I had the wonderful opportunity this week to be able to host some great giveaways and had my lovely children pick the winners. So without further adieu...
For the winner of the 2 book pack, Secrets and Beneath a Southern Sky, that Caitlyn, my oldest had the pleasure of choosing is....
Mich at Mich! Congratulations Mich! I know you will love both of these books and the mini vacations you will find yourself on with both. In addition I am tossing in a couple of extra surprises! Please email me with where you would like these shipped!
For the 5 lucky winners of the Free Minute Rice Ready to Serve Coupons that my youngest, Kailee, had the most fun picking out, and the winners are...
Thena at Patiently Waiting
Carol at Joy In Journey...Carol I know you are moving in March so where can I send it here in the states for you?
Parsley at Seasons of My Mind
Susan D at This Day
Amy at Filled With Praise
Congratulations to all the wonderful winners. Ladies, if you can please email me with your snail mail addresses, I can get these off to you. You have until the end of March to use them. Be sure to stay with me, as I am doing some great things here in a couple of weeks and the giveaways are going to be more and bigger!
I am on my way to my OB GYN today for my ultra sound at 11am PST so please keep me in your prayers! I could use it as I have a tendency to get super nervous. Let us hope this will provide the answers to what has been going on. Last night my doctor Alan called me and actually asked how I was doing? He wanted to let me know some good things about my recent labs that my CA-125 results which determine cancer is normal. He assured me it didn't rule out a malignancy but it does provide him some good news that it may not be cancerous.
How wonderful is that? I mean a doctor that doesn't literally make house calls but then again he did call me at home. Doesn't that qualify and how many doctors actually take the time to call you to see how you are doing? Not the nursing staff or someone in the office, but the actually doctor.
Steve had to revive me pretty quick to take the call after I passed out when he told me it was the doctor. Even he was impressed. Isn't God amazing? He also wanted to know when I was doing my ultrasound because those tests were missing and when I told him I would be there tomorrow, he assured me that even though he had a couple of surgeries scheduled, he would make the time to review them and call me back when he had time.
Praising God and doing a happy dance. Again congratulations winners and I'll update as I get the results! Until then, keep the prayers coming!
Congrats to all the winners. Praying for you today sweetie.
I'm excited about winning the minute rice sample, but I'm even more excited for you. So glad the doctor called and gave you good news. The fact that he showed he cared made you do your happy dance and that makes me smile.
I hope today goes great at the doctor and you have the answers you need.
And may God receive all the glory for what is happening in your life right now.
Love and Blessings,
P.S. I'll e-mail you the info you need.
Congrats to the winners!
I'm so happy to hear you have a Dr who called you - that really means a lot. And - good news on the CA-125. I know it's not fool proof, but in my experience it's a really good indication. Praying the Ultrasound goes well.
These are such wonderful news, Kat...the doctor calling you, and the kindness of his attitude toward you.
This is God giving you a turnaround after months of agonizing over inefficient or uncaring medical people.
We have prayed, and now we just wait for how He will break through for you!
I will continue to pray for you.
Congrats to the winners!
Congrats to the winners! and prayers coming.....!!!! How great to actually get a good doctor! About time, and I hope your scan thing is thorough and finds what it needs to for the next step. Also the fact that its not cancerous has got to be a good thing surely, as dealing with it will be more final and less drawn out- which also for you would be a VERY good thing I think?
Anyhow, prayers zooming Kat-wards! (that makes you sound like a trapeze artist or something out of a circus! not intended!)
Kudos are in store for all who won! Yippee.
Blessings to you Kat. You remain in my prayers.
Yeah for Mich for winning the books. Congrats to all the winners of the rice. Including ME! ahaha Can't wait to try these. Thanks so much for sharing.
Covering you in prayer for more good news.
Blessings, SusanD
Congratulations to the winners! And I'm glad that the doctor is truly helping you to discover what ails you and is determined to treat the cause, not just the symptoms! Praise God!
Keeping you in prayers. It's normal to be nervous when we don't know what's ahead. But our Father knows. I'll leave you Philippians 4:6,7:
"6Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Love and blessings to you sister Kat. Take care.
Congrats to the winner!
And hip hip hooray on finally finding a doctor who cares. I pray for good results in all the tests, and a pain-free future!
Thanks for your sweet note. I have not been visiting anyone's blog lately... just too much going on with sickness and migraines... and LIFE! That silly life is always getting in the way. LOL.
Good to hear from you.
Congrats to all the winners. Saying a prayer for you today!
Whoo Hoo! I never win anything! I am so excited! Thanks so much, friend!
I am doing the happy dance with you. Prayers continue on your behalf.
Hang in there! I truly believe God is going to show you "treasures" from this dark period in your life. Thanks so much for the sweet comments you left me. You are a blessing!!!
Prayer in progress.
My doctor comes to my house on a regular basis. She's the best ever.
G'day Kat ~ Congrats! to all the lucky winners!
Praying all goes well for you today, sweet friend. My Dr. Alan calls me at home, too ... we now joke about his 'house calls'.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Hugs, TTFN ~ Marydon
That is awesome that the Doctor called you. Prayers are being answered. Continually prayer for good results of all of your tests. Also that you will FINALLY get answers.
Winning the rice is exciting but good new from the Doctor is even better. I posted a giveaway today ending on Monday.
Congratulations to the winners!
I am so glad about the good news your doctor had for you and that he called you. I'm keeping you in prayer daily. I will check back for your results today.
Congratulations to the winners. Prayers for you. We are coveting them, too. Kristin, our 17 year old, has developed PVC. More tests on Monday.
congrats to all the winners. How fun! Thanks for hosting so many giveaways.
Congratulations to all of the great winners !!
Congrats to the winners of your giveaway. Now I am going to go check your most recent post for the update on your health. :)
Congratulations to the winners.
Praying for the best and I'm so happy you found this wonderful doctor.
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