Thursday, March 18, 2010

One Down and More to Come

Today closes another wonderful giveaway that I am so blessed to be able to offer you. I love being able to giveaway free stuff to all of you because I love winning free stuff! I am just lucky right now to have some amazing publishers who are willing to provide me with extra copies of some amazing books to share with all of you.

The latest giveaway Heart of my Heart seems to confuse some of you as it's basically an amazing Mother's devotional book for 365 days. Not just a book about teens and eating disorders. That was simply one page from the book so as to not confuse you. I was reading the comments and thought I might be missing something. Just wanted to clear that up.

Mea's update from her mom is that there has been no change in her wearing the patch. It hasn't gotten any worse but it hasn't gotten any better either. The doctor wants her to continue to wear her patch for another two more months but now for 6 hours per day. When her doctor asked Mea if she had any issues with wearing the patch, she said No. She should have been honest with her doctor and told him about her embarrassment issues but she was afraid.

Her mom, my sister, was having a really emotional day and felt she doesn't want Mea to wear the patch any more because of what it is doing to her self esteem. I explained she should wait a day or two and let the emotions calm down before making any permanent decision regarding Mea. I know she'll do the right thing. She always does. She is amazing like that and one of the things I admire and love about her.

She is just being a mom and putting herself in Mea's place. Who wouldn't? So there you have it, no better and no worse and they will see what another two more months will show. Surgery at this stage isn't an option to improve her eyesight. They have to work on making her lazy eye more strong. So let's keep rallying the prayers for her and hope that she will begin to see self confidence doesn't come in the form of an eye patch but based on whats on the inside!

So the two winners of the Language God Talks On Science and Religion book giveaway are...

1. Denise at Free to Be Me
2. Mimi at He & Me + 3

Congratulations Ladies! Please email me with your mailing information and I'll get those right out to you!


  1. So sorry to hear that Mea's condition has not changed. I know it is hard for your sister to see her go through the frustration, but it will be worth it if it works. Please tell them there are others praying for her.

  2. Thanks sweetie. Prayers continue for dear Mea.

  3. Praying for Mea. Thanks for the book:)

  4. Praying for dear Mea and congrats to the lucky winners !
    Blessings to you my dear friend.


My thoughts for the day are