Whenever I went to the beach, the water seemed to call from me no matter how far the distance was from the sand to the water. It beckoned me.
As I stood between the soft, warm sand and the firmness of the sand that was being pulled back into the beckoning cool waters, all I saw were wave after pounding wave. At first the waves didn't look so big, just a little loud at times but still manageable.
I had my boogie board in hand and approached the refreshing feel of the cool water on my feet slowly enticing me in further and further. I knew that if only I could get to the point where the waves were beginning to break, I would have the best ride possible.
Yet what lie before me was the challenge. The pounding of the waves.

I knew if I timed it just right, and ran with all my might, I could make it out to the break point and not get pummeled.

So I waited, standing on the shore, and counting how many waves and when they would stop for a brief moment before cycling again. Once I was confident, I ran.
I jumped over the first couple of waves and kept my focus on the horizon, to the goal I was attempting to reach. In the process, I found that between sets, the water was growing deeper.
Those shallow sandbars have given way to deeper water. In between the sandbars were trenches I couldn't see from the shore line. Yet as I ventured further out, I found a sand bar and shallow water again.
Yet I was further out from shore and the waves were stronger and much larger, with no real water below, there wasn't a way out, so I either had to turn back, get pounded or moved forward.
I chose to move forward. Yet this wave was too big and I got caught in the cycle of the waves. Each time I got turned around inside like a giant washing machine and finally managed to make my way to the top, I gasped air long enough for the next wave to beat me back to the shore line.

Coughing and splayed out on the sandy shore, I wiped my sandy face and wondered what happened. I was back on the shore, safe and sound but so far from my goal.
After a number of attempts I was able to gauge the whereabouts of the sand bars and trenches along with the timing of the waves to finally manage to get out where I was beyond the waves breaking.
What I found there was peace. There was only a faint whisper of the waves breaking towards the shore behind me, but hear I experienced the lapping of the water around my board, and the rocking motion of the waves as they began their journey to the beach.
It was the most amazing and peaceful time. I could smile and wave at others who had survived right along with me as if we faced that journey together. I could see the sailboats on their way along the horizon line and all was right in the world. Until....
I looked down.
Below was dark, inkiness and a bottomless ocean. My mind now began to play tricks on me. Maybe too many Jaws movies as a child. Terror was now the only focus in my mind and all I wanted was to get back as quickly as possible.

After some serious paddling, I manage to catch a wave and make it back to shore. There was I knew my surroundings better I felt safe.
How often is life like that.
Our shoreline is where we stand today, comfortable and safe where we are.
The waves are the pounding and pummeling we must experience when facing whatever life hands us, it will either kill us or make us stronger. Yet in order to find peace, we must move forward unafraid of the fears life would have us believe exists.
The dark waters are fears that only exist in our mind, yet when we take our eyes off the horizon we immediately fall victim to those fears.
See an analogy coming?
God is like that peaceful place we all hope to get to one day. Yet too often, like Peter we look down. We face fear immediately and we grow afraid and turn back.
We are afraid at times to even venture out and experience that peace that exists if only we would stop out in faith and go.
Sometimes we are tossed and turned by our daily circumstances, trials of life, job loss, loss of a loved one, loss of our personal possessions, facing addictions, whatever the enemy would have us beaten down by. Our question remains. What will we do?
Run away or keep trying with our eyes focused on Him to triumph and experience a peace that surpasses all understanding?
Even though the waves of life may beat you down, remember God doesn't put you through the trials you can't win. In my life right now, God must think we are pretty strong, because even though we are battling our own waves, we know what lies beyond the breaking point. We are keeping our eyes on the horizon!

"I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances." ~ Philippians 4:11
Amen, praise God.
What a wonderfully evocative piece you've written, you made me feel the crash and pull of the water. And so, so true. Thank you for the reminder of where my eyes should be fixed...and I live the verse at the end, its one I try to hold before me.
Excellent post. Thank you for sharing that.
awesome - praise God that we can keep our eyes on the shoreline of His mercy and grace.
What a wonderful reminder to keep our eyes on Him instead of looking down or at all the problems of life. Your posts are always so good for us. You remind us of so many things that we need to keep focused on. May He bless you!
Morning Kat, what a wonderful post-I so love analogys. Love the photos as well. Lifting you and yours up before the Most High God and asking Him to bless you today. Feel free to email me if you have more requests.
Hugs, Noreen
Amen my sweet sister! Amen! No matter what season we are in....HE is always there with us, teaching, loving, holding us and carrying us along the path of HIS will!
Love you and praying for all of you!
I can relate! WOW ~ did you write that?!! =) Man oh Man I can relate!
Amen ~ indeed! =)
I can relate! WOW ~ did you write that?!! =) Man oh Man I can relate!
Amen ~ indeed! =)
This was great. The pictures really made it as well. Great post.
Wow Kat, that post was beautiful and inspiring! You've got such talent girlie!
I'm so thankful that my heavenly Father knows what is best for me even when it doesn't feel like a good thing. He always makes good come from our trials eventually.
How is your hubby's job search coming?
Lee Ann
That was so beautifully written. Thank you for sharing.
Nice post.
Happy weekend, friend.
LOve this post. We certainly do not know why lies beneath those murky waters. Thank God we have Him to pull us through those times. Amen to this post Kat. Blessings.
Thanks for this Kat...I think one reason I love to go to the ocean is that God seems to speak so clearly thru the majesty of His creation there.
((Hugs)) to you today.
This is a powerful message Kat!
Moment by moment of reading I could relate and I appreciate your sharing this!!!
I'm so thankful that no matter what GOD is with us and His Hand of protection is with us at all times.
I love you and your heart in the LORD!
Beautiful post - great analogy... Sometimes - I feel so overwhelmed and then I realize that I took my burdens and did not rely on Him to get me through.. As for the boogie boarding... your descriptions brings back many memories of boarding at Huntington Beach pier and knowing without a doubt a great white was underneath me..
Love to you
Amazing Salvation
Hi Kat, beautiful post..you always post such thoughtful uplifiting passages.
Thanks for stopping by sweet girl..I always enjoy a visit!
Have a blessd week!
hugs, Barb
We never have to face these waves alone!
So true!! That photo of the surfer with the shark shadow just beyond him evokes exactly the feeling of "looking down". Yikes!! Love that Philippians scripture.
Thanks for being such a sweet encouragement to me Kat! : )
After spending a week at the beach...I can totally relate to this post.
I am praying for you my friend.
I happened upon your blog from another blog and this post really spoke to me. Over and over I need to keep telling myself this b/c my husband and I are facing "big waves" right now and it's so easy to let it get us down instead of looking to God and knowing that He will take care of us. Thank you for posting this.
What a brave gal you are, Kat...I'd have been scared to death trying to do what you did.
But you are so right in the analogy you made, and how beautifully you described your experience.
Thanks for sharing this. Want you to know I went over to visit Gotta Have Faith... Yes, I am praying for Steve, and you and your whole family.
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