Thursday, February 25, 2010

Do You Have an Issue with Trust?

What do you do with fear when God calls you to take a next step? Do you wait for him to take away the fear before you move or do you wade through the fear and see what God will do? Where do you find the strength to push beyond that edge, to take that first step? Is courage a gift or does it have its own learning curve?

If you've ever had these questions running through your head at one time or another, then I would like to challenge you to participate in a unique Bible Study I want to begin starting next week and it would be on Mondays. I will run the study on my Monday blog posts for those interested in following along and working through the study. This way there are no extra emails filling up your in box with even more tasks to work on.

There are 12 study days so that would take us about 3 months to complete working on it together one day a week, and you can update your own responses in the comments anytime you get to them if there are questions or even discussions. People can just jump right in if they want and no need to participate in all 12 if you are super busy. I want this study to be successful so you can jump in at any point during the day when you find time or even later in the week. Just remember to jump to my blog posts for Monday.

I will label them under the topic titles and then number them so you will know just where we are at in the study. Sound like a plan? How many of you would be interested?

Our study will be going through a book I am currently reviewing for Thomas Nelson Publishers by Shelia Walsh called "Beautiful Things Happen When A Woman Trusts God" if you want to pick up a copy of the book.

The first study will be called, " Why Am I So Afraid?" I can't wait and if you want to read ahead we'll start with Joshua 1:1-9. It might help you get started on the reading part but its not that heavy.

I am so looking forward to seeing the power of just how this study will glorify God and bless all the women and even men that participate in this, and I look forward to learning from all of you as well.

NOTE: Don't forget today is the final day to enter either giveaway I am hosting for a 2 book giveaway listed here and for the free rice sample click here. Winners will be notified and posted tomorrow. Don't delay! Also please complete my poll at the top of the page on the right. I am interested in your imput please!


  1. This is the second post I have seen on "trust," in a row. God must be telling me something, huh Kat. Will look forward to your posts. Blessings.

  2. Sounds like a great topic. I will do my best to participate when I can. Could you post a link to buy the book? I know it's a simple amazon search, but these days, anything helps lower the stress level.

    I look forward to next monday - wow, never thought I'd say those words.

  3. Hope you are doing well. Praying for you, sweetie!
    Hugs, andrea

  4. I like that topic. I really want to get that book. I want to look at Borders sometime.

    I would definitely like to participate, but if you don't mind, I like to listen in Bible studies and would probably be more on the quiet side.

  5. yesyesyesyes! please!

    Its funny, no problem trusting God, but a LOT of problem trusting people!

    But the Bible study sounds just what I'm needing at present!

  6. I'm busy lately with so many things to do. But I will try to come by every Monday because that is an awesome plan sister Kat! Thank you for this. May the Lord open my heart and mind and all who will participate and protect us all. It sounds so exciting that we are able to do a Bible study. There is no far distances when the Lord's love just unite His people! God bless sister and I'm keeping you in my prayers.

  7. The only way I can move past my fear is to "feel the fear and do it anyway."

    I know that God will give me the strength that I need even when I feel like giving up.

    I adore Sheila Walsh and her books. I haven't read her latest book so I'm looking forward to the study. I know it will be inspiring for me.

  8. I am sorry to say I am not as trusting as I used to be. In the Lord, yes. People, no. They tend to take advantage of older, widows.

  9. I truly want to participate, but can't afford the book right now. Will it be a necessity?

  10. I will be right here. I don't have a trust issue...but it sounds like a great study.

  11. Hello my fellow Southern Californian

    I am unable to join your Bible study but I do hope God blesses it.

    Keep up the good work for Jesus,
    and thanks for your comments on my blog.


  12. I will pray for your study dear one. I know it will be awesome. You know I'm getting ready to go off line for a while to "write" etc but I will be praying for you and your friends/readers who follow the bible study. I love you!!

  13. got the book today...thanks again!

  14. :) Sounds like a great study. I'm doing one on the life of David right now. I hope it's a powerful one.

    Thanks for the note for the giveaway. I know the right person/people will win. :)


    I see I've missed a lot about you here. Can't keep up and that's a sad reality to me as a blogger.

    Sorry about your health issues. May God heal you and make you whole.

  15. I will look forward to reading your Monday posts...will probably not actively participate, but will surely read what you write whenever I can.

    Oh, and I voted on the opinion is that it is better to keep your book reviews on this blog...for me having to go to another blog to read your reviews will require more extra cyber time for me, which I am trying to avoid.

    Thanks for all you say on your blesses my heart so!



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