Saturday, May 1, 2010

Heading Home

Eight years is a long time from saying good bye as kids to saying hello as adults.

She’s back! For eight long years, A.J. Degulio has been itching to get back to Indian Island, her beloved dog, Sailor, and her childhood friend, Danny Morgan. It’s home. But a lot has changed. Sailor moves slower, Danny has grown into a six-foot-something good-lookin’ cowboy…and A.J. has a promise to keep…which doesn’t include Danny. When Danny hears of her plans, he’s shocked and hurt. But he cares too much to stand in the way of what she really wants. (excerpt from the back cover).

Dreaming of childhood crushes and romances that you wondered what would have ever happened if it all worked out just the way fairy tales or dreams would have it, this book, Heading Home, by Renee Riva does just that. It lets us live in the world of what if’s and the possibilities of childhood romance and first love. I love this book because of the idea of keeping God in center of things always makes anything work out for the best.

I received this book compliments of B & B Media Group to review and highly recommend it to any parent or young teen looking for inspirational love stories based on a love of God in the middle.

For more information on this book including where to purchase a copy, please click on the link below:

For more information on the author, click the link below:


  1. Kat,

    Now this book sounds really good and I love the cover. You are so blessed to get to review all these books. Good for you.

  2. Nice to all your review kat :)

  3. Sounds like a book I could get lost in on a lazy Saturday. :)

    Happy weekend!

  4. This book sounds really good, one you wouldn't want to put down until the end. Thansk for sharing your thoughts with it.

  5. Very Nice Review!!!
    Sounds like a book you can sink your teeth into!
    God Bless Sweetie With Love,

  6. Sounds like a good book - you do great reviews!

    Head to my place for a giveaway my friend. I think you would LOVE it!

  7. I agree, Home is where the heart is.

  8. Glad she got the cards okay. It was my pleasure to send them. This is another great book review. Take care till next time.

  9. This book sounds good. Love your reviews!! Love and blessings, Angel


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