Sunday, April 11, 2010

Updates in the Life of a Busy Kat

Wow, hard to believe that its been 2 weeks since my surgery and it's been a slow recovery. I have an appointment today to follow up with my OB to see how things are progressing. What can I say some days are better than others and then there are those days where you quite literally feel like you've been hit by a steam engine.

Now that Spring Break is officially over for us and it's back to the final weeks of school there is so much coming up. I am hoping,(fingers crossed), that I can get to Border's Books in Rancho Cucamonga at Victoria Gardens to meet one of my favorite authors for a book signing. It's Joyce Meyers and I've got a couple of books I would be honored to have her personalize just for me as well as have my picture taken. For blogging reasons of course! It's expected to rain today so that always makes me happy.

We have my nephew here with us for another week, while my brother is flying to New York to see the season opener game between the Yankees and the Angels. You definitely don't see that every day. So it's been our pleasure to really work in both of their lives in different ways over these past three weeks.

On a side note, I am thrilled that Phil Mickelson won the Master's championship in golf and dedicated the entire game to his wife Amy who has been battling breast cancer this past year. You just don't see great guys who love their wives so publicly like this man. Both Steve and I were crying. Love that man! Phil and Amy, we are praying that she will beat this and be on the road to recovery in no time.


  1. I was praying that Phil Mickelson would win it all! God is Good! He certainly deserved it dedicating his sport to his wife with her illness. What a gentleman!

    I wrote my post for my book giveaway and my camera will not spit the pics out that I took!

    I am so frustrated!

    But I am happy that you are doing ok! I pray everyday! Healing is such a process.

    If my son gets home I will see if he can help me with the pics!

    What kind of camera do you use? I am asking everyone that question.

    I have the best post to publish with my book win and I am so frustrated! Thanks and hugs to you and yours! Anne

  2. How awesome is that??? I'm thrilled that he won the Masters.

    Are you feeling better? I hope that you're not in pain anymore. Take care and enjoy time with your family.

  3. Glad you are recoving ... praying that the pace increases!

    Neat thing about Phil. Thanks for sharing that story.

  4. Hi there, Love your post and love the photo of Phil and his family. Both hubby and I are thankful that he won also.
    Have a great week.

  5. So glad that you are recovering, even if it is slow! Been praying for this. Have fun at the signing!

  6. Praying for your continued recovery, love you.

  7. Glad to see that you are improving, even if it's slowly. We don't follow golf, but I did hear about Phil Mickelson and his wife Amy. They sound like a great couple.

  8. Kat, glad that you are coming along nicely.

    I never watch golf, but for some reason I did this time. Probably the Woods saga intrigued me, but was pleasantly surprised and introduced to PM. A gracious man with a loving family it looks like Glad he won! Blessings.

  9. Don't be too hard on yourself in the recovery department...I think it takes a couple of months to feel completely well after a big surgery like yours.

    We were rooting for Phil too. Or Fred..I wouldn't have minded seeing an 'old man' win : ) Have a nice week!

  10. Continuing to pray towards your healing. That sounds exciting that you'll get to see Joyce Meyer. Me, too. I'm glad Mickelson won! Have a great week ahead sister Kat! God bless.

  11. Ditto and Phil and his wife! So glad to hear that your feeling better.

  12. I am glad your recovery is coming along but I really can't wait to hear that it is done! No more discomfort for Kat is what we are all praying for :) I know you will be so happy to have your life back.

    Joye Meyer totally RAWKS!!! I just came back from one of her conferences, girl I totally hope you get to that book signing.


  13. Glad you are doing well, and I second the comments on Phil M. He is great!

  14. Glad your days are slowly seeing some normalcy Kat! I know it has been a long road for you...keep strong and encouraged my dear.

    I too was so touched my the Phil story...that is more of the stories we all need to hear and feed on.

  15. Yes, that was a great win for both these great people. Trust you get a good report. Things have got to improve and I am sure with your faith they will.

  16. love that story about Phil.

    so glad to hear you are on the road to recovery...i had no idea, i don't blog jog often enough.

    sending prayers up now!

  17. we r phil fans, too! One day I will make it to that golf's on my bucket list :)
    Praying you up for your OB appt.

  18. I was just wondering about your progress. Thanks for the update. Yes...I am so glad that phil won too. He is a gem. What an awesome husband! hope you are enjoying your time with your nephew too.

  19. I love Phil too! Wow - what an amazing Saturday with back to back Eagles and almost a 3rd.. He's a classy guy...
    About 5 years ago I had cancer and was able to remove it with minor surgery - I do go to a gyno/oncologist every year for the check up... Because my monthly cycles are so bad - he told me years ago I should have the surgery you just had - my fear and my busy schedule has prevented me. I am seriously thinking about this summer while the kids are home. Are you glad you did it?

    Love to you.

  20. It was an awesome tournament...nothing like the Masters, heartwarming and heartwrenching moment!!

  21. I wish you were feeling better. I will pray for you to bounce back quickly. Hope all goes well at the doctor.

    I was thrilled to see Phil win. He is a man to be proud of.

  22. I love Joyce Meyers! I hope you got there!

  23. Dear Kat,
    I loved this update... I have not visited your place in weeks because I've been living in a suitcase this month... and well, today I decided that I will pay you a visit.

    WHen I do I always scroll down to where the personal stuff is, you know what I mean. I admit I don't always read the reviews unless there's one with a title that catches my eye, but the personal updates about you I always want to read.

    Cause I am praying for you, and your family, you and Steve and your two daughters. Esp for you, that God will always break through for you in whatever situation you are in.

    You are so precious in His eyes! You have a deep perception of life around you, and I continue to believe that what you've gone through is prophetic. God's wanting to remove parts of your heart that get in the way of His getting through you. It's painful...and a slow process. BUt please never give up and always look up in hope.


  24. I am glad you are feeling better ! Please take it easy and don't overdo it ok! Let me know how the checkup goes please!

    We were thrilled for Phil and his wife!! What a blessing it was to see him win after such a difficult year!

    Love you


My thoughts for the day are