Sunday, February 28, 2010

Why Am I So Afraid? Bible Study #1

Today we begin the Bible Study that I offered to anyone who wanted to participated in Trusting God by Shelia Walsh! I am going to host these each Monday for the next 12 weeks and you can jump in and participate any way you want. The Bible study is found in the book, Beautiful Things Happen When A Woman Trusts God by Shelia Walsh

So without further delay we begin our study with Why Am I So Afraid on page 236-237?

I wonder what comes to your mind when you hear the word courage? As a follower of Christ my heart is first drawn to him and stays there for awhile. Matthew records in his gospel the following words of Jesus, "Walk with me and work with me-watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace." (11:29) Christ invites us to watch how he lived his life on earth and learn from Him. Perhaps there is no more telling or teaching moment than his recorded dialogue with his Father in Gethsemane: "going a little ahead, he fell on his face, praying, 'My Father, if there is any way, get me out of this. But please, not what I want. You, what do you want.'"(Matthew 26:39)

Here Christ makes it clear that courage must start with truth. As He cries out to His Father, Jesus showed us that He was afraid. We will never understand this side of eternity what it cost Christ to take on himself all the sin of a broken planet. But just as our devastation began in a garden with Adam and Eve, so our restoration began in Gethsemane. Having poured out his heart to his Father, Christ turned to fall all that was ahead. That is courage.


This is the way God works. Over and over again He pulls our souls back from certain destruction so we'll see the light - and live in the light!

Read Job 33: 29-20

What does this verse say to you about courage?

Read Joshua 1: 1-9
  • For what reason did Joshua need courage?
  • How many times was he told to be courageous? Why do you think he was given this instruction repeatedly?
  • Consider your present situation and rewrite Joshua 1:1-9 as if God were speaking to you. What instructions would he give and how many times would he repeat those instructions?
  • Describe a time when you demonstrated great courage or a time when you needed more courage.
  • "Jesus didn't come to get you out of the pain of life; he has come to live in you through it."(p.2). How have you found this to be true in your life?
  • You might have gone through some difficult times in your life. List some of the feelings you've had.
  • Describe the role of your faith in facing your struggles. How would you describe your courage?
  • What is one situation you are facing right now that causes your heart to race and your emotions to spin out of control?
  • What do you believe God wants you to do in response to the situation you described in the previous question?
  • How can God work through your friends, family member, and church to encourage and support you as you deal with this situation?
  • What do you want God to do in your life through this study?
  • What do you need to change in your life so you can be more focused on God and less focused on the situation you are facing?
  • Summarize the instructions of Joshua 1:1-9 by completing the following statement:
Because God said _____________________, I will _______________________.
  • In your journal, write a prayer expressing your desires. Throughout the coming week, use this prayer as part of your conversation with God.
If you would like to list your answers in the comments, please feel free as I did mine, otherwise if you would like, you can email them to me and I would be more than happy to pray with you. If you have any suggestions on improving this study, please feel free to comment as well.


  1. Read Job 33: 29-30

    What does this verse say to you about courage?

    That sometimes it takes us awhile before we get it. We are prone to doubt but God doesn't want to forsake us when we don't get it the first time around.

    Read Joshua 1: 1-9

    * For what reason did Joshua need courage?

    I think it was because Moses had just died and they needed a leader to take them into the land God promised them.

    * How many times was he told to be courageous? Why do you think he was given this instruction repeatedly?

    I would think about 9 times and it was because Joshua needed to be encouraged. He hadn't had the time to witness all the things that Moses had and so it had to come from God and be quick and to the point. God had more time to develop a relationship with Moses than He did with Joshua.

    * Consider your present situation and rewrite Joshua 1:1-9 as if God were speaking to you. What instructions would he give and how many times would he repeat those instructions?

    I can tell you for one, God would need to repeat these about as many times for me as He did for Joshua. Here is what I think He would tell me.

    Kathleen, this surgery that you are fearful of, is necessary for you to get well, and I have enable you to find and locate a great doctor who will finally relieve you of this pain. I will be with you all the way from beginning to end. Just as I was with Moses, so will I be with you. I will not leave you or forsake you.

    Kathleen, be strong and brave! You must do this which you fear the most because only then will you be able to do what I need you to do. Be strong and brave. Be sure to follow my will and teachings that Moses gave you.

    If you follow what I have told you, you will be successful in everything you do. Always remember what is written in the Book of the Teachings. Study it day and night to be sure you obey everything that is written there. If you do this, you will be wise and successful in everything. Remember that I have commanded you to be strong and brave. Don't be afraid, because the Lord Your God will be with you wherever you go.

    * Describe a time when you demonstrated great courage or a time when you needed more courage.

    I would have to say looking back in my past when my first husband left me after infidelity, I didn't know how I would make it being a single mom with a young daughter. I was afraid because I always relied on someone to help me and for the first time I was all alone. I remember thinking if my mom could do it making less money than me, and having two kids, then I should be able to do it as well. The best part of it was I did and in the process God blessed me with Steve, a man, after God's own heart!

    * "
    Jesus didn't come to get you out of the pain of life; he has come to live in you through it."(p.2). How have you found this to be true in your life?

    Oh I feel that one more now than ever before. Jesus always told us that this life wouldn't be an easy one and also one filled with trials and tribulations. I never expected the path to be light, but I am learning that God is always right there by our side. He never leaves us or forsakes us! NEVER!

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  2. Feel

    * You might have gone through some difficult times in your life. List some of the feelings you've had.

    Betrayal, hurt, anger, loneliness, rage, depression, jealousy, envy, sadness, bitterness.

    * Describe the role of your faith in facing your struggles. How would you describe your courage?

    I am a work in project but in the last few years in looking back, I can see just how far I have come in my walk of faith with God. What I've come to understand is He doesn't let you know the outcome because the learning is in the journey in getting there. If he just told us our faith wouldn't be genuine or real. Faith is believing in things we can't see or for that matter know ahead of time.

    * What is one situation you are facing right now that causes your heart to race and your emotions to spin out of control?

    This one is easy. I have surgery scheduled on March 25th at 7:15am and I am afraid, I won't make it and die or worse yet the pain will remain even after this surgery.


    * What do you believe God wants you to do in response to the situation you described in the previous question?

    Trust in Him that He will make it all work towards His will and not mine. In the process I will grow in my faith and trust in Him.

    * How can God work through your friends, family member, and church to encourage and support you as you deal with this situation?

    By keeping them calling me, writing me, encouraging me and keeping me focused on God's will and His plan in my life. I don't think God plans to end my life so soon but at least I know where I will wind up if I have to leave here before I want to go. So my friends and family, call me more, write me more and keep on encouraging me, prayer is the one thing I am living on now!

    * What do you want God to do in your life through this study?

    Allow me to see that He really does provide everything we need if I just trust in Him and stop trying to intervene and take control myself. Once I give my concerns to God, I need to leave it with Him and not take it back.

    * What do you need to change in your life so you can be more focused on God and less focused on the situation you are facing?

    Stay positive and read Gods' word more, attend church when I can, and pray with my family and friends.

    * Summarize the instructions of Joshua 1:1-9 by completing the following statement:

    Because God said Be strong and brave, I will trust in Him and obey.

    * In your journal, write a prayer expressing your desires. Throughout the coming week, use this prayer as part of your conversation with God.

    Dear heavenly Father,

    You know what lies ahead of me even before I ask and already know the outcome. I am become aware that in learning to trust You, I must walk this valley with You. I know without a doubt, You will be by my side throughout it all and will be there to comfort me and encourage me when I doubt. Promise me God that I am doing the right thing and if this is not the path that you want me to take, let me know so that I may follow in Your will and not mine. Please provide me with grace to get through the difficult times and I take captive those fearful thoughts that keep me from you and lay them at your feet, covered in your blood and that I may keep my focus on YOU!

    In Jesus Name ~ AMEN

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat Part 2

  3. I will be answering these questions on my blog on monday sweetie. I enjoyed your answers.

  4. This sounds like a wonderful book Kat. Right now I'm doing The Power of a Positive Mom with a group of ladies on Tuesday mornings and loving it. (We've done Power of Praying Mom too, but this is a different author). Maybe we will start this one next--it seems really great.

  5. I've filled a whole page of nots and underlined more Bible verses...The two things which leap out at me are- Josh 1v5 and 8. God won't leave us, and we need to constantly meditate on His Word to live His way.
    Also the line in your prayer 'I must walk this Valley with you'- we are not just a mountain top people but God gives us the tools?, lamps?, weapons?, faith? to traverse the Valleys too and He is there just as faithfully as on the mountains.
    Thank you for this,Kat, you've given me a direction for the moment to search.

  6. Powerful questions. Will have to look over again. Thanks Kat for such an inspired blog you have. Blessings.

  7. Will be praying for you and for courage through this surgery. God said that He would never leave us nor forsake us.

  8. Kat, I'm sure God will reveal many things to you over the course of this study. Although I can't participate right now, it looks like a powerful, indepth teaching!

  9. First of all, dear Kat, today is already March 3 over here in hot and sunny Philippines.


    (Mine is on the 27th...)

    This Bible Study is meaty, good stuff.

    I can't participate online at the moment, but I plan to copy your weekly Monday post and file it in a separate folder. It's great to use with my Discipleship group study!

    I continue to pray with you...that God will indeed take you deeper.


  10. Thanks Kat for leading this study. I wrote my answers on my post today.

  11. Blessings on your Monday Bible study.

    Sweet dreams.

  12. I wanted to say thanks for the birthday comments! And I actually just bought this book. So I'm hoping to start in on it soon :)

  13. God doesn't want to forsake us when we don't get it the first time
    rihanna video

  14. Blessings Kate...Thanks for doing this on line. I have so much going on right now on Mondays but I hope to get over here and read this. Since I don't have the book and can't get it right now...this is a great way to
    catch this. I shared it on my blog.

    I bookmarked you in two places so I'll be back. I won't be posting and maybe just lurking but you are doing a fantastic ministry by offering this. May God bless & refresh you and all who participate. I so appreciate you sharing this wonderful work by Sheila Walsh. Thanks!

  15. Peggy told me about your study and so I came by to read it this morning. It was just what I needed as I'm facing much uncertainty. I need courage to persevere as we are in the midst of a move that I didn't choose nor want. But circumstances intervened and so we are moving. I will be back to read more but the Joshua passages were so good for me this morning.

    Thank you for this timely post.



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