168 Hours makes one week. 52 weeks make a year. A few years makes one life. We frequently don’t see it or feel it – but we sense a profound change in the air. It’s as though the sand beneath our feet is shifting. What used to be common sense is not so common anymore. What many of us thought was solid rock has become shifting sand. Such drastic changes stir in us a growing sense that there is more to living than what money can buy. That life is too short to miss out on what is truly important.
How many of you have read the book, Life’s Little Instructions? I know it’s been a long time favorite of mine, and each year, I even get the calendar. It’s whimsical and offers some great things to thing about for that day. When I got the opportunity to review the book, “Life’s Too Short to Miss The Big Picture” by Steve Diggs, compliments of Kathy Carlton Willis Communications, I felt a similar connection.
This book provides you quick insight into some things we should all take a little extra time doing and the best part, is that it is written for Christians. Through a series of short, unique “Life Notes”, Steve Diggs helps you push aside the daily stresses and worries, and guide you toward making the most of what’s important. He will help you realize that life ahead looks good. You will learn to awake with a smile, and drift to sleep with a contented heart. This is a book about excellent living. You will learn how to make the time count, slay the dragon and never miss The Big Picture.
Some of the topics discussed are:
- Counting Your Blessings
- Become a Beautiful Listener
- Help Meet the Needs of Others
- Choose Where to Put Your Faith
- Lead With Your Heart
- Live In The Real World
- Be A Cheerleader
There are 70 of these amazing topics that Steve takes you through. My favorite was Counting Your Blessings. If you have ever watched White Christmas, there is a part in the movie where Bing Crosby and Rosemary Clooney are sitting in the hotel restaurant because she can’t sleep. Bing sings the song, “If you are worried and you can’t sleep, try counting your blessings instead of sheep, and you’ll fall asleep counting your blessings.” Basically it’s about how to turn lifes’ lemon moments into those spiritual lemonade ones.
If you would like to know more about this book, including where to purchase a copy, please click on the link below:
The first thought that came to mind as I read your post was: "Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom." Psalm 90:12
ReplyDeleteThe second thought that came to mind was how much I dislike that term: "Life is too short." I suppose it stems from my sense that it applies pressure of some sort; pressure never meant for those of us living in God's eternal "now".
No doubt this is a great, inspiring book. And don't we all profit when we live intentional lives? It never hurts when it comes to gaining a heart of wisdom.
Blessings, and Happy Mother's Day!
Great review and thank you for sharing great books with us. Happy Mother's Day to you sister Kat! God bless and keep you!
ReplyDeleteWonderful review. Happy Mother's Day sweetie.
ReplyDeleteHappy Mother's DAy!
ReplyDeleteSounds like it's a book that we all could use. Life is so short and there are so many things that we take for granted. Happy Mother's Day!
ReplyDeleteHappy Mother's Day sweet friend!! Great review!! Love and Blessings
ReplyDeleteKat, Happy Mothers Day. Love you lots,
ReplyDeleteSweet Sweet Friend,
ReplyDeleteOh it's so late for me right now, but I had to stop in to wish you a very blessed Mother's Day weekend.
I love you Kat and big hugs are sent your way. Prayers still going up for you.
Kat great review. Something I can certainly learn from. Blessings.
ReplyDeleteThis looks interesting- you know every so often one comes across a book which you want to give to everyone you know! This might be one? Appreciating what one has is a lost art it sometimes seems to me.
ReplyDeleteLooks like a great book!
ReplyDeleteI hope you had an awesome Mother's Day!
As usual great review :) happy mother's day Kat ^^
ReplyDeleteThis one has my attention... I must put it on my to read list... so much to do ... so much to read... so little time!! he he! =)