Sunday, April 4, 2010


Chosen, by Ginger Garrett from David C. Cook on Vimeo.

Besides reading the biblical account of the story of Esther, wouldn’t it be interesting if Esther had kept a diary chronicling her time as Queen? This book Chosen: The Lost Diaries of Queen Esther, is the first in a series of books in the Lost Loves of the Bible Series by Ginger Garret. This book is written as if Esther herself was writing a diary and it had been recently uncovered.

Imagine the life of an orphan girl that is taken away by a decree from the King Xerxes searching for his next queen. Since Esther was a Jew she never for one minute considered this would become a reality for her. Yet that is exactly what happens despite her love for another, she is removed and taken to the Kings palace. There she is taught the ways of being beautiful and seduction so that when her opportunity to visit the King one night, will allow her to become his Queen.

She leans on the faith of the God of her fathers and prays for his insight despite being in a palace where idol worship of false gods is common place. She refuses and keeps the secret of her birth heritage a secret until her cousin Mordecai reveals the time to confront the king with the truth.

I was provided a complimentary copy of this book to review for B & B Media Group and I loved the fictional story of reading Esther’s diary. I would highly recommend this book as anyone who loves historical biblical fiction.

If you would like more information about this book and where to obtain your copy please click on the link below:

For more books from Ginger Garret, check out her web page below:


  1. Hey, Kat~

    I just LOVE the story of Esther. I am going to have to get this one!

    Keep those reviews coming, please!


  2. Great review!

    Don't forget to continue to take extra special care of yourself.
    Hugs, andrea

  3. I think Esther is a fascinating person. Oh that I could be obedient as she was and serve the King of Kings!

  4. My daughters and I LOVE historial fiction and biblical fiction. We just finished a series on the wives of King David that was facinating! It looks like I will have to try and find this one next at our library. Did you find it biblically accurate? Thank you for the review.

    I hope you are feeling better and better every day. You are continually in my prayers.


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