Friday, August 13, 2010

Taking Driving To A Whole New Level - Friday Funnies

I am away from my computer today enjoying a fun filled day of being a kid again at Disneyland. So in order to keep things on the fun side, please join me with Kim at Homesteader's Heart for Friday Funnies. Have a great weekend!

Funny Driving Videos with Mr. & Mr. Potato Head

Space Driving


  1. I love these Kat! Hee hee. Thanks for sharing.

  2. ahahahaha! Very funny. Love the M/M Potato Heads. Thanks for the laugh this morning. Have a great weekend. Blessings, SusanD

  3. Those are great! Thanks for the funny start to the day.
    Have fun at Disney!

  4. LOL those were too funny. I had never seen either one. Too cute. Enjoy your day away.

  5. Oh my friend, those were HILARIOUS!!!
    Thanks for joining in today.
    I hope you have a fabulous time at Disneyland!!

  6. Enjoy your day!! I'm so glad you get some time with your kids, hopefully technology free ;)

  7. My poor husband can probably relate...thankfully my mouth will not go flying off if he slams on the breaks. ;-) Enjoy your break.

  8. Those are hysterical! Hope you have fun at Disneyland and that you're taking some pics to show us!

  9. Those are toooo cute! I LOVE her angry eyes!!!

    Have a wonderful time @ Disneyland today! I can just hear you screaming now ;0)

    Love you

  10. Wonderful!!!!

    Enjoy your family fun time dear one! Praying for you! Love ya!

  11. Oh, those were such a hoot! The second one reminds me of the Pepsi commercial where the rover's tires get jacked. Thanks ever so for a much needed laugh!

    Have a JESUS-filled day! ^i^

  12. You deserve a day out. Trust you and family had a great fun time. Take care.

  13. Hey Kat!
    I wanted to let you know that I'm giving away a $50 gift card (of the winner's choice!) on my blog! Just donate even $1 to one of the Chip-Ins on the side of my blog and you'll be entered in the drawing!

  14. Have a great time! I LOVE Mr. Potatoe Head!


My thoughts for the day are