Oh how this week has flown by and last week I was completely lost in a deep fog. However in keeping up with my Thankful Thursday posts, I am joining with Sonya at Truth 4 The Journey and listing 5 of them here.
1. I am thankful I am on the road to recovery. After being sick for so long and in pain for longer than I care to remember, I am moving in the right direction. I am thankful for my prayer warriors who sensed something was wrong and immediately began praying, emailing me and calling me. You have given me encouragement when I was down!
2. I am thankful I did not have to return to the hospital to get my diagnosis or to get better. Due to my doctor's diligence in getting the test results back and taking some aggressive action prior to knowing what was wrong, I am able to recover at home and had a 4 day head start on the treatment. Praise God. I was also able to get a doctor's appointment through a cancellation a day earlier to give me peace of mind and treatment right away.
3. I am thankful of all the hours in the day, that only a few of them remain with pain in them. It could be worse, I could be in pain for all of them, for now, only about 1/5 of the day I am dealing with the affects of the infection. I am thankful that I had pain meds available to me that I have been able to take during these long weeks. I will be so thankful when I am painfree!
4. I am thankful for a husband that made a difficult decision on Monday to risk losing his job to take care of me and see that I was able to be treated and took me to the doctors a day early to get my diagnosis. He was able to return to work the next day.
5. I am thankful for a Lord and Savior that is never too busy to heal me, in His timing and in His way to provide all the glory due to Him. I only need to offer up the prayer, believe with all my heart, and keep my eyes and heart focused on Him. Jesus took care of the details. I can now give Him all the praise He is due all day and night long. Praising God and Thanking Him for this Thursday and all the blessings in it!
I've just been playing 'catch-up' on your posts. Its really great that the doctor has got to the source of your pain and that you are now being treated and healing.So thankful!
Yes, what a blessed week that things are turning around for the better. It is also such a blessing that your husband values you so much and wants to care for you. Many a woman would love that quality in her hubby! Hurray for the hubs! It has been such a pleasure to get to know you better and pray for you also as I know you have been kind enough to pray for me too. I hope you continue to improve in health quickly.
Great things to be thankful for. I find that in the middle of hard times, you can really see God at work around you!
I am so thnkful that I am down to TWO trees.....
I am SO thankful that you are on the road to recovery too! Hope your days continue to be more pain free as they go on.
Bautiful and thoughtful thankful list today. I know you are so thankful to be feeling and getting better day by day. God is good.
I sent out all my Christmas cards...they are on the way to everyone on the list:)
I'm so glad to read that you are having some much better days and less pain. PTL!
I am so glad that you had such a blessed week. I am glad that they finally found out what was wrong.
I am thankful you are feeling better and leaving nice comments.
I'm thankful for the Christmas cards from total strangers that I've begun to receive thanks to YOU and your blog idea. =0)
Love it!
I'm so glad for the accurate diagnosis and treatment and that you're doing better Kat.
"I am thankful for a Lord and Savior that is never too busy..." Me too. :)
Amen sister to all of them!!
I am thankful I met you in "Blogger Land" You are ever faithful and such an inspiration.
Love to you my friend
Kat - I am so thankful with you for your improved health!
Praying that you continue on the path to wellness through our precious Lord!
Dear Kat,
These are all beautiful blessings, indeed. I am rejoicing with you on every one of them.
So very glad to know you are on the road to recovery. I continue to pray for you.
Awesome thankful post.
I am so thankful that you are on the road to recovery too! :)
I am thankful to call you my friend and so happy your doing better.
I'm so sorry to read you've been sick. I pray that the LORD will continue to heal your body. Sending love your way.
I hate it when I don't visit blogs. I miss so much. It's hard to accept my limitations at this time. Thank you for your friendship through the highs and lows of your week. You continue to bless me.
Love and hugs,
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