Monday, January 11, 2010

Where is God? ~ Book Review

Ever wonder in the midst of all the tragedies in today's world, is God really there? Did He abandon you? Is He too busy? Are you being punished?

Now more than ever in the last few years many people have begun to ask the question, where is God in my crisis? Sometimes our countless days and months of prayer seemingly go by without any answer so we are left to wonder, did God hear me?

We have a family illness or possible death and wonder will God hear our prayer? Will He heal them? Will I be the one to receive the miraculous healing?

So often in these times it is normal to question our God and ask why, much like our children pose that very same question to us as parents so many times when they too, don't understand. Yet despite their circumstances, we are there, we've never left our children, and we are right there by their side enduring whatever it is with them.

God is the very same way. Much like a parent who has to witness some life altering event in the life of their child, parents will hold their childs hand, cry with them, reassure them, and offer whatever comfort they can.

The only difference is that we are physically present and God isn't that physical presence that we would all love to have. Yet He is there right with us, no matter what. He is never too busy. You are that important to Him that He will make whatever time you need and endure it all with you.

I was fortunate to review the book, Where is God? from Dr. John Townsend for Thomas Nelson publishers at a time in my own personal life where I too have asked that question. I found so much peace and solace within the pages of this book and each was reference with many many scripture references and Biblical examples to mirror our own lives. Even Jesus himself was faced with so many of those same situations and He too cried out to God, " My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?"

Even Jesus wondered where God was in the midst of all His suffering, yet we see just how faithful God is in His timing of these situations. While the answer to our prayers might be a speedy yes, it may also be a long one as well taking many years to answer. It may be a No or even the dreaded wait!

Yet in the midst of it all, God's promises are everlasting and the book does offer comfort. An ever increasing number of people are still asking this question daily. People want to know what God is doing. How can He make a difference in their economic downturn, their job struggles, their relational hardships, even their health issues? Maybe you have those very same questions.

"God has not left you twisting in the wind, nor is He playing hide-and-seek," says Dr. Townsend. "He wants to be present with you and powerful for you in your circumstances. He may bring a miracle. He may create a new path. And He may walk with you through a loss. But however your hard time plays out, He is here. He is for you, no matter your struggle."

I am giving away a copy of this book, "Where is God?" by Dr. John Townsend if you leave a comment. I am very confident that this book will help comfort you while you wait for His answer and you will feel His presence in your life. If you post about this giveaway on your blog, I will provide you with another entry, please post a separate comment and let me know. Also if you follow me, I'll add another entry for you. SO you can see three entries per person are possible.

I have received a copy of this book to review by Thomas Nelson Publishers.


  1. I would love to have this book. I have read other books of his..he is a great author.

  2. I already follow you here on blogger.

    Do you have a twitter acct. or facebook? I have been meaning to ask you.

    Blessings, andrea

  3. Sounds like an awesome book. Please enter me in the giveaway.

  4. I would love this book given all my family is enduring right now. . .

  5. That book sounds great! I wonder if I could find it around here if I don't win...There's a great place called the Berean in Ohio, but I don't really know of any good Christian bookstores in NYC.

    And I follow your blog! Does that count?! :)

  6. Sounds like a great book. I know that God is always with us but I do get that question from my husband everytime he hears bad news. When there is good news I always remind him of the fact that I prayed for that!

  7. I would love to have this book....for me and the youth I work with!

  8. Great post. I like your analogy of parents supporting their children, comforting them, and that God does the same. He is always with His children, and we can rely upon His promise to never leave nor forsake us. Also that we need to wait upon God's timing, nor on our own. We want everything now! And LOL, we do not want to hear that dreaded no.
    One of the most read posts on my blog addresses a similar question, "Has God abandoned me?"

  9. Sounds like an excellent Book. I would be interested in reading it.
    After the drawing could you maybe post where and how much the book can be purchased for.


  10. Sounds like a great book I would like to read. And I follow you on blogger. Thanks, wb.


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