Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Happy 42nd Birthday Sweetheart!

I have to share my celebration today with the most special person in my world besides God and that is Steven! He turns 42 today and I wanted to share with all of you the most amazing things about this man.

1. He's married to me and for that every day I am thankful if for nothing else.

2. He's taken on a blended family with accepting my oldest daughter, Caitlyn, from my first marriage. Thank you for being the dad in her life!

3. He is the most patient person you will ever meet. Nothing really bugs him.

4. He is willing to help out anyone no matter what they think of him. He truly does have a heart of gold.

5. He's a great cook and when he gets the chance will always cook for all of us.

6. He is a true care giver. I can always rely on him when I am feeling sick or run down, or simply need a break.

7. He is like the energizer bunny. He always finds the energy to keep going and going.

8. He truly does love his mom and dad so much. Thank you for them for giving us Steve!

9. He has been friends with so many people from high school and still is to this day.

10. Everyone who meets Steve instantly likes him. He is a likeable guy!

11. No matter where we go, he always runs into someone he knows. No matter where we are. Go figure!

12. He truly does have a heart of God. He continues to be an example of what I need to work on in my own life.

13. He can quilt better than I can. Truly nothing he tries, he fails at.

14. He will always be my hero! Nothing is impossible for him.

15. He has his own blog. You can find it here.

16. He loves Marvel Comics!

17. He loves to read war and science fiction fantasy books.

18. He will go see any "chick flick" movie with me and cries right along side me. Even cartoons.

19. He collects swords. He has 5, including a replica from Eragon and Jack Sparrow's sword from Pirates of the Caribbean.

20. His favorite colors are black and teal.

21. He loves Froot Loops as his favorite cereal.

22. He favorite cookies are Peanut Butter and Nutter Butters.

23. He agreed to date me based on my resume that I submitted to him about why I would be a great girlfriend/wife.

24. He helped me move into my first apartment when I was going through my divorce as a friend, because I had no credit.

25. He loves trucks. He had one and had to give it up for a family car. Here's hoping God will bless him with a truck in the future.

26. He loves 80's music, country, and old school rap.

27. He's a great manager and leader and when he has to move on in a job, people miss him and cry.

28. He loves movies like Transformers, Iron Man, and Star Wars! He even understands why I love Twilight.

29. He still surprises me with candles at night, breakfast in bed, and fresh coffee some mornings.

30. He loves to ski, golf and bowl.

31. His favorite time of the year is fall.

32. His favorite place to be is on a tropical beach somewhere, Tahiti or Hawaii, he'd be there.

33. He travels a lot for work and last year traveled well over 75% of his time.

34. He is a die hard perfectionist. He will do whatever it takes to get the job done and always to his excellent best.

35. He loves chinese food.

36. His favorite drink is Creme Soda.

37. He has to have coffee with flavored creamer in the mornings to start his day.

38. He has been a wonderful father to both Kailee and Caitlyn. They really do look up to him. He is always doing something with them.

39. He is the best husband in the world to me. I find myself more in love with him each day.

40. He is the ultimate procrastinator but once he gets going, there's no looking back.

41. He loves cheesecake.

42. Here is hoping for another 42 magical years with you. Happy Birthday Steven! You have blessed my life and the lives of our children in so many special ways. Thank you for always being you!


  1. Awwww Happy Birthday Steve! Blessings.

  2. Great list! Thanks for sharing your photos and memories. Happy Birthday Steve! Blessings, SusanD

  3. Aw, sweet post....Happy Birthday to your hubs : )

  4. I LOVE the picture on the stairs with the Beanie Babies! lol Happy Birthday to him!

  5. What a nice tribute. Happy Birthday Steve!

  6. Sounds like you found one of the good ones. There are still a few around, but not too many. This is a lovely tribute to the man in your life. He is a very handsome dude. I am sure that appealed to you as well. Best wishes to both of you. Lord knows, I cannot remember when I was 42.

  7. So much love in this post. Happy Birthday, Steve! Enjoy your celebration with your family. (Hope there's cheesecake!)

  8. What a great list!! Love it!!! Happy Birthday Steve!! Thanks for sharing all of this with us!!

  9. Sweet post. Happy Birthday Steve. I love Fruit Loops, Peanut Butter cookies & bowling too!

  10. May God bless and keep you always. May your wishes all come true. May you always do for others. And let others do for you. May you build a ladder to the stars. And climb on every rung. May you stay...
    forever young.

  11. Such a sweet birthday tribute. May he be blessed with a beautiful birthday.

  12. Happy Birthday to Steve and what a wonderful post to show how much you care about him.

    Did Kailee ever get my postcards?

  13. Beautiful tribute to your husband my friend. Love the pictures too!

    Happy Birthday Steve.

  14. Awww, what a beautiful post, Kat!



  15. What a great couple you make, perfect for each other. The Lord blessed you richly.
    Late Happy Birthday Steve.


My thoughts for the day are