Too often during this time of the year, we are often caught up in finding that perfect gift for a family member, a child, or even a close and dear friend. We may spend hours looking over catalogs, websites and even store shelves looking for something that will convey the feeling we have for that person deep down inside.
We want something that will last the whole year if not more and each and every time they look at it, it will convey that very message to them. Yet, we are missing the point.
Nothing we will ever buy for someone will provide that feeling we are hoping it will. It may last for longer than a day, perhaps longer still but not the feeling we hope it will for the entire year if not longer. The only gift that truly does offer that feeling is the one that God provided almost 2000 years ago. It's the reason we celebrate the Christmas season. Its not for the gift-giving or for Santa, or all the junk that goes hand in hand with this time of the year. It is the gift God gave us by presenting this sin filled world with His very own Son!
God sent us this perfect child who would live for some 33 years and experience the worst kind of abuse at our hands, the worst kind of discrimination and the worst kind of punishment all for the sake of restoring our relationship with God, the Father, so that when this life for us ends, we, who believe, will have an eternal home with our Savior and God. It is the gift of love.
It truly does last longer than anything we can ever buy. Rich men and women for years have tried to buy happiness but realize it doesn't ever last. It's because love can not be bought. It can't be earned. It is a gift that is freely and unconditionally given. Along with a measure of grace because we can't earn our way into Heaven, we must strictly just believe with all our hearts, all of our minds, with all of our strength and with all of our spirit that Jesus died to restore that break between men and God, and was raised again so that by believing in Jesus Christ, we will have life eternally.
What greater gift honestly could you ask for? If you already have that assurance of salvation, we should be seeking to share it with anyone and everyone who doesn't. We need to show them through our actions that love that Jesus has shown all of us. So that by our actions alone, they might be won over and believe.
It's Christmas time and there is no greater gift than love. Won't you share that gift with someone today.
I believe, do you?
1 Corinthians 13:13
And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
It's ALL about Jesus and the love the Father lavished on us. We need to let our Light shine with the demonstration of love so they know Who that love really comes from.
ReplyDeleteYes I Believe... In Jesus Christ, the Risen Son.
Yes, I truly do believe sweetie.
ReplyDeleteHi Sweet Friend,
ReplyDeleteOh how I truly do BELIEVE with all of my mind, heart and soul that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior of the world. Amen!
Love you,
Yes, this is the greatest gift! I want to be ever so intentional about giving it too.
ReplyDeleteLove to you, my friend.
You're so right. We look for gifts that will make the recipient know how loved they are, but what Jesus did far surpasses our own feeble efforts. Thanks for the reminder that our salvation is greater than any gift we could could come up with. The gift of eternal life. Let's share that, to truly spread the joy!
ReplyDeleteAmen...Sharing God's gift,
Yes - I believe!
ReplyDeleteAmen! He is the Best Gift anyone can have. There is always emptiness with things of the world. And Jesus is not of this world. He is our 'All-in-All'. Have a blessed Christmas sister Kat. I'm so glad to see you posting more. May the Lord continue to protect you, bless you and heal you completely. Take care!
ReplyDeletePraise God for the greatest gift... His Son!
ReplyDeleteYes, I do believe that. This is the perfect time of year to let that kind of spirit show forth. good post.
ReplyDeleteSweet friend, I do believe, and I agree with you that this is the most important gift of all that we can give. Thank you for the reminder! No other gift can even compare to the eternal one.
ReplyDeleteGreat post!
ReplyDeleteThe only birthday I know of , where the birthday boy does all the giving. So glad He did. He is the greatest gift.
You spoke my heart sweet friend. It is ALL about Jesus. And ONLY about Jesus.
ReplyDeleteLet's all make sure the He shines brightly this season for the world to see and perhaps in each of our circles, we can influence others to taste of His Splendor!
Great message Kat. Life isn't about how much you have, its about how much you give. I am praying for Mia too.
ReplyDeleteGreat post Kat!
ReplyDeleteI know is sounds so cliche....but Jesus IS the Reason for this Season!
Merry Christmas from your Believing friend,
I believe!!! I'm so thankful for our wonderful God and all His amazing blessings and promises...He is the best gift ever...Let's let His light shine through us!
ReplyDeleteBlessings in Christ,
I believe too! :)
ReplyDeleteThis was a great post Kat! Reminding us that Love is what Christmas is all about!
Yes I believe.
ReplyDeleteVery nice Kat. Thank you. Blessings.