Saturday, March 20, 2010

Two Great Giveaways - Don't want to miss these!

"I am in such a great mood, and you've all be super wonderful and supportive so I need to do a much bigger giveaway! Are you ready?" Bella asks.

Instead of hosting a couple of book giveaways here and there, I've been saving up some really great titles and wanted to host either one really super big giveaway or two smaller giveaways. Steve said to do two smaller ones and I can always add a few surprises to them as I come across them because you know how I love to pick up small treats here and there.

Not only that with spring just around the corner and summer break only a couple of months away I thought I would do a book giveaway with three of my favorite titles in each. So I will list them as two separate giveaway posts on the top right of my blog. If you are interested in Number 1, tell me, if you want number 2, tell me that or if you don't care and would be happy with either one, tell me that as well. If your like me and still remain indecisive after all that, list it this way, first pick= then second pick =. I hope I didn't confuse you after all that.

The first giveaway NUMBER 1 has these three titles in it: Mother-Daughter Duet, Living Life in the Zone, a 40 day game plan for men to get more spiritual and in touch with God, and Real World Parenting.

The second giveaway is NUMBER 2 and contains these amazing titles: When God Turned Off the Lights, Why Is God Ignoring Me?, and The Language God Talks on Science and Religion.

You just need to tell me which group would you prefer to win. The contest begins now and will end on Saturday, March 27th after I return from the hospital so I can get them all shipped out to you at the beginning of the week. I am hoping to get these to you before most of you take your spring break.

You can always click on the picture to get a bigger image and if you have any questions regarding any of the books, just email me.

Want more opportunities to win:

1. First comment with your choice gets you one entry in the contest.

2. Follow me, and list that separate gets you choice number two.

3. Link my giveaway on your blog and let me know about it gets you another win.

These are some amazing books and retail in value for each set about $30.00 each. You can use them for reading, pass them along as gifts or simply give them away yourself! This is the best part!

"Well, what are you waiting for? This is simply too good to pass up, tell everyone!" shouts Tosh (well if he could talk, he would be saying that, and yes that is the way he lays on my bed!)


  1. You are the queen of giveaways lately! This is a good one, but since I just won I'm not entering this one. I'll be praying for you this week though and am waiting to hear some great results!

  2. It is so nice of you to giveaway such great books. I would like to be entered in the first group. Thanks for the opportunity. You are so sweet.

  3. I'm loving your giveaways and would enjoy either set. Thanks. Blessings, SusanD

  4. I am loving the second group...Hope you are feeling better....

  5. More awesome giveaways. Hard to choose but I would go with the second group.

  6. Definetly a follow through google.

  7. Hi Kat! Hey I like the #2 group! Put me into the hat for the draw. Thanks for doing a giveaway. I need to have a giveaway one of these days soon too.

  8. Precious Friend,

    I've only entered one give-away since I've been in blog land.

    I would love to be entered in the second group.

    Thank you for your comments and prayers for our family. That means so very much to me as you do dear one. My mind, heart and prayers are always with you.

    Big Hugs,

  9. Hi Again,

    As you know, I've been a follower of yours for quite some time now.

    Love you,

  10. Wow girl all these great books. I would probably enjoy the first set more. Great giveaways.

  11. I'm tickled pink that you are feeling so spry! Always praying for you dear one. The second set interests me.

  12. You are in my thoughts and prayers Kat! I would love to win one of these sets. They are both terrific. Thanks so much for sharing with us.

  13. I already follow you so I am hoping we are still linked up! I do ok with McLinky otherwise..Uoh...

    Blessings to you!

  14. I just had to say I love all the books you review and these two sets are very special. I would love to win one or the other! Thank you Kat!

  15. You are so sweet to give such great books away! I would love entering either one. Since I don't have a daughter or children at home the second would probably suit me more. Thank you for your kindness to us!

  16. You're so great. Thank you for offering two such wonderful options and giving us the opportunity! I'd dearly love either set!

  17. And I love the second group of books! I think it's so wonderful that you're giving all these away. The book entitled 'Why Is God Ignoring Me?' looks very interesting.

  18. I would love the 1st set

  19. and the second set ;)

  20. Thanx Kat, even in this time you make the time to be selfless and kind.
    God's blessings to you!
    And may all the prayers go straight from our lips to God's ears.

  21. I've linked the page on my blog too :)

  22. Thanks for the giveaways:) I'm in for the second group:)


  23. I follow.
    imb 0 6 1 1 at g mail dot com

  24. How do you give a way so much? Anyway God bless you for it. Also wanted to let you know I am praying for you . . . God has HIS GREAT HANDS on you, my friend.
    I would like to be entered into the give a way. I am very interested in the first group of books. I think the Mother/Daughter Duet would be great for my daughter and I to read. She is expecting . . . this will be a whole new experience for our mother/daughter relationship.
    Sorry this is so long today. Thank you for your generosity.

  25. Also wanted to let you know that I follow your blog.

  26. I would choose the Number 2 giveaway.

  27. I follow you publicly as frugl tumbleweed acres.

  28. I love the second set...I pray you are healing well :)

    Tabitha from

  29. #2 ~ but I would be happy with either or ~ I love reading!!!

    Thanx so much 4 the entry!!!

    empowered_life (@) yahoo dot ca


My thoughts for the day are