Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Crowning Glory of Calla Lily Ponder

Imagine living your life in a small town called La Luna in Louisana your whole life. You can remember spending time at the corner grocery store getting a bottle of Coke from the old red and white cooler while sitting under the ceiling fan on a hot and muggy summer day hoping for the afternoon thunderstorm to come and cool you off. Other times, you would spend lazy days with friends and a picnic lunch at the river taking turns on the rope swing and seeing who could do the biggest cannon ball.

One day your mom gets breast cancer, something that you hardly can understand back then but something you think will get better the more times she goes to the doctor and the more treatments she gets. Your mom and you have a close relationship, closer than anyone in the world could possibly understand.

Your mother has been teaching you about healing hands while she makes the customers in her beauty shop, called the “Crowning Glory” feel more beautiful and alive than when they came in. She shows you that you too, have such a gift and you decide that when you grow up that is just what you will do, follow in your momma’s footsteps.

In The Crowing Glory of Calla Lily Ponder by Rebecca Wells, author of Divine Secrets of the YA-YA Sisterhood, we read of Calla Lily Ponder’s childhood as described above and how she grows into the woman she is today. The losses and loves that come and go in her life and how the call of her small town of La Luna beckon her back like the moon she talks to when she gets lonely at night.

I had the wonderful privilege of receiving a complimentary copy of this book from TLC Book tours and have to tell you this is one of my most favorite books I have read so far. I felt like I was living the life of Calla Lily and the charm of the town she called home.

If you would love to know more about this book, the author and even where to pick up a copy of this book, please click on the link below:


More information about the author Rebecca Wells can be found here:

I will be giving away one copy of this book to a lucky follower of mine that leaves me a comment. The giveaway winner will be announced on May 3rd.


  1. I know I would enjoy this book.

  2. I think I might even enjoy this book. I love small town stories.

  3. You are truly amazing with all the books your read. Are you an editor of sorts? This book sounds amazing. The way you've described it makes people want to run out and buy it! Growing up in a small town, I feel a connection already. (smiles) Blessings to you and yours. Love and Light, Nina P

  4. Sounds like a great book! Thanks for sharing this one with us. Just dropping by to wish you a great day! May the Lord bless you and protect you.

  5. Trust all is well with you. I would like to be considered for this book.

  6. Don't you just love it when you find a book that you can add to your list of favorites? Sounds like a book I would enjoy too...thanks for sharing.

  7. Sounds like a beautiful book filled with powerful messages.

    Thank you for sharing~

  8. <3'd her video...so sweet...
    yes, i SO enjoy having my head 'washed in the sudsy water'...a cleansing of many kinds :)
    please add my name to the pot :)

  9. Hi there, Sounds like a very good book but probably evokes a lot of emotions for some gals. May we all have healing hands-from the Lord's love.
    Hugs, Noreen

  10. Thanks for sharing the video too. Very neat. The book sounds wonderful.

  11. I live in a small town, so I could relate. I know this book is going to be good. We got a package in the mail today and I got so excited because I thought it just might be the book I won on your give-away, but it wasn't. I can hardly wait to get it. I am so looking forward to receiving it.

  12. You are the giveaway queen! :D

    I'm glad to hear you're feeling better. ((Hugs))

    Have a great week!

  13. I loved your description of this book.. It sounds heartbreaking and real...

    Thank you for your sweet words on my post. you are right a house is just 4 walls and a home in where our heart is... Love to you my sister.

  14. Sounds like a great book.
    After your post about Joyce Meyer I looked into her latest books. Because honestly I haven't read any of hers in a while.
    Anyways if you haven't read Any Minute you should. AWESOME!!!
    Next on my list is what is the cookie and shoe one. LOL

  15. Since I live in Louisiana in a little bitty town, I think I would enjoy this book!

  16. So glad you enjoyed the book! I love books that explore characters and relationships, particularly mother/daughter relationships.

    Thanks for being on the tour!


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