Saturday, May 22, 2010

What Did Jesus Say?

Ever wonder if Jesus talked about issues that matter the most to you as a young teen? Ever wonder where you'd begin to read about these issues in the Bible? Finally, there's a book that meet you where you are and shares Jesus' words on issues you deal with today.

What Did Jesus Say? from Carolyn Larson and Tyndale House Publishers looks at 62 topics that are fresh on your mind and point you directly to what Jesus had to say about them. This book makes Bible reading easy and relevant to you!

Find out what Jesus said about:
  • anger
  • faith
  • fear
  • grief
  • heaven
  • hypocrisy
  • jealousy
  • prayer
  • worry
  • and more...

What Did Jesus Say? is a great way to read the Bible in a language you can understand. All Scripture is quoted from the easy-to-understand NLT version of the Bible.

I received this book compliments of Tyndale House Publishers to review. I must say I jumped on the opportunity to review this product because with so many teens coming in and out of my home, we become the resource that they come to with questions regarding so many of the topics listed about. We always want to make sure that we are speaking the words that God would want us to share, and this book makes them all simple and easy to find in an alphabetized list.

Not only does it provide scripture references on each topics but stories that help drive that topic in a way that Jesus would share a word of advice to our teens.

If you would like to know more about this book including where to purchase a copy, click on the link below:


  1. Your reviews are always awesome.

  2. Hi, Kat~

    This sounds great! Thank you for your wonderful reviews!


  3. Hi Kat, wanted to wish you a happy day and hope you are feeling well..


  4. I should check this out as I deal with a lot of teens...including my own.

  5. This sounds like a must have kind of book.I have a house full of teens and this would probably be a great book to have on hand. Thanks for sharing. ((hugs))

  6. hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....


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