Saturday, July 3, 2010

Spell Peaceful

While waking up before everyone else today, I had time to reflect on the goodness of God. Since we are focusing on the fruits of the Spirit I thought I would ask what spells peace in your life. Here are some things that spell peaceful to me:

1. Sitting in the mountains and listening to the way the wind makes the trees speak so we can finally hear them.

2. Sitting in the middle of a pouring rain just sitting outside and feeling every beat of rain upon your head til they join together for a race down your hair.

3. Watching snow flakes swirl in a magical dance til they land just as softly as if a whisper.

4. Being near the ocean and hearing the pounding of the water as it breaks upon the rocks and then hushes once more as it backs away into the sea once more.

I look forward to immersing myself in peace today and listening for God's voice in all of it and seeing how peace affects your life today. ~ Kat

**NOTE: Don't forget to participate in my FREE Book Giveaways. I have lot's of titles that I have posted here to review. Click on the link below:


  1. Beautiful!

    Peace in my life...

    Looking out at the sunset from our apartment.

    Watching the city on the balcony of my parent's apartment.

    Walking through the city at night.

    Forests. Trees. And sunshine.

  2. Oh, those things remind me to be thankful for all that I have and to enjoy peaceful moments!

  3. I'm working a double shift today and was able to read this on my break. I'm feeling more peaceful after reading this! Thanks!

  4. Time outside with the horses (a.k.a. my little Psalm 37's - I give thanks for them every day :o)

  5. Kat what you shared is truly inspirational and peaceful indeed. Blessings to you and your family.

  6. Hi dear friend, Loved hearing about what brings you peace-I echo the same feelings. May your weekend be blessed with peace and abundant joy in all you do.
    Thanking Him for you today.
    Hugs, Noreen

  7. You are such a cutie with your love for nature and your devotion to God. Peace for me is getting up before anyone else, too! Love the silence or soft instrumental music playing while I read my Bible and devotionals. Also I like sitting on my front deck, but at night with my husband staring out at all the pines!

  8. I loved your list sis, so peaceful. My list consist of: Visiting my sister yesterday, her laying her head upon my shoulder, and saying she loved me. snuggle time with my lovebug this week.

  9. May you have a peace and JOY filled 4th my dear friend!

  10. Peaceful to me is being in the barn when the horses are eating. All you hear is the sound of them..crunch, crunch, crunch. No one calls out, or whinnys. They are happy and satisfied. I also love going in late at night when they are all laying down asleep. God's beautiful creatures! I am honored to care for them!

  11. It is 8:30 am here in Florida on the 4th! This is the FIRST peaceful moment I have had and I am loving it. Thank you God, I really needed some peace.

  12. "The secret of peace within, and power without, is to be occupied only and always with good", J N Darby.

    That's a test for us all!


My thoughts for the day are