Thursday, March 4, 2010

My Letter to God

Dear God,

I wanted to take this opportunity as I begin my day today to say thank you. Thank you for allowing me a warm bed, a roof over my head and heat to allow me and my family to sleep well at night. I know there are people all over the world who don't have those luxuries and do without everyday.

Lord, I thank you that even in spite of the pain yesterday, you allowed me to have the day with my family for my birthday. You allowed Steve to be able to take the day off and the kids to stay home from school so we could spend it together as a family. Remind me each day to never take the time I have with them for granted but relish each and every minute I have.

Father God, thank you for the family I was able to talk to yesterday and hear their birthday wishes even though we couldn't be together. There are so many who don't have family members any longer who have gone on to be with You. Thank you for the privileged for having a phone so I can talk to them. Another convenience I often take for granted.

Thank you Lord, for the many, many friends and family that I've come to know and love from the blogging world. I want to thank all of them that emailed me, left me blessed comments and wishes as well as those that sent ecards and also provided me with a wonderful gift in the mail. A special thank you to Heather at Heckety at Home for sending me my wrist warmers, some beautiful scented sachets, a book mark and a CD for when I get sad, these are songs that are supposed to lift me up. I listened to them yesterday and already have them programmed to a playlist in my Ipod for my surgery. They will definitely give me the strength and hope I so desperately lack some days. Lord, thank you for wonderfully caring friends who love me despite all my shortcomings.

Lastly thank you Lord for allowing me to give back to those who have given so much to me, whether in the form of book giveaways which I pay to ship these out to my blogging friends, or even the wonderful opportunity that Jane at Jumpin in the Jungle provided me to custom design a piece of her art for me to host a giveaway on my birthday. If you know me, you know that I'd rather do for others then to get something. The look of joy I can provide is the best gift in the world, and shows me that I am doing my part to take up the cross each and every day.

You, Father God, are the most loving God and provide us with so many gifts that we fail to take notice of each day. Thank you for using this day to allow me to acknowledge all that You do for me each day. I love you and praise Your Holy Name ~ Amen


  1. And...I think you God for Kat.

  2. Amen! that is absolutely beautiful :)

  3. This is absolutely beautiful! Such a great, sincere post.
    I just found your blog and I love it! I'm now a follower!


  4. So beautiful my precious very beautiful.

    I love you and thank you for encouraging and inspiring me along my journey in have uplifted me many times more than you know and I cherish that close to my heart.

    God bless you special one and my mind, heart and prayers are with you daily.

    Big Hugs,

  5. This is so beautiful and we are so blessed to have so many blogging and IRL friends that bless our lives.

  6. Oh Dear Friend, This is such a heart felt testimony to your love of the Lord. Purposefully written. Beautifully stated. Thanks so much for sharing. Blessings, SusanD

  7. What a beautiful heart of thankfulness you have Kat, and how it must touch the heart of God.

    Happy Birthday yesterday and so glad you were able to share it with your dear family. ((hugs))

  8. May God bless and keep you always. May your wishes all come true. May you always do for others. And let others do for you. May you build a ladder to the stars. And climb on every rung. May you stay...
    forever young.

  9. Happy Birthday, Kat!
    So happy God had us meet!


  10. Oh Kat!! I am sooo glad you had such a wonderful day with Steve and the Girls! What a gift!!! I hate that I missed you today ~ I was at Physical Therapy :(
    Your prayer is just beautiful ~ Just like you! I love you so!

  11. Your post reveals your sincere heart to serve our wonderful Saviour!!! I am new to your blog, but have read through a few of your past post. I want you to know you are in my prayers. I am lifting you up today my sister in Christ.
    I have decided to follow your blog; I know God is at each post.
    Seeking HIS Grace,

  12. Amen. Very beautiful, as are you.


  13. What a beautiful prayer from a grateful heart! Happy Birthday sister Kat! Praying for the Lord to bless you richly and grant your heart's desires according to His will. Been busy and I'm glad I have some time tonight to visit friends. Take care of yourself. Keeping you in my prayers. Love to you.

  14. What a beautiful letter. My favorite thing in the world is thanking God each day for all that he gives to me.

  15. Hi Kat, thank you very much for stopping by and leaving comments.It helps a lot!:)

  16. Precious One~

    What a beautiful letter to God! Such heartfelt words of love for God and your family!

    I am glad to hear that your day was special!


  17. The world is blessed because you are a beautiful part of it, love you.

  18. This is beautiful and the picture immediately made me think of the book "The Shack" ... it is so peaceful. When is your surgery? Take care, Aine

  19. It sounds like you had a great birthday! That is wonderful! Thank you Jesus!!

  20. And honestly Kat, you are so deserving of every blessing He bestows upon you!

    And I don't say that about just anybody.

  21. What a beautiful letter Kat! I love your heart of gratitude and your heart for the Lord! Thanks for sharing it with us! : )


  22. Kat,
    What a sweet prayer of thanksgiving.

    Happy Belated Birthday friend ~~ I love you so dear one!!

    Have a Super Blessed Sunday,


My thoughts for the day are