed.
We need to weed out the unimportant. Managing three blogs everyday can be challenging. However you can post a week out if you use the options for posting ahead of schedule. Commitment met.
I take books with me everywhere. You know how often I find time to read while waiting for my kids? A lot or while in the waiting room at doctor's appointments or waiting for oil changes, car repairs, meetings. You can see how, plus for me, my reading is my personal vacation each day. It's what this mom does to unwind.
Balancing a clean house everyday, well that's simply asking my family to help out and pitch in. Who said it's a mom's job to do it all? Not me. Now we do a little everyday, with having nothing planned for the weekend where we can all sit back and enjoy work well done.
Can I say I've missed you?
I haven't heard much from some of you and hope that we can reconnect once more.
Heart 2 Heart will remain my personal blog in which I will share my personal insights on my spiritual walk and what I am doing in my day to day life.
Reviews From The Heart will still offer giveaways, product reviews, contests and lots more. I will post a recap on Heart 2 Heart on Fridays.
ARK for God or Acts of Random Kindness, will still host little ways in which we can all give back. I will share stories, videos and tips of what you can do to make sure your treasure passes through God's fire test!
Most of all, my ministry will remain committed to serving God to the best of my ability as often as I can to visit you all during the week. Weekends for me will be off but the posts will still continue. If you want to join any of the blogs, simply click on each of the links. I have about 4 giveaways going on Reviews From The Heart, all Christian books and even a T-shirt giveaway.
More to come on what's been going on tomorrow. SO glad that you are still with me.
Nice to hear from you again! Life is busy here too - but in a different way than yours and because we have no kids in school, there isn't much change in the Fall. I think that being busy is a big tool of the devil and it seems that no matter how the schedule is changed, it is still full. You are right about putting God first and I have to admit that too often He is squeezed in instead.
Welcome back! Friend, I was clearing my email out and realized yesterday that someohow I missed a message from you. So sorry! I feel so bad. Still need the information?
Hope you are feeling better.
Beautiful. Sounds like your time off was a great time of reflection.
Welcome back.
It's really nice to see you back Kat! I think everyone's life kicks into overdrive a bit during the month of September. Happy Fall!
Welcome back sister Kat! Keeping you in prayers and yup! Him first! Amen! If we all just learn to seek Him first, then the other things will just fall into its places. His management skills is truly "not of this world"...What a treasure to those who fill find it! God bless and take care.
I have missed you and your inspiring words. I could not do all you do, even if I was younger. You just have to have a little time on your own. What does not get done today, will be there tomorrow. Take care.
Welcome back! Stepping away is so important to being able to find out where you're heading. Sounds like you've got a good perspective on everything. You've been missed!
Hi sweetie, So understandable that you are so busy. I've missed you too, with all our painting it has been difficult to visit as many blogs as I'd like but I'm here and I'm checking in. Love that God is first and foremost in your life...we all need time with Him daily or else everythig will fall apart. Hugs to you my friend.
Love, Noreen
Hi, Kat~
I was coming over to tell you that I was sorry I haven't been over for a visit for awhile. I completely understand about having so much going on with home and school. We are finishing up our second week here. I hope school is going well for your girls and for you!
Welcome back and I am so glad that you're clearing out some time in your life!! Good for you! I'm trying to do the same thing :)
Still here Kat...and you said it best, God first...always. Glad to see you back to posting.
Have missed you sweet sis, loving you, and praying for you.
So glad to see you back! Life is so busy...! I got tired just reading all the "juggling" you have in your life! You must be an excellent time manager! But, what a tremendous message - GOD FIRST AND FOREMOST! If that isn't our first priority, everything else falls apart - but if God is first, then EVEN THOUGH everything else MIGHT be falling apart, all is well!!
BLESSINGS TO YOU - thanks for your time speaking your encouraging words to me!
Good to have you back, dear friend!
xo, misha
So glad to see you posting again. I don't know how you manage 3 blogs and a family. With the God's help, thats how. Yes, he is first and foremost...he demands it and deserves it.
oh, Kat, i know just what you mean. we can get too busy just being busy!
God has to come first, and I think that you gave us some very good ways to keep that happening!
Glad to see you around and maybe i will be able to get around to everyone more.
love to you !
beautiful post! i agree completely.
I have missed you! Glad to hear about your family. Hope you're off to a great start with school. Hugs.
Very encouraging Kat. Glad to have you back as well. Blessings.
Nearly every day I have to remind myself what are my priorities. It's how we stay focused on God's best, even as we say "no" to some good things.
The blogosphere can totally consume a life, so I applaud your wisdom in keeping it all in order.
"Let us approach therefore with boldness to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy, and find grace for seasonable help", Hebrews 4: 16. Every day needs its own "seasonable help".
So true!! I have been way too busy too!!
Have a fabulous weekend!!
Wow! Yes, you are busy. Glad to see who's FIRST. God bless you as you live for HIM.
I am happy to see your blog again, and I agree that we need to make time for God, and squeeze in the rest of the important stuff after that. Otherwise, we may not find time to spend with Him.
Hey Kat,
I enjoyed reading this as many of us can surely relate to the balancing of life but you said it best with these powerful words:
"God first and foremost."
Amen to that! When HE is first and foremost everything else seems to fall into line.
My love and prayers are with you!
So glad to have you back in the saddle...Missed ya!
A month ago I was exactly feeling how you are feeling now, in pain, crying, heart broken, and then I found this site saveabreakup.com and I followed their instructions, I had my girlfriend come back to me in no time so fast !! I was so so happy and I'm still very happy, don't give up! I suggest you view the free videos that tell you what to do on saveabreakup.com
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