Saturday, March 27, 2010

The Red Letters Project

If you are a lover of rock music and love the Bible than you will seriously want to take a look at this amazing new project. Its called the Red Letters Project that is a dynamic, one-of-a-kind presentation of the words of Christ features 40 tracks - both sung and narrated word-for-word from the Gospel of Matthew. The Red Letters Project was created by Russ Regan, a committed Christian who envisions this as his legacy project.

At first when I was presented with this opportunity to review CD set compliments of Tyndale House Publishers, I was intrigued by the concept of putting God's word, the actual red letter text from the Bible, from the book of Matthew to rock music.

Since I have teens in my home who love this type of music, I thought why not make it a family project. So when this wonderful 3 CD packaged set arrived this week we decided to listen to it and provide our feedback from teens 11-18. They all loved it and couldn't believe it when I explained what it was.

The CD set comes with the Book of Matthew along with the red letter text and it shows which songs go along with which parts of the text. For example the first song, Fish for People addresses the red letter text word for word from Matthew 3:15 through 5:12. This is also one of my favorite songs.

What a great way to get teens involved with the music but if they learn the words, they are quoting what Jesus said verbatim from the Book of Matthew. I can think of a better way to keep God's word close to your heart.

The music is well produced and offers a variety of types of music to appeal to different levels of rock music. All in all, I think its a very well produced CD set I would love to have my kids and teens listen to. The worst part of this ordeal was deciding on who gets to keep the set of CD's since my daughter and her guy friends were all fighting over who gets what CD. That tells you right there, it appeals to the teen market!

If you would like more information on where you can purchase this CD set please click on the link below for more details.


  1. WOW Kat,
    This is so intriguing. As a mom of a teenage guy, I know how difficult it can be sometimes to get the right things in his head. This sounds great!!!

    Love you friend and hope you are feeling much better today,

  2. Good review. Back to blogging already? Great, hope you are feeling better.

  3. This is Awesome. Getting music to do the Bible Study is an amazing thing. I like it a lot.
    Marj M.


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