I love the ability to offer up gratitude to our heavenly Father for everything this day has yet to bring. Today is yesterday's tomorrow. We don't get any do overs, second chances, instant replays, or mulligans. Nope today is all we have and even each minute and second are precious.
I am joining in with Greg at Greg's General Store today for Thankful Thursday and here are the list of things I am giving thanks for today.
1. Steve has a job that for now keeps him at home instead of commuting 2 hours to the local office.
2. That Kailee brought home a stray dog and we had the opportunity to share the love before returning him to the animal shelter because he is obviously one serious lost dog who is missing his home. If no one claims him, we are taking him.
3. I am thankful that I have a wonderful teenage daughter whose main challenge in life is talking and texting too much on the phone, but not into drugs, trouble, running with the wrong crowd and even fighting with her parents. We'd rather have issues with the phone.
4. I am thankful for all the books I've been blessing to review and then pass along to some wonderful readers and followers of both my blogs. It has shown me to literally not judge a book by it's cover because I would have passed up some opportunities to read some amazing books, and get to know authors on a very personal level. Check out today's review by clicking here. There are still giveaways to be entered in, just click on the titles on the right hand side of my blog once you get there. Enter them all if you'd like. I love giving away FREE stuff!
5. The ability to share great and heartwarming stories on my blog ARK for God or Acts of Random Kindness for God. I believe in the power of one and today's story will literally move you to tears, click here to be a part of the power.
Thank you to Greg for being blessed by God to offer our thanks to God today through this wonderful post. I am blessed by everyone who stops by and leaves me a comment. It's like a friend stopping by to say Hi!
The Good News is copious. I love it when good things happen to good, God-fearing people.
It's great sister Kat to be able to reflect and truly find all these littlest blessings that actually mean the most! That we have no choice but to thank our Father Who is the Giver of all these great things. God bless and may you have a wonderful rest of the week!
Yes, I love being able to share in Thankful Thursdays, and have a grateful heart! Thank you for your post!
This made me smile big time Kat.
I love sharing gratitude as well.
It's uplifting in every way.
Isn't God so good to us?
Ur daughter & my daughter would be great friends! Yep! The phone...it's her friend. Love your list! So glad your hubby gets to work from home!!
Wonderful things to be thankful for! Happy for you that you these blessings. Lots of love your way.
Lots to be thankful for...have a wonderful weekend!
My dear sister,
Your list of thank you's are heart touching! So glad your hubby has the job that keeps him close and not commuting for now. I pray the person who the dog belongs to finds him quickly at the shelter and if not then I pray you can have him.
All the thank you's you shared touched my heart. You are precious to the LORD!!
I love you!
Dearest Kat, Love your grateful heart and I am so grateful for you today. Your writing shines with love for our Jesus and what a blessing that He met the needs for your beloved with a new job.
Have a wonderful day and weekend-we're headed camping tomorrow.
Hugs to you my dear friend.
Praising GOD with you for all the good/great things HE is doing in and through your life.
I'm thankful for everyone who is thankful to God for their blessings.
Love your thankful list!! I too am thankful for teenagers who only use their phone too much, if that's the worst thing they do, I can handle that!!
Thank the Lord for Steve's job!!
Love and Blessings
One more blessing to add: Hi!
It does the heart good to stop and take stock of the gratitude that roosts there.
Kat, thanks for sharing some great personal thanks with us. We can never express enough for all we are blessed with. I truly have so much to be thankful for and I never forget it.
What a great list Kat, thank you for sharing with us :)
Kat, I like your list. Thank you for sharing your thank yous. Blessings.
Love your lists... so much to be thankful for... we are so blessed by a loving and caring God.
Expressing thankfulness to God and actually being grateful keeps everything in life in perspective. Good post.
Sooo happy Steve got a job and able to be @ home! Woohoo ~ best of both worlds!
I agree with you on the book review thing! It is awesome isn't it :)
You will have to share a pic of that new puppy if he ends up YOURS!!
Love you
This is an awesome list of Thankfuls Kat. How cool that Steve gets to work from home for now. I would love that.
Such sweet blessings my friend, love you.
Count your blessing twice :)
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