I love chocolate.
I love brownies.
So what's better than making the entire house smell like freshly, baked, chocolately, delicious, homemade, (well from the box version of scratch) brownies.
There is just something that just makes you close your eyes and smell them when the aroma comes wafting from the oven.
Is it home? or does it just make you wish you were home?
No matter. Brownies seemed in order for the day when life sometimes hands you a difficult period in which to deal with. Wash it down with an icy-cold glass of milk and for a moment life seems more manageable to deal with.
So while meandering through Costco the other day, I remembered I was out of brownie mix. So picking some up was a need not a want.
Not only that at Costco you can get 5 batches of brownies for the cost of perhaps two at the local grocery store and the best part is that the recipe actually reflects making a 9 by 13 pan of them.
Ever notice the grocery store boxes only call for 4 types of recipes, the kind made in a glass pan versus non stick pan and two sizes 8 x 8, and 9 x 9 only. I mean seriously. What if I wanted to use this mix in a bundt style pan or cupcakes. I'd be lost.
Yet, Costco solves that dilemma perfectly with a big old box of Ghiradelli Triple Chocolate brownie mix (yes for all you chocolate lovers out there, Kim from The Real Me, I thought of you!)
After preparing the mix, I make sure the pan is greased because no one likes rock hard brownies they can't get out of the pan right? I mean we all fight for the crust like edges because there is something that draws us all near.
So I pop them into the pan and into the oven. I set the timer and wait.
Ever notice that you can't use the standard of measuring to ensure your brownies are done? You can't use the toothpick in the center that's suppose to come out clean, mean they are done in the middle.
Nope, directions state baking them to the time and temperature indicated and then they are done, even though it states, "they may look undone", they are done!
Every time, I prepare a pan of brownies, my family is amazing. Sometimes they aren't done even though they looked it, yet I believe what I read on the box. Did I make a mistake on the timing?
Then there are those times they are a little too done but still perfect for an extra helping of cold milk to wash them down.
But my favorite is when they come out perfect. A little hard around the edges, but super gooey and soft in the center. HEAVEN!
Too often while I am making them and that aroma gets too the family, everyone will start to check the oven as if the smell isn't a tell tale sign enough. Then I am asked how much longer til they are done.
God is a lot like brownies you know that?
He gives us instructions to make our daily lives easier to manage even in the midst of struggles. While He doesn't even expect perfection, He even shares stories in there of people just like us, that lose everything, have their faith tested beyond what they imagine they could deal with, examples of forgiveness over revenge, and patience in the midst of a storm, but most of all unconditional love.
Yet too often we grow impatient with that aroma of what's to come in the very near future, but if we jump the gun and act too quickly we miss out and have under-cooked brownies.
If we wait too long and ignore God's calling on our life, our brownies become a little too done and our hearts grow hard and we blame God for all the wrongs in our life.
Yet with perfect timing and just the right amount of pressure in our life, we have the perfect brownie. Heaven - sent just from God.
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." ~ Jeremiah 29:11
I'm writing a sermon for church on Thursday and that verse from jeremiah keeps popping up everywhere. Maybe it's because I'm feeling so impatient with my job. Thanks for the reminder :)
Those look so good!!!
Thanks for becoming a follower of my blog! I'm following yours now too! :)
What a yummy treat! For the soul! God bless.
This post was delicious for my soul, thanks.
God, brownies....life is sweet.
That's one of my favorite verses. I enjoyed your brownie sermon, and will think of it when I eat one!
PS - I'm hungry now!
I loved the way you tied your brownies and the scriptures together. However, you do a marvelous job of that all the time. I wish I had one of the brownies now with a glass of cold milk. Trust things will get better at y our house for everyone.
Now I want some!!! Brownies are my favorite too.
Man, I was thinking about brownies today. No lie! Them and Chocolate Mouuse are my favorite!
I started out with a watery mouth wishing I wasn't watching what I eat and Shredding right now because I sure would love to bake a big batch of those and eat too many of them!!
Love how you related the brownies to God, so true. I will never make brownies without thinking of this post again.
Love and Blessings
Blessings Kat, Loved this post for many reasons-I love chocolate and brownies but right now am off of them so your description made my mouth water. Also, loved your analogy because you quoted my life verse-God is so awesome that His timing is always perfect, if we could just learn it.
Hugs to you today-praying for you and yours.
Love, Noreen
Two things that I love... God and a delish brownie!
Oh my gosh, what a beautiful scripture and great analogy.
Nothiing like a perfect brownie
and sometimes in life....we get that little taste of a perfect brownie ....to remind us of what is possible
You have gone and made me HUNGRY for brownies!!! :) Great post.
I currently at this very moment have brownies in the oven. No joking. I have Dak's brownies with a little hot fudge bottom somethin' somethin' and then I also have my Single-Serving Cherry Chocolate Brownie.
WOW we are thinking a like today!!
Love you friend,
Kat ~ This is an awesome write, once again.
Have a beau-TEA-ful week.
TTFN ~ Marydon
Great analogy...now I'm hungry for brownies, though! lol I love chocolate, too. I'm a big fan of Harry and David Dark Chocolate Truffles...I wish they make a brownie mix! ;-)
Brownies are our family's favorite. A 9 x 13 pan of them rarely lasts more than one day around here.
Love the analogy my friend. So so true. Why do I want some chocolate now?
Love it and now I want some brownies :)
I haven't tried those, I will have to pick them up. Funny though, my family doesn't like the ends but I do!
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