Saturday, April 10, 2010

Mommy Power Giveaway and Review!

Ever wonder how some moms seem to do it all? They attend numerous sporting events, practices, music recitals, dances, church functions, fund raising, parent/teacher conferences, volunteer at multiple charity functions, working a full or part time job, managing to transport their kids to not only school but all these after school activities, manage a home, and still have time left in the day to be a wife and mom?

We all know women like this or even at times become frustrated with ourselves when we can make it to the model of what we believe every mom should be, a Super Mom! In the book, Mommy Power, Discovering Your Mommy Strength by Dr. Shelia Schuller Coleman, she walks you through her own life of being a mom of 4 very active boys. How she has handled all those very things mentioned above and yet still come through with flying colors. The main focus behind it all is you can’t do anything without God’s help. You learn that as she takes you through many things from setting guidelines for your children, managing sickness, and handling extra curricular activities for kids and even how to give yourself a “time out”.

The best part about the book besides all the great stories is the scripture reference section at the end that provides scripture to strengthen you, for forgiveness and even to make you stronger in love.

I received this beautiful complimentary book to review by Faith Words, a division of the Hachette Book Group and think it’s a must have for any mom, grandmother or soon to be mom to have as part of their permanent library. If you would like more information about this book and where to purchase a copy, please click on the link below:

The best part of this just in time for Mother’s Day is that I am going to give away three copies of this book to anyone leaving me a comment. This giveaway is open to those living in the US and Canada only. No P.O. Boxes please. I must have a way to get in touch with you. The giveaway will end on April 17th.


  1. This sounds like EVERYONE will want it!! You do reviews awfully well you know, Kat, even books which I wouldn't normaly read I want to read after one of your reviews!!
    But please don't include me in this as I think other's need would be greater, since I'm coming to the end of my teenagers!

  2. Sounds like a wonderful book my friend. I think we as Mommy's always think that the other Mommy's have it all together. LOL!

  3. Great review.

    Hope you are doing well. Remember...slow and easy!

    Hugs, andrea

  4. Looks like a good book! Thanks for alerting me to come on over. I will enter to win this one. Looks like its a good one for me!

  5. You do such an amazing job! I am way behind on everything in my life! I received my package this week! The books are amazing and I must sit down and write a note about the parenting book! The mother/daughter relationship book is perfect for myself and my three girls! I convinced my hubby that he and our two boys (25,16) need to do the bible study with the guy book! You are a terrific lady! Thank you and I will be blogging about my win! Hugs Anne

  6. Awesome!!!!! Sounds like a wonderful book:)

  7. Another great book. Include me in your drawing. I stopped buying books and go the the library. They have most anything you would want.

  8. Great review, Kat. Please enter me!

  9. I'm in, it sounds like a great book and a great gift to give to one of my nieces! Thank you.

  10. I am in on this for sure, Kat ... sounds great!

    TY for keeping us updated ... how are you doing now?

    Have a lovely weekend.
    TTFN ~Hugs, Marydon

  11. I would love to have this book to read and to give to my daughter. I too see so many moms stressing themselves out "to do it all". I do not want my daughter to fall into this trap. Thank for this nice give away. It is a great review.
    God bless you.

  12. That is cool. I raised 5 kids....mommy power was needed indeed.
    I have only a P.O. box, so I don't qualify for the giveaways you do.
    BUT.....IF I were to win, you could give it to my daughter as she lives in Utah with a real address.

    have a great weekend. The wind is blowing like crazy here and it saps the life right out of me.

  13. You are right, everyone needs this book. I sure love all your giveaways. Thanks for sharing.
    Love, Angel

  14. I could totally use this book to discover my mommy power...Love the illustration on the front.

  15. I think my mommy days are behind me. At least I hope so. But I enjoyed your review none the less.

  16. Don't enter me sister Kat. Just want to come by and say a warm hello, keeping you in prayers. You're such a generous giver! :) And an awesome book reviewer! God bless you sister and may you have a great weekend!

  17. Another great review. Sounds like another great book

  18. Great Review!! I have at times thought how do they have it all together and I'm barely making it!!
    Thank you for this review.

  19. It sounds like a wonderful book! If I don't win I will add it to my book wish list!! =) Great job reviewing it!

  20. Oh, I definitely need this book!

  21. I'd love to give this to my SIL. Thanks for sharing. Blessings, SusanD

  22. Who wouldn't like to have mommy power? Count me in! ~Amy


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