I have to share this story with all of you because my purpose when I initially began blogging was to tell what goes on in my day or share something that I thought you may or may not want to know but I definitely want to remember.
Everyone if you are an avid reader or follower of this blog is aware of my medical issue. I leave it addressed as that because there is no confirmed diagnosis as of yet, but the hope of surgery on the horizon lets me know it's in the works. So most evenings and weekends you will find me propped up in my bed, most of the time with a computer in my lap just to occupy the day and see what's going on in the lives of everyone else.
I stay in bed because most of the time, the pain meds that I am on to control the pain make being in bed a nice place to sleep and relax when it hits and not only that at times just being up and about has a tendency to make me ill.
On top of that this week and last, I've been fighting one killer of a cold and bronchitis and it doesn't want to leave. My nightstand drawer looks like the local pharmacy shelf filled with every size bottle imaginable. This is not funny. Yet I've managed to successfully navigate my way and can tell by touch now, what is what, although I still check just to make sure.
With the kids at school til 4pm and my hubby departing early at 5am and not returning til around the same time, one gets lonely. I can't exactly go out and hang out shopping or running errands, while I am sick so bed is the best place to be right now.
Enter my nurse, Bella. She stays with me during every aspect of my day from following me everywhere I go, waiting for me to get home when I have a doctors appointment or merely hanging out with me while I rest at home. She is always there and never complains. She does serve one other useful purpose besides the company aspect and that is when I am in pain and can't move, I use a heating pad and wait for it to heat up and the pain to subside. Bella is nice enough to step in and gently lay on top of the heating pad and blankets and curl up in a ball.

Bella laying on top of my quilt supplies
Bella is our latest kitten to arrive almost a year ago and her purpose in our home is clear. She needs to be around us as much as possible. She absolutely hates being alone and will wait by the garage door for our return, meowing as much as possible.
Since Bella only weighs about a pound, having her petite little frame curled up on top of the heating pad puts just the right amount of pressure there to make contact with my skin. She gets the added benefit of a cozy, heated spot that offers her plenty of petting, while she purrs herself to sleep.

Bella playing inside a bag
Without Bella, I think the days would just run together and they would all seem the same. With Bella nothing is the same. Some days she walks all over the lap top waiting for you to finish blogging so she can resume her spot back. Other times she grows impatient and will lay next to the computer with her head leaning on the screen, like I can't take a hint?

Bella crawling into our coffee table basket
Her softest meows are the best whenever you call her, she will answer. If she is not immediately available she will come running when you call. Right now as I am writing this, she has passed over my lap top and stood looking at me, nubbing.
What is nubbing? Nubbing is something Kailee told us is when Bella pushes her head into your head. It's a nub! She loves to nub a lot! Who knew that nubbing was a word but it is in our home. Her favorite thing to play with besides anything laced with catnip is stuffed animals.
She hates them and will fight them to the death if we put any on our bed or in our room. We found this out when we noticed stuffed animals were finding their way downstairs without a way of getting there. Bella!
She wrestles with them like they are another cat, stares them down and pounces right back at them, kicking and pushing them away while biting their head. Its quiet savage to the poor stuffed animal.

Bella waiting for us to come home.
So as you can see this week I am thankful for the little blessing God placed into my life called Bella. B is for Bella and B is for blessing!
Oh hear hear! Good on yer, Bella! I'm glad you have her for company- folks who don't have house animals just can't appreciate what they give to the rest of us.
And oddly enough I've just put my lunatic dogs in today's Thankfuls! I wouldn't be without them, more for my mental health than any other reason.
Angels come in all shapes and sizes and yes, sometimes with four furry paws and whiskers. She is a sweetie that's for sure. I keep you in my thoughts and prayers. May God Bless you with His healing power and Grace. And may you be healed and back on your feet soon.Blessings to you and yours. Love and Light, Nina P
I truly feel our fur-babies are gifts on loan from God. Loved this post!
Oh what a wonderful companion for you. So glad to hear Bella keeps you company and brings you comfort. Give her a nub for me. lol. Blessings, SusanD
How sweet. Glad she is there for you...
G'morn, sweetie ~ I found since I was a wee child that kitties were the greatest companions ever ... you can pour your soul out to them, shed tears on them, snuggle in love with them ... they understand, comfort & are a best friend ... I sear they even smile back. Your kitty is as pretty as can be ... may she hold you in your time of needs & help you heal.
Have a beautiful weekend.
Hugs ~ Marydon
Our pets are such a blessing! Our cat loves to be with us too. If he is left alone for a while, he'll follow us all over the house when we come home. I'm so glad you have Bella!
Kitties make the best of company, and when you are alone in the middle of the day, I am sure she brings so much comfort. I am a total cat person and miss our cat so bad...so day we will get another. Love on sweet Bella for me. :-)
I love it!! Our cat loves to wake us up in the morning and will take naps with me when I'm sick. I love that. The naps part, mainly. ;) I'm glad that she helps you out!!
So glad God has blessed you with your sweet kitty. Hope you are doing better soon. You are in my prayer journal.
Aw, she's so cute!!! And sounds quite entertaining!! :) I'm glad you have her to keep you company...
What an adorable story! I love that God uses animals to comfort us.
Much love to you!
She is so precious. A very loving cat. I'm so glad you have her for company. Take care and God Bless.
I'm glad she keeps you company. Cute! Truly is a blessing from God! Take care. Hope you continue to recover!
What a precious companion you have!
Kat - I am so sorry that you still are having such pain with your medical problem. I still pray for you my precious friend! We just don't realize how we take our health for granted until we see others going through trials as you are. Keep your eyes on Him and I will continue to lift you up!
What a lovely post. We think about our four legged family as just that, family. No matter how bad the day you can always come home to the unreserved love of the cats and our crazy dog.
I have really enjoyed visiting your blog and so many lovely images.
I have to say I am more of a dog person. We had a cat once and she ruined me forever on cats... but I have to admit your Bella is too cute. Glad she is there to keep you company.
Hope you feel better real soon. Blessings and prayers!
Would you believe that my word verification word is "michhouse?" How fun is that?!!!
How sweet is she? So glad you have her to keep you company. Blessings often come with fur and whiskers. Blessings to you, Debbie
God sends us blessing when we least expect them! Thankfully He sent you Bella to help you through this very trying time. Praying for you and for them to find your problem.
I have seen a lot of nurses, but never one like yours. Whatever it takes to put peace in your life, go for it.
Oh she is precious and our pets are a blessing and definitely an important part of our lives.
There is nothing more softer than the purr of a kitten who is laying on you.
Not exactly what the purr means, but I would think it meant she is comfortable, warm and happy.
We are dog lovers but have had a few cats through the years. In fact we are thinking about getting a kitten in the spring.
Take care-
I am so glad that you have Bella too! What a sweet kitty she is!!!
Bella is precious.
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