Monday, March 29, 2010

What's In The Bible DVD Series Review and Giveaway!

Official Stop On The What's In The Bible Blog Tour

I received the first two DVD's, In The Beginning and Let My People Go, in this series to review complimentary from Tyndale House Publishers. As a lover of Veggie Tales and owning just about every DVD they have produced, I was really looking forward to reviewing them.

They are just as great if not better than Veggie Tales, because your kids and your family learn more about the Bible than ever before, who the authors of the books are, who wrote the Bible, and where all those wonderful Veggie Tales stories really go in the Bible.

These DVD's are part of 13 in the series that will take you through all 66 books of the Bible. The songs are catchy and I've even caught my teenagers singing them. You can learn more by clicking on the link above to catch the What's In the Bible tour yourself and learn even more from the website. You can even learn more about it by clicking on the link below:

The best part of this review is that I get to giveaway a pair of gift certificates for DVD 1 and DVD 2. So one winner will win both DVD's rather than split them up! You can either take the certificates to your local Christian book store and pick them up there for free or you can complete the mailing information on the back of these certificates and have the DVD's mailed directly to you at no additional cost.

Now in order to win this giveaway you must be a follower, and you need to leave me a comment with your favorite Veggie Tale episode and why it's your favorite. I will be selecting the winner on Friday at 5pm. So please enter now and don't miss out on the opportunity!


  1. I saw these reviewed previously and they look great! Don't enter me because I don't have little kids though. Great giveaway!

  2. Great video for kids. I'd like to enter to win this for when my grands are here. I have never seen an episode of Veggie tales yet so that will probably disqualify me from entering the giveaway --- but I know that a lot of churches use them for VBS and I always here great things about them. I keep a limited amount of Bible-related videos at my house for when the kids are here so I'd love to enter if possible.

    Praying for you!

    Choosing JOY, Stephanie
    JESUS ONLY in 2010

  3. I used to think that this sort of stuff was irrelevant and wasteful, but then, when the Hub bought some for the girls when they were very little and I saw the impact it had on them, and how it led to MORE curiosity, not less, I revised my opinion.
    There is most definately a place for Bible based 'entertainment' and it can also reach out to children who never get taken to Church.

  4. My kids would love these. Okay, my favorite Veggie Tales is with Madame Blueberry. It shows her buying everything, but she still is not happy. I love that it teaches my children that "Things" will not fill their hearts, only JESUS.

  5. You know I want to win !!! enter me okiedokie :)
    I am praying for you!! hoping you are doing better and better with each new day!

    Love you

  6. Oh where is my hairbrush...Oh where is my hairbrush?
    Love Veggie kids are a little older now so we don't watch them as much...miss those days!

  7. Ok, I am already your sweet follower and I love the "King George and the ducky" episode. Is it sad that I know that?

    I love it when junior is in the tub and singing "I love my duck".

    Praying you are feeling super!

    Amy - I love that one too - when her house falls over??

    And of course, Larry singing "Barbara Manatee" is priceless!

  8. I like Josh and the Big wall. Something about fighting with ice cream has always made me smile.

  9. Hi Kat,

    You are a sweet GIVER! I pray just the person God intends would receive this generous gift.

    I stopped in to love on you and to tell you how good it was talking with you Saturday. I love ya

  10. I am a follower. I don't have a favorite. I don't think they were around when my kids were growing up and if they were I wasn't teaching them about God. :(
    I became a Christian about 15 years ago. I spread the word to them all the time and I would love to have these for my (someday) grandchildren.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Woops, sorry about that extra comment. I had to fix it.

    What I was saying was.....

    Wow!!!! What a GREAT giveaway!!! I would love love love to win! It looks like it's a great series, especially when it's by the same creator as Veggie Tales. Mason and I love Veggie Tales! Larry the Cucumber and Bob the Tomato are so lovable and they tell the stories so well. Mason has the video Duke and the Pie War. It's full of lots of great stories about loving your family, plus a really cute singalong of Larry singing the Blues about ice cream. Too cute!!! Thanks so much for the chance to win these awesome DVDs!


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