Tuesday, November 17, 2009

You've Got Mail?

How many of you currently hop on out to your mailboxes each and every day, only to find it filled with junk mail and bills? Wouldn't you just love to see a handwritten card or a letter from a far away friend?

I am not an email fan per say but I love the excitement of seeing cards and packages arriving in the mail. I decided since Christmas is just around the corner, to start a Christmas card exchange. This way between now and Christmas you will have more than bills and junk mail to look forward to. You just never know what you will get and when you will get it.

If you would love to participate, here is what you must do.

1. Email me your mailing information at Stevenkat27@verizon.net.

2. In one week, I will email you a list of all the participants in the Christmas Card Exchange. It is up to you to send whatever you would like to the bloggers on the list. You can start with a simple Christmas card or send something a whole lot more. You can begin mailing them out whenever you want as long as it is before Christmas!

I wanted to provide a way to bring God's love and joy back into the Christmas season and give you all a little something to look forward to in your mailbox. I love and collect Christmas cards each and every year and add them to my home decorations for Christmas!

Looking forward to seeing just how many of you are wanting to participate? I am also working on a Secret Santa and will be sending that out next week if your interested as well!


  1. Not only I'm happy to see you regularly posting now but you always come out with great God-inspired ideas. There is just something with handwritten cards than emails. It has a more personal touch...And to know that someone took his/her effort, that would mean so much to the receiver. God bless you sister Kat and so glad you're feeling better! Have a great day! Love to you.

  2. I love receiving mail!! I think that is so sweet. I'm so glad that you're feeling well :)

  3. What a neat idea!

    I am praying for you Kat. I know you have some decisions to make and I pray that the Lord will guide you in this!

    Love to you - Beth

  4. What a fun idea. I just copied your email address. I need to email you mine.

  5. Such a sweet idea, praying for you dear.

  6. I agree with RCUBES...this is an inspired idea. I sent you my mailing info and can hardly wait to bless and be blessed by those I do not yet know

  7. Kat,

    I love this idea. I'm definitely participating.


  8. I think you already know what you need for me to participate in the card mailing. I love cards and should own a card shop by now. I cannot begin to tell you how many cards I send out in a years time. One of the main things I look forward to each day, is the mailman coming. I do get a lot of junk mail, but I still get the thrill of going and getting it. My box is on the street, not the house. So happy you are free of pain and feel like doing something besides laying in bed.

  9. Letter writing is definitely a lost art and I would love to participate in this. I'm just so crazy busy w/the house and class work that I don't know how I'll be able to fit it in. Let me think about it. Whether I play or not, I pray for it's success. Blessings, SusanD

  10. Great idea. Count me in. Will be sending you my information.

  11. What an awesome idea! You come up with the best ideas. I am awful at letter writing and emailing, however.

    My hubby always jokes that our relationship would have failed if either of us had moved away while dating as I am so bad about writing, lol!

    Maybe that's why I'm having a hard time blogging every day!

  12. What a fun and creative idea!! I will def be sending you an e-mail. Just stumbled upon your blog today for the first time. Will def be back!! :)

  13. What an awesome idea!! You got my info ~ I am IN :)

    Love you

  14. Well, what a neat idea! I come from a big family, and we all send each other birthday cards. Hubby comes from a big family too, but his family doesn't send birthday cards. He sometimes feels sad about that. So one year I asked my sisters to send him a card on his birthday. Not only did they all send him one, but they asked their friends and co-workers to send one, and our mailbox was overflowing! Lol...

  15. How fun!!!! I wanna play! I think I have my email somewhere in that messy blog of mine. hehehe

  16. Kat, Glad you are feeling better. Thanks for sharing your favs with me. I have never heard of Suzie Qs before... I'll have to see if they have it here. What do you use it with? Love and Blessings, Audrey


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