Saturday, July 24, 2010

Happy 17th Birthday Caitlyn

Today, my oldest turns 17 and she's finally driving, and I thought I would share some pictures with you along with 17 of the best things about her. She enters her Senior year in a month and this will be our final year with her as a high schooler. Time sure does go by fast!

Even though she is off with her friends, enjoying the day at Knott's Berry Farm, I wanted to dedicate this page to her.

1. She was the best baby ever. No crying, well behaved. It made being a first time mom so easy. I hope it is with yours when you have kids.

2. She loves owls. They are her new favorite animal. She loves Christian music and concerts!

3. She has such a tender and compassionate heart. I truly see her in the mission field later in life because she loves people so much.

4. She never carries a grudge. No matter how many people who have disappointed her in her life, she is always forgiving.

5. She is friends with all her ex boyfriends. This is a great example of number 4 even though some of them have hurt her pretty bad.

6. She's a social butterfly and always loves being around her friends and participating in all her school events, dances and field trips.

7. She is a friend to the end. She will be your BFF unless you no longer want to be hers. She has friends from her childhood still.

8. She loves her social networking sites, Myspace, Facebook, and even has her own blog.

9. Her favorite colors are black and purple.

10. Her favorite dessert is dark chocolate and anything made from dark chocolate.

11. She loves thrill rides except for ones that spin around, or drop. Worse yet, ones that spin around and drop in the same ride.

12. She has parents on both coasts and has been a huge survivor of a divorce and some things a child should never have to experience and comes out a hero to many.

13. She only has two class to complete in her Senior year and has a 4.0 GPA and straight A's throughout high school, except for a B+ in her freshman year in Biology. Not her fault if you ask her.

14. She was baptized at summer camp last year and truly has a heart to serve God. She is saving herself for marriage.

15. She loves anything vintage and old fashioned. She loves clothes and fashions from the 30's and 40's.

16. She loves musicals. Mostly the old classics like Holiday Inn and White Christmas.

17. Here's hoping that this truly is your year. You're driving and you are more independent now than ever before. Happy Birthday Caitlyn! You're truly a masterpiece!


  1. Kat, she is gorgeous! Happy birthday indeed. You must feel so proud having raised such a beautiful soul.
    Have a lovely day together!

  2. Oooh, can't seem to find FOLLOW button on her blog!!

  3. She is Beautiful. What a great smile. Today is my baby brothers birthday. Have an awesome day and please tell your gorgeous daughter Happy Birthday for me!!!
    God Bless With Love,

  4. Birthday hugs, love, and prayers to your beautiful blessing of a daughter.

  5. She's such a beautiful girl - inside and out! Happy Birthday to her!

  6. Happy Birthday Caitlyn! Wow, seems she had a great grand time. Beautiful girl. Blessings to you all.

  7. Say a BIG Happy Birthday to her! She's simply beautiful!!

  8. Happy Birthday to your beautiful Caitlyn, Kat. I love all of those lovely photos you posted.

    Thank you for the books you mailed to me last week. What a fun surprise to win them, momentarily forget about them, and then get them in the mail. Woo-hoo!

    How have you been?

  9. How precious. Most parents cannot think of 17 things that they like about their child when they are teenagers! I think this is wonderful. She is a beautiful young lady.

  10. Really sweet tribute to her! So pretty inside and out! I think she's blessed to have you for a mom too!

  11. She is beautiful. Hope her day is filled with happiness. Happy Birthday Caitlyn!

  12. Awww....Happy Birthday Caitlyn!!!

    Great job Mom!!

  13. Oh Happy Birthday Caitlyn! You are just gorgeous and congrats on driving! I pray you have had a wonderful birthday!!

    Kat, you should be so very proud and you have done such an amazing job and raised such an amazing young woman!

    Love you

  14. Happy Birthday to your lovely daughter! She is entering such an exciting time of life...enjoy this year with her!

  15. Happy Birthday Cait!

    I hope you had an awesome time yesterday at Knott's with all of your friends! Wow the bIG 17! Officially a senior in high school then the world awaits!

    Love you!

    Big Hugs!


  16. She is beautiful. Hope you had a wonderful time celebrating.

  17. She is gorgeous....Happy Birthday...I hope she has a spectacular week....


My thoughts for the day are