Saturday, April 17, 2010

Should We Fire God? Giveaway!

Should We Fire God? - Trailer 1 from Robbie Poff | Highland Films on Vimeo.

Ever questioned yourself when tragedy strikes with one word, Why? Perhaps it’s the death of a child or something on a greater magnitude that bears that very question. Then it usually is followed up with then where was God when this happened? Why did He allow this to happen? Does God really care about us? Does God even exist at all?

The answers are laid out quite nicely in the book, Should We Fire God? By Jim Pace. Jim was a former student of Virginia Tech, and when the shootings at the school that claimed the lives of 28 students and 4 teachers, Jim was asked to be the media spokesperson for the church at the time.

As difficult as these questions may be to answer, I think Jim does a great job at not only laying out the foundation of why God allows such things to happen, but we have to understand that we all have our own personal choices to make in life. If God intervenes in one of them, then where should he stop? Doesn’t it then become a forced sense of a relationship between us and our creator?

Imagine if you will as a parent, you kept your child perfectly safe in your opinion. Never let them out, never let them be with other children, because in all honestly you can’t protect them when they are out of your sight much less protect them when they are in your sight. So where you do start and stop?

The book is the best I have read to date on the answer to the question we all find ourselves answering to people who don’t believe and finally we can feel confident in our reply. Sin was allowed in, and thus in this world sin is prevalent. We need never teach our kids how to be bad or selfish, it’s something that comes naturally even though we try and correct against it.

I personally think each Christian should take the time to have these necessary answers handy. I received a complimentary copy of this book from Faith Words, a division of Hachette Book Groups. If you would like more information on this book and where to purchase a copy, please click on the link below:

In addition, I will be providing 3 copies of this book to any followers of my blog who simply leave me a comment.

I would love to know how would you answer the question of why does God allow bad things to happen and should we fire God? Please leave me a comment!

This giveaway will end on April 24th!


  1. No, we should never fire God. He puts us through the fire, to test us. It is in those times, that we grow, and learn the most.

  2. A great giveaway Kat. Yes, I have certainly questioned God "why" many times. But, no no no, God has a permanent job! He is in it for the long run. Blessings.

  3. Sin and Intervention- you've summed it up perfectly, I'd say. Those are my answers. My eldest showed me this YouTube clip recently which she thought summed up the Interventin aspect for people to understand:

    I had to watch it a couple of times before I 'got' it all.

  4. Fire God? No. Just think how chaotic and out of control society would become if we were able to remove all vestige of his presence. What degree of peace and order we have now is b/c God is here. Sounds like a very interesting book.

  5. Sounds interesting... the title alone makes you stop for a second look.

    Fire God? Never! Because on the craziest of days, and I've had some doozies, I wouldn't have survived without Him. I may not always understand the "PLAN," but if I continue on my journey to understand GOd, He brings perfect peace. Bad things do happen to good people. We live in a sinful world. And GOd does allow things to happen, but since I can't always see the bigger picture, I continue to try and leave it all in His hands.

    Have a beautiful weekend!

  6. How helpful this would be in explaining things to my adult son. Thank you for this chance.

  7. Now this sounds like an interesting read. I'll look it up. Thanks Kat.
    Love ya really big bunches.

  8. I would really love this...for me and my youth group.

  9. Absolutely NOT - we should not fire GOD.

    Why do bad things happen to good people? Because every test God puts us through, is there to prepare us for something so much bigger....
    I think God would've liked it if He could teach us all these lessons in some easier way, but, we are just like children... if we don't "feel" it, we don't listen and learn.

  10. I thought I already left you a comment for this one : ( guess not. Questioned God, Yes, wanted to fire Him, NO. This book sounds really good, would love to share it with my kiddos.

  11. *waves* (again) ;)


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