Thursday, May 27, 2010


Hello Prayer Warriors!

I have an urgent need for your prayers today. I got a phone call today from my husband, Steve and he was told he is being laid off tomorrow. He has been with this company almost two years and they told him that there will be no severance for him due to the company that just bought theirs out, doesn't offer it. They just don't believe in it.

So we find ourselves once more back in this unsettled and unknown economy. Only God knows what lies ahead so we have placed this burden for our financial needs in His hands while Steve continues to look elsewhere.

We need prayer for financial support to help us maintain from one month to the next.
We need encouragement and support for Steve who feels like he has let us down.
We need employers to be open to helping find him a job.

Thanks again mighty warriors and as you can see the enemy loves to seek to steal, kill and destroy and we will prevail against this attack as well.


  1. Will definitely keep you and your family in prayers! God will provide! Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper, not to harm to give you hope and a future.
    God bless, Andi

  2. I am praying with you Kat. We have been living on faith and the blessings of paying our tithing since my husband lost his job in March. ♥

  3. I am so sorry. Praying for you and your family!

  4. Oh my friend, we will definitely be praying. God is a wonderful provider, so I know He will make a way.

  5. Praying-now, and will continue to do so. Please God this a temporary set-back, and there's something good waiting for Steve?

  6. ~sigh~ ~deep breath~

    I will be praying Kat!

  7. Kat, I'll be praying for you and your family.
    God is the blessed controller of all things and He will see you through this trial.

    Please keep me updated by email


  8. Praying for you and sending you blessings!

  9. So sad....will be praying....You have been in some hard places....Please keep us posted

  10. Wow! This is a big one. You will certainly be in our prayers. What is big to us is not too big for our great God.

  11. I'm sorry. I'll be praying for you and Steve.
    My husband lost his job about 10 years ago after working for a company for 20 years. His company was bought by a competitor and was closed down. He got no severance pay either, and the notice came on my birthday. God took care of us though, and the job he has now is much more enjoyable and only 10 minutes from home. I know God will take care of you too.

  12. I will definitely be praying for you and your family!! We have been down that road and I know the Lord has a plan for you all just like He always comes through for us. I know He has an employer out there looking for Steve. Love and Blessings to you Kat!!

  13. Praying for you my dear friend.
    We've been where you are at and it's no fun but we also got to see the hand of God work miracles in our life during that time and I know He'll do the same for you!!!

  14. Praying for Steve and you, Kat. Believing God has a better job in store. Trusting Him,

  15. Oh my goodness! I know how you must be feeling. I have been unemployed since July of last year. It is so hard not to worry about my situation but God knows and in His time, the doors will open.

    I'm praying for you and your family. Please tell Steve to be encouraged. There is something even better waiting for him.

  16. Oh Kat! I am so very sorry! Please tell Steve we are praying and covering each of you & this situation in prayer!
    God does have a plan ~ of that I have NO doubt!

    Love you sweet sister! May Steve experience The Lords peace in a whole new way!

  17. Oh my goodness, Kat! That's awful~ I'm so sorry you and Steve are going through this. Will be praying for sure!

  18. Kat,
    I'm so sorry!!! You will be in my prayers dear one. Please keep us updated!!

    Love you,

  19. Kat....knees to the earth for you my friend. Thankfully you know the Great Provider and are already heading to Him for everything. I know He will come through for you. Interceeding on your behalf is a blessing. Keep us posted.

  20. When will it all end? It's said the good Lord does not put more us than we can handle, but seems he is really testing your family. I have never been so sorry to hear such another terrible thing happening you. Just maintain your faith. You have been blessed, been thorough hard times before and survived. You and Steve will do it again. Where there is a will there is a way. Dear sweet Jesus watch over this family and give them the strength to face whatever tomorrow brings. They did you guidance and directions.

  21. Oh Kat, I am so very sorry. My family has had to walk through this twice in the last 3 years. It is tough to walk. I will pray for your family and I know God is going to take care of you. Please keep that faith. Proverbs 3:5-6, Trust in Him with all your heart and lean not on you own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.

    Girl, I clung to that many times and God alwyas provided. Lifting your family up daily will be an honor for me. I love you bunches!!


  22. Oh, sweet sister. i am so sorry that you are having to endure this trial of the unknown. i just can't imagine, but I know that we are all could be in that same position at any given time.

    I am praying for you all. I will be lifting Steve up to the Throne of our Lord.

    ps - mailed the 'believe' canvas today. I pray it blesses and satisfies.

  23. I will be praying and praying!! God is good and He is faithful!!

  24. Oh dear Kat, please know that I am praying for you right now as I have just read this post, and all throughout this day and the days to come.

    God will surely give Steve a new channel of provision!

    May your faith in God's goodness remain intact.

    May you call on El Shaddai as your provider.

    May you know Him as your Strong Tower.

    May He reveal Himself to you and your family as the Lord of the Breakthroughs.


  25. My heart is so saddened to hear this sister Kat. Prayers are lifted just now and will continue to do so. May God open a bigger door of opportunity for bro. Steve.

  26. I am on your prayer warrior team, dear Kat, and want you to know that you and your husband are loved and supported, as Jesus works everything for good. As Andi wrote, Jeremiah 29:11. Hard to understand but true.

  27. Hi Kat, Definately keeping your family in prayer. God is sovereign and nothing is allowed to happen to you without His allowing of it. Will pray that you continue to trust in Him and your hope is always in Him. Lots of hugs, Lindsey

  28. Will pray for you and your family. We know our Lord is working for you also. May your husbands heart be lifted and not feeling as though he let you down, we certainly don't want Satan to slip in.

  29. Oh, Kat, I am so very sorry to hear this. The same thing happened to J two years ago. No severance pay. I know how hard it is. Although we have no children, we have a lot mouths that depend on us!

    I will be faithfully praying for you, Steve, and your children. If you need to email me feel free to do so.
    God Bless, misha

  30. Kat you know you have my prayers. Please just have faith and God will see you through.

  31. Oh, Kat, I am just now getting this..we have been gone for the day. I totally understand...Doug lost his job 2 years ago. My heart is with you and I am honored you drop by to ask me to pray! We will most certainly storm the heavens with you!
    Hang in there!

  32. Praying, it is a tough life we have to live. Blessings to you! Anne

  33. Praying now, Kat.

    Sweet dreams.

  34. Andrea sent me over,My prayers are with you and your far as the severance that really sucks,unfortunately more and more companies are becomming more cold blooded and uncareing.

  35. Just wanted to let you know that I got your last two prayer requests and I have added them to my prayer list. Just know that I am lifting these needs to the Lord and trusting that He will supply ALL your needs. ((hugs))

  36. I am so sorry to hear this. Our son just moved today to Colorado because of the job situation. As sad as I am to see him go, I believe that God has other things in store for him and that's where He wants him to be. We've been there several times in the past few years and will certainly pray for you. It is not a comfortable position to be in. I pray God will help you grow and grow closer to Him throught it all.

  37. Hi Kat:

    Andrea shared this need and I join in prayer for and your hubby right now, and ask God for His very best. I will be praying for you both. There are so many in this place right now. These are strange times. But God... and He will be your answer, He has promised that.



  38. Oh Kat, I'm so sorry for the loss of Steve's job. We have been through similar situations in the past when my husband's employer and company was sold out to another and overnight his job was ceased. I do feel your pain and will be praying for you all.

    When I look back at that time, I think about all of the ways that God provided our needs and can praise Him. "I cast all my care upon you".

  39. With God, ALL things are possible. After returning from the mission field, in an icky financial time, God provided a wonderful job for my husband. I firmly believe that there is NO recession or economic crisis in God's kingdom. Imagine it, God has something even better for Steve.

    Hugs from the desert,

  40. God promises to provide for our every need (((hugs))) to you and your family. Waiting to see how God will work this out!! Blessings to you! ~Amy

  41. Sweet sis, I am very sorry for this news. But, as someone who has just experiened this for six months, I know everything will be ok. I will not cease to pray for inancial blessings to be poured all over you. I love you.

  42. praying for you and your family sweet friend. God has something better.

  43. Andrea at Arise 2 Write asked for prayer for you. I hopped over here to read more and am now a follower and will be praying that your husband finds a job soon. I will pray that God will lead him in the right direction.

  44. I'm so sorry to hear this news. I will keep Steve and your family in my prayers.

  45. Oh sweet Kat! I am so sorry to hear about this for your family. I am praying right now!! God is going to take care of you & show your husband which direction he wants him to go in. I know He has plans to bless you!

  46. Hi sweet friend, Somehow I missed this but relieved to see so many comments. Be assured I'm lifting you up right now for the Lords provision and for His direction for a new job for Steve. This may be the Lord's protection over your hubby but I know it is still tough to go through during this bad economy. Feel free to email me privately if you need more detailed prayers. Hugs, Noreen

  47. Thank you for the heads up to pray for your family situation. Prayers are offered!

  48. "But he gives more grace." James 4: 6.
    Praying for you.

  49. Abba Father God:

    We remember our friend and Sister-in-Christ Kat and her family

    who are going through many trials and tribulations in their lives.

    She needs a peace of mind and a healing of spirit.

    God, we know you have plans for everyone.

    We do not know what they are.

    We know everything happens according to your plans

    and to the ultimate good of all of us.

    We ask that you provide for Sweet Kat and her family.

    All we can say, God, is that Thy will be done.

    Lord, deliver her family, and us from
    the fear of the unknown future;
    the fear of unemployment;
    the fear of poverty;
    the fear of bereavement;
    the fear of loneliness;
    the fear of sickness and pain;
    the fear of evil; and
    the fear of death.

    God, teach us to be generous;

    Father teach us to be patient;
    Teach us to serve You as Your deserve it;
    To give and not to count the cost,
    To fight and not to seek for rest,
    To labor and not to seek reward,
    Save that of knowing that we are instruments you use to seek your will.

    Help us, God, by thy grace to love and fear you only,
    fill Kat and her families and our hearts with cheerful courage and loving trust in You.

    Hear our prayers Father God;
    When her heart weakens with despair; provide Kat with a rock that she can lean on and get comfort.
    Be a refuge for Kat and her family, provide them with a tower of strength in the face of adversities.
    Provide them a shelter in the shadows of your wings like a mother bird that takes care of her children in the face of danger.

    We ask that You strengthen Kat so that she will have the courage and compassion to face life, and guide and help her to chose the path that will be pleasing to you.

    Strengthen her family so that they can collectively overcome these setbacks in this phase of their lives.

    God, You keep us from falling.
    You lift us from the dark valley of despair to the bright mountain of hope.
    You elevate us from the midnight of desperation to the daybreak of joy.
    We pray that you help Kat and her family face these uncertain times and emerge triumphant and victorious, and pray with all of us that "Thy will be done."

    In Jesus Precious Name.

    Amen and Amen.

    God Bless You Sweetie With Love,


  50. Kat, you and your family will be in my prayers. I firmly believe there will be a safe and stable way ahead.
    Remember... God tests those he loves the most.

  51. Kat, I'm joining my prayers with those of the others. For peace. For provision. For purpose. For God's plan to reign supreme.

  52. Oh my, Kat! I will be praying for you all, especially Steve - to find a job quickly.

  53. Praying for you. I know it's hard right now to see, but always remember when one door closes, another opens. God will provide!

    Much love to you both,

  54. Kat, I am so sorry. I will continue to pray for you and your family. Love you,

  55. Kat, I just now saw this and I will be praying for you.

    My hubby was once out of work for quite awhile. The Lord provided for us during that time and He will provide for you as well.

    My hubby did something which I thought was clever. He had a "first interview" outfit. He always wore the same suit, shirt and tie to any first interview that he had.

    He wore a different suit, shirt and tie to all of his second interviews.

    This way, if he was called for a second interview he didn't have to worry about whether he'd already worn a suit or shirt, etc.

    I'll be praying for you all! Love you!

  56. I am praying for you at so many different levels of this scary time.

    I too have just been through this, God is GOOD. I was only off for 2 weeks and only had one week with no pay.

    Keep the faith as I know you will. God will provide.

  57. I am praying for you Kat. God will not fail you or let you fall.

    Last month my income came from garage sales and selling on craigslist. God provided enough to make all my bill payments on time.

    I just started a job this week. It is only part time and pretty low pay but I know this is where He has chosen for me to work. I can see the opportunities here but still need to depend on God's provision for the extra month at the end of the pay.

    Keep trusting Him!

    Love and Hugs!!


My thoughts for the day are