Saturday, March 6, 2010

eat the the shoes giveaway!

How many of you feel guilty when you try and rest or entertain yourself or even do something you really enjoy?

Well stand with me because you in the group of more than 80% of us that do. Why?

Where do you think this guilt comes from God? or the enemy? or ourselves?

Most people feel guilty when they take the opportunity to celebrate. They push themselves to go on with no joy fuel in their tank. Joy is the fuel we need to reach the finish line of an endeavor with a good attitude. We may drive ourselves to finish, but somewhere along the way we will probably become bitter and get a chip on our shoulder if we don't lighten up and take time to celebrate the journey.

I believe that we must confront the reason why we tend to feel guilty about enjoying and celebrating life when God has clearly ordained and commanded both. What? Wait. What did that say? Our thinking has been warped in these areas. Satan has managed to deceive us, and by doing so he succeeds in keeping people weary and worn out, feeling resentful, and taken advantage of because of excessive work and responsibility. We need times of refreshment and recreation as well as work and accomplishment.

God will convict us our wrong choices and actions, but He never makes us feel guilty. Guilt presses down and weakens us, but godly conviction brings awareness of wrong, and an opportunity to change and progress.

Sadly, if we are not confident about our choices, we can easily let other peoples' comments make us feel guilty and ruin the joy we need to experience in life through doing the little things that mean a lot to us.

So I would encourage you all to eat the the shoes. Celebrate your life's progresses and forget about those times where we really punish ourselves for not living up to perfection. No wonder we are often discouraged. Joyce Meyer has written a wonderful book, called "eat the the shoes. Giving yourself permission to lighten up!" from the Hachette Book Group that is due out in mid April.

This book has lifted my spirits up so much and have allowed me to look at my life through those rose colored glasses God has. He sees the good in me in everything I do each day, yet I don't. This is one book that is highly recommended not only for your own library but as a great gift for someone who is easily discouraged and needing a lift!

I would highly recommend this one as a keeper in your permanent library because its great to reference and re-read again and again. It is a reminder to celebrate our life and knowing the difference between healthy indulgences and destructive self indulgences. We need to remember that God is the ultimate party guy and the Bible is filled with celebration after celebration, all ordered by God, and the way they enhanced people's ability to live productive, happy lives.

If you would like more information on where to obtain your copy click here.

I was provided with a complimentary copy of the book by Hachette Book Groups for my review. If you are interested in winning a copy, I am giving away three copies of Joyce's new book. So simply leave a comment here and you'll be automatically entered for a chance to win. Remember I need a way to reach you so if you don't have your email attached to your blog, leave it in your comments. Don't forget to tell others and you get another entry, but come back here and let me know. This giveaway is for US and Canada residents only. No PO Boxes!

I will announce the winners on Wednesday! So make sure you spread the word!


  1. I so want to read this! I saw it at the store and was so tempted to buy it.

    I'm so praying that I win!

  2. Thanks for much for sharing! The book looks great! I will have to read it once I finish Beth Moore's, So Long Insecurity! Have a great weekend!


  3. Wow! Thank you so much for all of your giveaways! I really appreciate it :)

  4. Joyce promotes this book a lot. She is so real, and I know it would be a delight to read. Thanks for the review Kat!

  5. Thank you for this- I've just gone to my Amazon 'saved' and added this and a couple other of her books!
    I'm glad the parcel arrived safely, and on your birthday! I felt so bad that I hadn't visited you on the 3rd to wish you happy birthday, as I fully meant to.
    And thank you for your visits to my place too this week- much appreciated.

  6. just the title had my attention!!!

  7. That sounds like the perfect read for my present lot in life!

  8. I love Joyce! She tells it like it is doesn't she! I didn't know she had a new one out! I am so glad you were able to read it and definately enter me ok :)

    Have a blessed weekend! Love you

  9. This sounds like the perfect book for me. I am so this way. Fun giveaway. Joyce is awesome.

  10. Joyce Meyer is an awesome teacher. I've been privileged to see her several times, Her home church is near enough to visit, it just makes for a very long day. lol. Thanks so much for another great giveaway. Hope you're enjoying your weekend. Blessings, SusanD

  11. That Satan guy is a... Ah! Er... Devil, ain't he?

  12. This looks like a great read!
    i m b 0 6 1 1 at g mail dot com

  13. Just say this in the store and would love to win

  14. Another awesome book review. I have read several of her books and enjoy each and everyone. Thank you for such great giveaways.

  15. *Jumping up and down so you can see me* I watch Joyce everyday and she always uplifts me.

    Thank you for this giveaway!!

  16. I have never heard of this book before but it sounds AMAZING!


  17. I would love to read her book, and my e-mail address is on my profile but we get all our mail at a PO box, so I don't know if you'd like to enter me or not. We live in a small town and most people here get their mail at the PO. I have read another book she wrote and very muchly enjoyed it. Whether you enter me or not, thank you for telling us of her new book.

  18. I love Joyce Meyer and want to read this book!

  19. I'm a fan of Joyce Meyer, and I think I'd really enjoy this book.

  20. Sounds like a great book! Would like to win it! :) Thanks for sharing the review, Kat.

  21. Oh, and I'm a follower too. Thanks for the reminder. Blessings, SusanD

  22. I would love to win and I am a follower....Hope you are feeling better

  23. I love Joyce Meyer. The amazing amount of giveaways you have is a blessings. Thank you for the chances to win, Kat.

  24. Thanks for sharing, I think my sister would enoy it too :)


My thoughts for the day are