I rise from the couch and part the sheers on the front window one more time. Still quiet. No lights on the street. No Jeep pulling into our driveway. I'll give him one more hour, then I'm heading to bed. With or without him.
Leaning on the tile and cast-iron coffee table, I crane every thing in me to look at the wall clock in the entry. Almost four in the morning? I haven't even decided who will sing special music at Greg's memorial service. Don't most women plan their husband's funeral if he's more than a few minutes late?
He's never been this late before. And he's never been alone in the wilderness. A lightning bolt of something - fear? anticipation? pain? - ripples my skin and exits through the soles of my feet.
The funeral plans no longer seem a semi-morbid way to occupy my mind while I wait for the lights of his Jeep. Not pointless imaginings but preparation. I should tell him a lot of things. And I will.
If he ever comes home.
To read even more they you will definitely want to pick up a copy of this amazing book due out in May 2010!
I received a complimentary copy of They Almost Always Come Home by Cynthia Ruchti from Kathy Carlton Willis Communications to review. I was hooked, partially because when I read most fiction novels I can generally tell how it will turn out, but not this time. I would highly recommend this book to anyone looking for a great novel to read over Spring or Summer Break.
Product Details
- Paperback: 320 pages
- Publisher: Abingdon Press (May 2010)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1426702388
- ISBN-13: 978-1426702389
This sounds really good! Just reading your excerpt has me hooked.
I've had those kind of nervous thoughts while waiting for a child to come home!
Love the suspense. Sounds very good. So cool that you get to review it before it is even out of shelves. Lucky you.
Thanks for playing. I will come up with some kind of award!
I love to read, and this was amazing in such a short few paragraphs.
Sounds like a good read.
Hope you are feeling better.
Prayers and blessings.
Ok. You hooked me! I can't wait till I have time for leisure reading. Thanks for the review. Blessings, SusanD
Awesome review.
Now that one sounds like a real keeper!
Reader excitement warms me to my toes and sends me back to my keyboard and imagination to keep creating novels of Hope-that-glows-in-the-dark! Thanks for the review and for the comments about the book whose characters are waiting to tell readers their story.
Love the suspense. Sounds very good.
rihanna video
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