Monday, December 7, 2009

Pain is Not the Enemy! ~ Book Review

Finding Purpose Beyond Our Pain
By Paul Meier, MD and David Henderson, MD
Published by: Thomas Nelson Publishers

Do you ever wonder how some people simply can move through the difficulties that come our way while others struggle barely able to keep their head above the turbulent water that seeks to devour and swallow them up? Do you ever wonder what is God’s purpose is throughout the things we, as people, must all experience at some point in our lives? How do we get from beginning in the midst of that challenge and arrive safely to the other side?

In his book, Finding Purpose Beyond Our Pain, Paul Meier takes you through seven different kinds of struggles we are all likely to face in our lives. These are:

* Injustice
* Rejection
* Loneliness
* Loss
* Discipline
* Failure
* Death

In each chapter, Dr. Meier and Dr. Henderson provide you with some great ways to see how this struggles can benefit you, how to deal with them and how to move through them to seek the joy and blessings that await us all on the other side. They offer ways for us to let go of the things we can not change and accept the lessons in life we are suppose to take away from them all. This book is designed not only to help us get through the physical pain of each of these situations but through the emotional pain as well. The book also teaches you that instead of chasing after a pain-free existence, we see adversity as an ally, a temporary companion that leads us away from danger and towards healing, a trainer that pushes us through to the next level of growth.

This review is my humble opinion and I received this copy free from Thomas Nelson Publishers with no compensation. All they asked what that I share my opinion once I read the book. Please visit if you are interested or would like to read any other reviews.


  1. I used to listen to Paul Meier on the radio years ago. (Mirnith-Meier Clinic, I believe the program was from) I've also read another of his books that he co-authored called Love Hunger. He is a wonderful author and digs deep into your soul with his thoughts and words. I'm sure this new book is wonderful too.

    Lee Ann

  2. Might have to look into it.

    Hope you are feeling better.

  3. This sounds like an exceptional book. Thanks for the recommendation. I love to read!

    I am praying for you to feel much better soon and "get answers!"

    Hugs,love, and prayers, andrea

  4. You have 2 awards on arise 2 write. One is a few posts down and one is on the current post.
    Blessings, andrea

  5. So far I've done all but death, and never ever wondered why. And I've been to the edge and back a couple of times in my life. Both as a believer and as a skeptic. As a skeptic there is no one to ask why. And as a believer there is no reason to ask why.

  6. I think I'm going to look into this. What a great review!

  7. I am dropping back by to tell you that I love you and I am continuing to pray for you. I hope today is a better day.
    Blessings and hugs,

  8. Great author and speaker. Thanks dear for sharing...

  9. Thank you! I am definitely going to get this books.


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