Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Heart of My Heart Giveaway and Review

“Do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink” ~ Colossians 2:16

This verse is helpful in knowing where God stands on issues about food and drink. Teaching children from an early age that the body is the temple of the Lord is imperative. This matters from a standpoint of sexuality, when they will endure pressure to go too far. This matters when they have to decide whether or not to accept the beer at the party, and possibly drive home. This matters when young girls are overwhelmed by the pressure to be thin and take drastic, unhealthy measures to wither away.

When we allow public opinion to be the judge of what we eat and drink, then we have made an idol out of our peers. Idolatry is not God’s favorite. It isn’t even so much about an issue of rebelling against parents as it is about blatantly ignoring God, and no one throughout the entire Bible ever fared well by doing this. When we harm our temples, we hurt Him. Remember when Jesus got so angry at the people who were treating the temple like a marketplace and He started yelling and flipping tables upside down? Enough said.

We have to talk to our kids, keep the conversation continuous and open, and pray with them through the tough spots. And if it becomes too much to bear, we have to be prepared to help them find respite in a safer spot someplace else.

This is just one beautiful example of one of the 365 devotions that lie within this book Heart of My Heart ~ 365 Reflections on the Magnitude and Meaning of Motherhood by Kristin Armstrong. It is a 5 by 7, hardcover book that would be the perfect gift for any mom. These are beautifully laid out by each date and make it simple enough to reflect on God’s word each day.

I received a complimentary copy of this book to review by Faith Words, a division of Hachette Book Groups. I highly recommend this book to any mother and what a perfect gift for a birthday, anniversary or even Mother’s Day!

For more information about this book and where to receive your copy, please click on the link below.
“Do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink” ~ Colossians 2:16

This verse is helpful in knowing where God stands on issues about food and drink. Teaching children from an early age that the body is the temple of the Lord is imperative. This matters from a standpoint of sexuality, when they will endure pressure to go too far. This matters when they have to decide whether or not to accept the beer at the party, and possibly drive home. This matters when young girls are overwhelmed by the pressure to be thin and take drastic, unhealthy measures to wither away.

When we allow public opinion to be the judge of what we eat and drink, then we have made an idol out of our peers. Idolatry is not God’s favorite. It isn’t even so much about an issue of rebelling against parents as it is about blatantly ignoring God, and no one throughout the entire Bible ever fared well by doing this. When we harm our temples, we hurt Him. Remember when Jesus got so angry at the people who were treating the temple like a marketplace and He started yelling and flipping tables upside down? Enough said.

We have to talk to our kids, keep the conversation continuous and open, and pray with them through the tough spots. And if it becomes too much to bear, we have to be prepared to help them find respite in a safer spot someplace else.

This is just one beautiful example of one of the 365 devotions that lie within this book Heart of My Heart ~ 365 Reflections on the Magnitude and Meaning of Motherhood. It is a 5 by 7, hardcover book that would be the perfect gift for any mom. These are beautifully laid out by each date and make it simple enough to reflect on God’s word each day.

I received a complimentary copy of this book to review by Faith Words, a division of Hachette Book Groups. I highly recommend this book to any mother and what a perfect gift for a birthday, anniversary or even Mother’s Day!

For more information about this book and where to receive your copy, please click on the link below.

For this book giveaway, I am going to be giving away 3 copies of this book to some amazing winners that live in the US and Canada only. No P.O. Boxes.

To enter, you must:

1. Be a follower of my blog.
2. Leave me a comment and tell me why you would like to win a copy of this book!

I will be choosing the winners on Wednesday, March 24th just prior to my surgery, to bless and thank you my amazing family of readers!

For this book giveaway, I am going to be giving away 3 copies of this book to some amazing winners that live in the US and Canada only. No P.O. Boxes.

To enter, you must:

1. Be a follower of my blog.
2. Leave me a comment and tell me why you would like to win a copy of this book!

I will be choosing the winners on Wednesday, March 24th just prior to my surgery, to bless and thank you my amazing family of readers!


  1. Hey Kat. I'm already a follower. :) I'd love to win this and give it to my SIL. She is a single mom of a 10 y.o. I think they would both benefit from it tremendously. Thanks for the great giveaway. Blessings, SusanD

  2. What a wonderful giveaway! I've never heard of this book but I believe it could be just what I'm looking for,for my youngest daughter who really worries way to much about her weight. Please enter me in your giveaway. I'm already a follower.

  3. I follow. But my kids are grown and gone. So I don't want an entry. Just saying Thank you!

  4. Sounds like a great book. My wife adn daughter would enjoy reading it. God's blessings to you for your upcoming surgery.

  5. Hi Kat!

    Just wanted to stop by and give you a hug :)

    That's all!

    xo, misha

    don't enter me. someone else deserves the chance!!

  6. Always love giveaways ... but I was stopping by to say that I love your name and hearing how it came to be.

    Hugs for your night,

  7. Hey sweet Kat! I am already a faithful follower and i would love this book because... well, I am a book lover!

    Thanks my friend,

  8. I love the books you review! This is a great giveaway and wonderful book. I have two college girls at home and I know the pressures they face about how you look and how thin you should be. I think this is a great read! I also think sometime women I have personally known have lost weight and they change and not for the better. I think society shoves all this celebrity in your face and basically tell tell you -you aren't anything unless you are pretty, thin, blah,.blah blah.

  9. Great review Kat, I didn't pick this one to review, makes me wish I had :)

  10. I follow and I so would love this book....as a former anorexic, this is a tough issue for me and I obsess on it with the kids, when to say something, when not to say something. My middle son was teased for years for being larger, now he hit his 13 yr old growth spurt and that doesn't happen anymore...but that insecurity is still there...my heart breaks for him....

  11. this would be a book
    I would love.....I am a follower and glad that I am...love your blog....

  12. That is a very powerful verse. I think it goes much deeper than food or drink too.

  13. Would love this book to give to a friend with several young children.
    Thanks for all of your wonderful giveaways.

    Hugs and love to you dear Kat !!

  14. Hello Kat~ I am a follower of this blog...this is an awesome giveaway.
    I would love a copy of this book because I think it has a lot to offer moms....nothing helps mother's more with their life and the life of their family than God's Word.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  15. I think this book would help my friend out. . and be a good future read for me! :)

  16. This is a VERY important topic to parents, probably more to do with teenagers but sometimes troubles start earlier I know. A friend last night was just talking about a tenager with anorexia who arrived on their doorstep a few days ago to stay and get help.
    So many pressures, you take your eye off God for a day and Jericho had nothing on what can go wrong!!

  17. I am a follower! I would love to win this because it sounds like it could have a lot of wisdom in an area that God has been giving me some revelation on! :)
    I am continuing to keep you in my prayers. :)

  18. I follow and would love to read this. :) It sounds great.


  19. I am a follower. I too would like to win this book.

  20. Great subject!
    I am a follower,

    Bill ;-)

    billsmith2003 (at) gmail (dot) com

    Hope you'll check out my book giveaway:

  21. i find the title intriguing

  22. Im a new follower to your blog.I think the book looks awesome for me to read as well as my girls who are grown into mature young woman.. I think they would love it!~~Becky


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