Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Restoration Road

What would happen if you were generous with your time, talent and treasure? Would you be content enough in Christ to give to someone in need? Would you spend extra time with your spouse or children, allowing them to set the agenda? Would you invest your talent into a coworker? Would you give some of your treasure to a neighbor who is struggling? Imagine if you let life’s bad pitches go by and lived content in the peace of God in Christ, the focal point of the eyes of your heart. This is yet another step you can take as you travel Restoration Road to live restored to authenticity. (Pg. 187, Restoration Road)

I was provided with a complimentary copy of Restoration Road by Mitch Kruse, to review for B & B Media Group. This book is amazing at walking you through obtaining a better life and quality of life through a life of being restored by Jesus Christ. Mitch Kruse is a man who has spent a lifetime pursuing excellence in all things in his life with one goal in mind, to make a billionaire dollars by the age of 40. Yet along the way, things don’t happen exactly as Mitch would like and in the process you learn how Mitch puts his life back together when brought to the brink of losing it all.

For more information on this book and where to purchase a copy of it, please click on the link below:

Restoration Road by Mitch Kruse with Derek Williams
Credo Communications/March 2010
ISBN: 978-1-935391-31-9/316 pages/hardcover/$24.99
Become a fan of Mitch Kruse on Facebook. Follow Mitch on Twitter


  1. Sounds like a great book-I'm thankful that you review them and let us know what you think.
    Blessings, Noreen

  2. This book sounds interesting. Great review.
    Love and Blessings, Angel

  3. Sounds like a great book. Something all of us American Christians should read. I think we just get so involved with ourselves and what is going on in our world, that sometimes we don't see how we can be ministering to people right under our noses.

    Thanks for the encouraging comment on my blog. Even though we are probably only a third of the way done, we're getting closer and it feels great!

  4. those are some great questions to ask ourselves...

  5. I like the videos along with the post too. Gets us even more interested in the book.

  6. Money isn't all there is to life, but life can be miserable without any money. Sounds like he maybe found out that life isn't all about money. Good review.

  7. Interesting questions being posed there...very interesting.

  8. Another great book review. Did I miss the doctor's report? I always wonder about you. Thanks for being a special friend.

  9. Kat sounds very good. Thank you dear for sharing.


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